BREWSTER DAY CAMP          Newsletter    January 1, 2017        Vol. 36 Issue 4
Hello Brewster Day Camp,


As we enter 2017, I am thinking a lot about CONNECTIONS. Gina Bellman, a New Zealand-born British actress, so aptly states, "I love those connections that make this big old world feel like a little village."  Given all that is going on in our world, many of us feel fractured or disconnected. Now is the time to embrace authentic CONNECTIONS just like the vital attachments found at camp!

BDC is well-known for helping campers feel included and CONNECTED immediately upon arrival at 3570 Main Street. We train our staff to assist children in making meaningful attachments (to an adult and to another child) within the first five minutes on campus. This goal of creating swift and honest CONNECTIONS happens when people create a thoughtful and deliberate environment where this type of interaction is sought after and expected. 

To be sure - creating a "culture of connection" is challenging work! At BDC, we create CONNECTION in lots of ways: by truly listening to others; by feeling our own emotions; by honoring other people's perspectives; by being fully present; by valuing differences; by being authentic and sharing our true selves with others, and much more. 
Now more than ever, our world desperately needs honest CONNECTIONS which sustain us as human beings. This month and beyond, I am challenging myself to embrace CONNECTION as creating and sharing meaningful CONNECTIONS is powerful, valuable work. 
Here's to more CONNECTIONS through sharing...


misa signature
Milisa 'misa' Galazzi, Director
Brewster Day Camp

PS: Camp is the place to feel CONNECTED and BDC is filling up fast! Call us or email ASAP to reserve your spot. You may change your schedule until May 1st - so enroll now even if your summer plans are still evolving! Email here or call  888-396-CAMP (2267) to get started.

"Connection is the energy that is created between people  
when they feel seen, heard, and valued;  
When they can give and receive without judgement."

~ Brene' Brown


"We are like islands in the sea:
Separate on the surface, but connected in the deep."


Email us here or call us toll free at 888-396-CAMP

Reserve your spot & discuss payment options NOW!  

Nurturing and Challenging Children and Families on Cape Cod with  
Courage, Hope, Good Spirit & Peace since 1981!


Brewster Day Camp
888-396-CAMP (2267)
[email protected]
The Family Schools, Inc. and therefore Brewster Day Camp, embraces diversity in staff, students, families, and curriculum.   
TFS, Inc. and BDC do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, culture, age, religion, political beliefs, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or ability.