Sharon Olwin is the "silent member" of the MASWA Board. Hired to handle the ongoing office work of MASWA in January of 2003, Sharon has assisted the board and membership in invaluable ways for years. When she started working with MASWA, she handled getting the newsletter printed and mailed to the membership (yes, snail mail), and maintained the membership database until recently when it was put on the website.
Every fall, Sharon plays an integral part of making the Fall Aging Conference a huge success by receiving and tracking paper registration forms and checks, and combining them with online registrations on a database. She also creates name badges for hundreds of attendees, the vendors, speakers and the FAC Planning Team.
In August of 1996, Sharon started her business, Business Support Center. Working out of her home office, she provides various administrative support services to a selection of clients (including MASWA) on an as-needed/hourly fee basis.
"The businesses I work with are all very different from each other, with very specific administrative needs," Sharon said. "It is rewarding to discover what they need help with, customize my service to their particular needs, and if necessary get training and learn new things to accomplish the tasks they require."
The Olwins moved this past summer to a new house they built on a farm located on the west shore of Fountain Lake south of Montrose, MN. Sharon and her husband have 4 adult daughters, and love spoiling their seven grandchildren.
In her spare time, Sharon likes to spend long weekends on Lake Superior on their boat which is kept in a marina in Bayfield, Wisconsin. She also likes to read, travel, cook, enjoy music and a variety of the needle arts.
After working with MASWA for ten years, Sharon says, "My favorite part of working with MASWA is definitely the members. They are a dedicated, supportive, caring group of people ... and, as a special bonus, lots of fun!"
Thank you, Sharon, for all the work you do to help make MASWA such a fabulous organization.