BREWSTER DAY CAMP         Newsletter          August 5, 2013       Week #7           Vol. 28  Issue 16
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Nurturing and Challenging Children and Families with Courage, Hope, Good Spirit & Peace since 1981!

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For more information
visit our website here.

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

- Aristotle  

bc hugs
After six camp weeks and countless laughs with friends, the SYNERGY is present in each tent group. Friendships are made fast at BDC and there are two more weeks to spend time with those special summer people!   
archery help
Learning a new skill, such as shooting an arrow at a target, requires a lot of patience and practice. With the SYNERGY created from this process, campers succeed in their personal challenges. This brave camper decided that even though he only has the use of one of his arms, he was still going to learn how to shoot an arrow - and with the help of his counselor - he did - many times! 
sing along
At BDC, we sing songs to welcome new friends, to be silly, and to celebrate special days. Music produces an instant SYNERGY and feeling of unity at camp amongst campers of all ages.

DATES this WEEK: August 5 - August 9, 2013


SPECIAL EVENT: Carnival Day on Friday! This is a morning only special event. Uniquely special at BDC, this camper created/camper run carnival is made special each year by kids for kids!
*Player's Performance at Admirals Hill Assembly, Friday at 3:15.

LAST WATER WIZZ TRIP #4: Thursday, August 8th. Plenty of space available! Call the BDC Office or just stop by to add this Trip!

ARCHERY TOURNAMENT at CCSC: Wednesday, August 7th By invitation only by our Head of Archery, BDC campers will travel across the street to compete at Cape Cod Sea Camps where there will be a few other Cape Cod camps in attendance.
SWIM MEET INFO: Wednesday, August 7th from 1:00-2:45 BDC vs. Wychmere Harbor in our pool. All are welcome! In addition, the BDC swim team will travel off campus to Cape Cod Sea Camps to compete in their pool.

: M-F 5:00-6:30 (Weather permitting so please call if you are making a special trip). PLEASE PARK IN THE CHURCH LOT IF YOU ARE STAYING FOR FAMILY SWIM! Thank you.

EXTRAS: There is still room to add the following to your BDC camper's schedule: Semi Private Swim, Tennis, Golf, Sailing School, and Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP). Inquire at the BDC Office.

FRIDAY MORNING ASSEMBLIES: All Camp at Sailors Hill 8:50-9:30 and Young Children's Program at Mariners Hill 9:30-10:00. Please join us rain or shine!
This week at LEAP, campers designed flags to represent their own tent groups in honor of Olympic Day. Creating a design for a flag requires excellent SYNERGY amongst those who will be represented by it. What would your own family's flag look like?

Thank you in advance for keeping our busy parking lot safe for children and families.    


- If your  child is old enough to use the Hello and Go in the mornings, we encourage you to do so for easy drop offs between 8-8:45am! 


- Please drive slowly! Even when the parking lot is empty.


- Always follow the directions of the BDC Parking Attendants wearing orange vests.


- Put away your cell phone so that your full attention is on driving and parking. We are a cell phone limited campus. 

- Use the white shelled Safe Path (through the trees) to stay away from cars near the BDC Office if you have parked in the lower parking lot near our Exit.   


- Turn off your car when you go to get your campers - even if it is hot. The fumes from the exhaust are unhealthy for those nearby.  


- While in the parking lot, children should remain with you at all times.  


-  We are a smoke free campus. Please refrain from smoking in your car while in our lot.



animal find ANIMAL FIND of the WEEK: This week as I was strolling down the path through the woods to the beach, I found this blue crab far from its home! I returned him to the water where he quickly waddled himself back home and sunk his body under the sand. Thanks for visiting dry land  Mr. Crab! Sometimes human and animal SYNERGY is helps to save lives - both creatures can benefit from this special bond.
Here Are General BDC Reminders:

- Not sure what the Camper Expectations are at BDC? Go here to read BDC '13 Campers' Guide.

- Remember to pack a HUGE lunch with lots of healthy snacks. Campers burn nearly twice the amount of calories while playing at camp than they do sitting at a desk in school.

*SMARTLUNCHES: If you wish to purchase a pre-made lunch for your camper, please do it one week in advance by going to the SmartLunches website here.

- Prepare for all types of weather! If the weather is iffy, please send a rain coat! Even as we move to dry locations, ALL of our campers are encouraged to have the appropriate clothing.

Shhhhhhhh...camp is ending soon...

As sad as we are to say it, our camp season ends Friday, August 16th. Please make the necessary arrangements with your family and friends. All are welcome to the Council Fire Friday August 16th in our back field. Council Fire details will be printed in next week's eWAVES. Stay tuned!
Hello BDC Family and Friends,

As we coast into Week 7, the incredible SYNERGY on campus is palpable. There are countless moving pieces that make BDC the well-oiled machine that it is. From Early Bird Enrollment in September to the thousands of beads strung by Tent Counselors onto their campers' necklaces - it takes a hearty and cheery team to create the magic of camp!

This past Friday we celebrated Olympic Day here at BDC. After weeks of planning, gathering supplies, and dividing campers into eight countries - the balloons were tossed, the swim races swum and the 100 yard dash dashed. Campers young and old competed in BDC's 17th Modern Olympic games with a tremendous amount of good spirit and great fun. The SYNERGY created by camper teammates, counselors, and directors made for an outstanding day. This week, we turn our energies toward producing Carnival Day: a Friday morning of fun created by and for campers...come see for yourself!

With immense gratitude for all of those who make BDC possible and as well as personify its magic, I'm wishing you...  

misa signature
Milisa 'misa' Galazzi, Director
Brewster Day Camp  
On Olympic Day, older campers on Admirals Hill are selected to represent their country as Presidents or Vice Presidents. These campers are in charge of serving as role models for the younger campers, all day long leading their countries by holding the flag and creating SYNERGY amongst their team members.  
olympic day prep
Earlier this week, campers hand painted the flags for each country to carry during Olympic Day. The countries this year were: Lithuania, Georgia, St. Lucia, Niger, Chad, Kuwait, South Korea and Argentina. These Admirals Hill campers pictured above required great SYNERGY as they work together to create these wonderful, homemade flags! 
sailing school fun
While most of our campers were competing in the BDC Olympic games, four excited BDC sailors traveled to Dennis Yacht Club to participate (for the first time EVER) in an invitational regatta. Pictured here are two of BDC's sailors practicing the SYNERGY needed to perform a perfect roll tack in one of our camp 420's!  
Former BDC Camper and present Tent Counselor, Jamie Law,  rallied his orange team, Niger, with his good spirit and extremely bright jumpsuit. On the morning of Olympic Day, each team creates SYNERGY by writing their own country chant which can be heard across campus and throughout the day. This team actually came in first place - congratulations one and all! 
This week in the pool, lifeguard Maddie Brisbane, led BDC's very first water Zumba class with our oldest campers! If you've ever done Zumba, you understand the incredible SYNERGY produced from dancing in sync with a large group of people - especially fun in the BDC Pool! 

"The way a team plays as a whole determines its success.  You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime."

- Babe Ruth    

watermelon fun
One of the favorite Olympic Day events is the soapy watermelon relay race. These teammates competing for Lithuania have powerful SYNERGY as they help each other to cross the finish line without dropping the slippery watermelon! 
yellow pride
Each Olympic team was assigned a color taken from their country's flag. Sometimes team pride alone can create SYNERGY!
sailors hill boys
Wishing you and your family...
 Courage, Hope, Good Spirit & Peace!