BREWSTER DAY CAMP         Newsletter           July 8, 2013       Week #3           Vol. 28  Issue 12
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Nurturing and Challenging Children and Families with Courage, Hope, Good Spirit & Peace since 1981!

BDC Logo   

For more information
visit our website here.
older boys hugging
Our oldest campers are embracing being TOGETHER after a long winter apart. When was the last time you connected with an old friend?  

DATES: July 8 - 12, 2013


*Player's Performance at Admirals Hill Assembly 3:15

TRACK MEET this WEEK: Once every summer, the Association of Cape Cod Camps, in conjunction with Camp Wingate*Kirkland, hosts a camp Track Meet at Dennis Yarmouth High School track. BDC campers will be invited by Molly, the Field Sports Head, to join the BDC track team. Wear your camp shirts to the races and run like the wind!

WATER WIZZ TRIP #1 this WEEK: Thursday July 11th. If you would like to add this day to your schedule or add the trip to an existing day, please come to the BDC Office.

: Wednesday, July 10th from 1:00-2:45 in our pool. All are welcome!
In addition, BDC Swim Team will begin traveling to other camps this week to participate in their swim meets.  Swim Team members will get details from Morgan this week. 

FAMILY SWIM: M-F 5:00-6:30 (Weather permitting. Please call if you are making a special trip).

EXTRAS: Semi Private Swim, Tennis, Golf, Sailing School, SUP. Inquire at the BDC Office.

FRIDAY MORNING ASSEMBLIES: All Camp at Sailors Hill 8:50-9:30 and Young Children's Program at Mariners Hill 9:30-10:00. Please join us!

"Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together."


- James Cash Penney 


birthday cake fun
birthday cake
BDC is celebrating its 32nd birthday this year! Birthdays, like other holidays, are a fantastic way to bring people TOGETHER. We were certainly happy to celebrate BDC's birthday with all of you here at camp with birthday cake (at 9 a.m.) and uniquely decorated birthday hats from the Art Tent Hat Factory! (See photo below for more hats)
birthday hat Each camper had the opportunity to hand-make his/her very own BDC Birthday hat this week in the Art Tent and wear it at the Friday morning assembly in honor of BDC's 32nd Birthday. All of the bright and vibrant colored hats TOGETHER made for a phenomenal audience at assembly!
boys advertisement photo
BDC campers swim together, play together, eat together, and learn together - but most importantly, their collective and wonderful presence TOGETHER on our campus makes BDC the special place that it is each summer. 
animal find 2  

animal find
BDOC Head, Danny Conlon, spotted some pink eggs growing on a log around the fire circle. Can you help identify what animal or insect laid these eggs? Let us know! Guess right and receive a free popcorn from the Camp Office! 


PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY! Even when the lot is empty!


Thank you in advance for keeping our busy parking lot safe for children and families. Please following these guidelines:

- Always follow the directions of the BDC Parking Attendants wearing orange vests.


- Put away your cell phone so that your full attention is on driving and parking. We are a cell phone limited campus. 


- Use the white shelled Safe Path (through the trees) to stay away from cars near the BDC Office. 


- Turn off your car when you go to get your campers.


- While in the parking lot, children should remain with you (not playing with rocks in the lot.)


-  We are a smoke free campus. Please refrain from smoking in your car while in our lot.



Hello BDC Family and Friends,

Camp hit its stride this week and we are so happy to finally all be TOGETHER sharing the wonderful weather on Cape Cod! Welcome to BDC Week #3 if you are just joining us - you are in for a real treat! The feel around BDC is perfect as we settle into the middle weeks of camp.

Just this morning, a dozen or so of our Admiral's Hill boys, ages 11-13, invited me to hike with them deep into Nickerson State Park to play a game. As we all walked and talked TOGETHER with their counselors, I realized that one of the things that makes camp special is simply being TOGETHER. In that moment, as we walked in the woods, we were so connected as a group. In some ways, it did not matter where we were going and what game we would play when we got there - it was all about being TOGETHER on that path.

I encourage us all to spend some time TOGETHER this week. Truly!  Just about anything is fun as long as you do it TOGETHER!

Wishing you time TOGETHER and of course...

misa signature
Milisa 'misa' Galazzi, Director
Brewster Day Camp

camper with sweatshirt
Campers and Tent Counselors are enjoying getting to know each other better and working TOGETHER to make our tent groups run smoothly.  
sunday crew
This past Sunday, the group pictured above worked TOGETHER to clean up campus after a very stormy weekend. As they say, many hands make light work! THANKS AGAIN to the weekend work crew for making BDC safe and ready for another busy camp week. You guys ROCK!  
PFD help
Our wonderful Waterfront Team consisting of Kim, Adam, Pete, Will and Amanda are working TOGETHER to make boating and sailing safe and fun for campers young and old.  

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." 

- Henry Ford

big smiles
Sometimes just the simple act of being TOGETHER can make you want to burst with excitement! 
clown noses
Sometimes being silly and sharing a laugh is the best way to come TOGETHER. BDC campers spend a lot of time with their tent groups learning how to play, learn, and be TOGETHER. 

Valerie Richkin, our wonderful Head of Art, is looking for the following to be collected/donated to the Art Tent:

1. Used/cleaned Gerber glass baby food jars with lids.

2. Empty/clean plastic gallon jugs of milk/water.

white bus decorated
The BDC white bus made its annual debut in the Orleans 4th of July parade this past Thursday. A special thanks to Camper Leader Director, Rich Peterson, for being our driver! We hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July TOGETHER with family and friends.  
General BDC Reminders

CHECK FOR TICKS: Check your body thoroughly every day - especially the creases and your head.

FOOD: Please serve a big breakfast, pack a morning snack for campers older than 7 years and a hearty lunch! Campers use MUCH more energy at camp and need more food than during the school year.

If you wish to purchase a pre-made lunch for your camper, please do it one week in advance by going to the SmartLunches website here.

RAIN: When the weather is iffy, please send in a rain coat! Even as we move to dry locations, ALL of our campers need to have the appropriate clothing. Admirals Hill campers (grade 5-8) should bring warm clothes, long pants, and socks - sometimes, you might go ice skating or bowling on a rainy day!

BOWS and ARROWS: We have lots of wonderful archery equipment at camp. Please leave your special bows and arrows at home to keep them safe.

THURSDAY MORNINGS: Each Thursday look a little different from 8:30-9:00. Our Program Staff are helping campers check into camp while Tent Counselors are in a quick meeting. If you wish to get a message to a Hill Head or Tent Counselor, please see a director on the Welcome Walk - we are happy to help you!

BDC 2013 beach shot
Wishing you and your family
 Courage, Hope, Good Spirit, and Peace!