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Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
November 2013
In This Issue
November Membership Meeting
President's Monthly Note
Fall Aging Conference Donations
Save the Date!
Quick Links
Issue: # 11November 2013

November is the month to give thanks and we would like to take this opportunity to recognize all of the senior workers in our community. Thank you for being a MASWA member and for serving the seniors in our community with such amazing dedication, passion and energy.


Happy Thanksgiving!

The MASWA Board



November -

There will be no MAWA membership meeting in November due to the Thanksgiving holiday.



December -   Save the Date!

Joint Public Policy meeting with St. Paul Area Senior Workers Association on Tuesday, December 10, 2013 at 2:30 pm. The meeting will be at the State Capitol building. We will be sending an e-mail with the room number, a map and parking directions closer to the date. 


Beth NemecThis November finds me thankful for many things. I am thankful for the things that are easy for us to take for granted: our health; our families; our jobs and warm houses with plenty of food to eat. But, professionally I am thankful for the wonderful, dedicated community of people that are serving the seniors in the twin cities - specifically our MASWA members. I am especially thankful for the board and committee members that worked countless hours to make our 39th Annual Fall Aging Conference a success! Once again this committee - made up of 100% volunteers - thoughtfully organized and executed a great event. I am also thankful for our membership which provides us the opportunity to plan the event through our membership and attendance.  


November is our month that our normal meeting time - the fourth Thursday of the month - falls on Thanksgiving this year. Therefore, we will have no MASWA meeting in November, but look forward to the joint public policy meeting on December 10th hosted by SPSWA. Please stay tuned for information regarding speakers and location. I hope you have the opportunity to spend it with your loved ones being thankful for those things by which you have been blessed.



Beth Nemec


At the Fall Aging Conference we collected and donated 250 pounds of non-perishable food for the East Side Neighborhood Services Senior Food Shelf.  They were very grateful!

Mark your calendars:


THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014

11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Start thinking about what door prizes you would like to donate to this fun, annual event...


There will be limited availability for vendors ~


We'll see you there !!