BREWSTER DAY CAMP Newsletter October 1, 2016 Vol. 36 Issue 1

Hello Brewster Day Camp! Happy October. As the days become shorter and the shadows grow longer, we have all made the transition to fall. The Winter Office is now open with files alphabetized by camper, staff, and vendor, while our computers are now plugged into printers in Rhode Island. BDC'17 is officially launched with the SIMPLICITY of experienced hands at the helm!
Rob joins me in thanking the Early Bird families who have already enrolled for next summer, and we welcome others to email us directly to take advantage of our deepest discounts using our SIMPLE early enrollment opportunity here and below. Early Bird Enrollment is only available until October 15th. As always, schedule changes and refunds are available through May 1st, with Early Bird and regular enrollment. Thank you as well, to those who have shared thoughts about this past summer by completing our SIMPLE End of Season Survey. If you would like to let us know how we did and what we can do better - you may do so at any time - though the survey is available until October 15th. Find the survey link here and below. As always, your comments are super helpful as we begin to shape BDC '17!
With busy school and work schedules, please join me in focusing on the SIMPLICITY of watching a falling leaf or noticing the changes in the light near you. Take a moment to SIMPLY sit and smile - like the BDC campers and staff below! Until next month, I am wishing you...
Courage, Hope, Good Spirit & Peace! Milisa 'misa' Galazzi, Director Brewster Day Camp PS: Our campus is experiencing some major changes since the start of our complete pool renovation project, which began on August 25th. A big BDC THANK YOU goes to those who are working so hard to bring about the necessary upgrades to our pool including all new plumbing, filtration systems, decks, fencing, and pool liner. We will share photos when the project is complete. We also appreciate the patience of year-round families and staff who are experiencing this project first hand with front row seats to all the action on campus.
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Your comments about what works and what could be better helps us to make the right changes!
"Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify."
Now until October 15th, enjoy our deepest discounts and savings when you enroll for BDC'17!
Nurturing and Challenging Children and Families on Cape Cod with
Courage, Hope, Good Spirit & Peace since 1981!
The Family Schools, Inc. and therefore Brewster Day Camp, embraces diversity in staff, students, families, and curriculum.
TFS, Inc. and BDC do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, culture, age, religion, political beliefs, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or ability.