BREWSTER DAY CAMP Newsletter December 1, 2016 Vol. 36 Issue 3

Hello Brewster Day Camp! As we enter the busy holiday season I - like many of you - often feel pulled in different directions. Depending on my mind set, December can be a month of magic or a month of migraines! This year, I choose the former while I am focusing on the basics. I am reminding myself to celebrate the essential elements of life which sustain me in the cold winter months, as well as in the throws of a busy summer at camp. At BDC - as many of you know - our camp motto focuses on four grounding principles found in the acronym CHGsP. These words: COURAGE, HOPE, GOOD SPIRIT, and PEACE lie at the very foundation of what we do and how we operate at BDC. These are more than just words at 3570 Main Street - they are core values which shape how we interact with one another. This motto informs how we face the world both inside of our own heart, and outwardly towards others.
Today, this month, and for the foreseeable future, I am embracing COURAGE, HOPE, GOOD SPIRIT and PEACE with all of my heart.
Will you join me?
Until next month, I am wishing you an abundance of....
Milisa 'misa' Galazzi, Director Brewster Day Camp PS: Watch your snail mail box in the coming weeks...your BDC New Year's Card is on its way!
I call the wind from the North,
Its cold carries the COURAGE for hard work.
I call the sun from the East,
Its rays of light bring HOPE for each new day.
I call the heat from the South,
Its warmth carries GOOD SPIRIT to share with others.
I call the dark from the West,
Its quiet brings PEACE to the end of the day.
~ Marcia Galazzi
Author, BDC Compass Rose
Is filling fast - especially in the middle school age groups!
Email us here to reserve your spot and to discuss payment options.
We want YOU and YOUR FAMILY with us in 2017!
Maybe this year you are creating a New Years Card?
Use Shutterfly or tinyprints and you will be contributing to camper scholarships at BDC! Follow our link here
Nurturing and Challenging Children and Families on Cape Cod with
Courage, Hope, Good Spirit & Peace since 1981!
The Family Schools, Inc. and therefore Brewster Day Camp, embraces diversity in staff, students, families, and curriculum.
TFS, Inc. and BDC do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, culture, age, religion, political beliefs, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or ability.