BREWSTER DAY CAMP            Newsletter                     April 1, 2013                    Vol. 28  Issue 7
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Nurturing and Challenging Children and Families with Courage, Hope, Good Spirit & Peace since 1981!

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For info about BDC, go here.



Many groups are full or nearly at capacity - especially in the under six years old groups.

Please call our Winter Office at

888-396-CAMP (2267)

or email here



(We want you with us at BDC!) 
Teaching archery at camp allows children to kinesthetically experience physics and physical principals. The transference of kinetic energy from arm pulling to bow string tension to arrow moving to the target is an exciting METAMORPHOSIS of energy!

"Transformation literally means going

beyond your form." 


~ Wayne Dyer  
Each season at camp we celebrate "Olympic Day" to honor the many different countries in the world and mix up all of our campers so that each team has a wide range of ages. On this special camp day, METAMORPHOSIS shows itself in wonderful places! In a younger friend connecting with an older mentor.  In a challenging task achieved with grace.  Or simply in campers stepping out of their comfort zone and doing something new.

Many of our fantastic staff need a place to stay on the Cape while they work at camp. Please let us know if you have a room to rent, mother-in-law quarters, a garage apartment, or a full house which needs care. Our staff members are over 18 years, are highly responsible, and are thoughtful young adults. Call our office at 888-396-2267 or email us here if you know of any available housing options for our staff. THANK YOU!
Technically speaking, plants do not undergo METAMORPHOSIS.  However, metaphorically speaking, I beg to differ: when a bulb is dug deep into the ground all winter long and then pops up with a beautiful flower like this crocus....well that sure is a huge change!


BDC'13 staff hiring is going very well and is nearly complete! Each season, camp is METAMORPHOSIZED by the love and dedication of our wonderful youth education professionals.

Last month we shared with you all of the returning staff who had been hired by the time we went to press. This month, listed below is our BDC '13 leadership staff...

Camper Life Director: Jen Kellogg

Mariners Hill Head: Matt McGue

Sailors Hill Head: Lindsay Law

Admirals Hill Head: Demi McLaren


Program Director: Scott Rizzo
Art: Valerie Richkin

Archery: Ben Wood

BDOC: Danny Conlon

Explore: Oren Richkin

LEAP: MacKenzie Brown

Field Sports: Molly Olmsted

STAR: Patrice Ermillio

MUGS: Jake Lowey

WOW: Martine Knights

Swim Director: Morgan Chase

Assist. Swim Director: Nora Burzycki

Head Lifegaurd: Susie Pesanelli 

Swim Staff: Anna Freedman, Laura Brisbane, Maddie Brisbane and more!

Equipment and Safety Director: Adam Pettengill

Waterfront Director: Kim Webster

Head Instructor: Amanda Keshian


Camper Leader Director: Richard Peterson

Hello BDC Family and Friends,
METAMORPHOSIS, in literal terms (thanks to the all-knowing Internet) "is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal's body structure through cell growth and differentiation. Some insects, amphibians, mollusks , crustaceans, (and more) undergo metamorphosis, which is usually accompanied by a change of habit or behavior."

I would argue that every Spring, as the Northern Hemisphere of our earth turns back towards the sun, we humans undergo a METAMORPHOSIS as well! With more light creating longer days, accompanied by the need for a little less sleep, we all start to behave a slightly different. Even though I get much busier in the Spring, I love this time of year! I become someone that is just a little bit different from my winter self...more energetic, more fun-loving, and a bit more free as I shed the winter hat, coat and scarf.

What changes do you feel as we enter a new season? Enjoy this April edition of eWaves dedicated to the changes that this time of year surely brings. Wishing you a timely METAMORPHOSIS as well as....


misa signature

Milisa 'misa' Galazzi, Director
Brewster Day Camp  

P.S. How many more days until camp.....go here
This may be the smallest frog or toad ever!!! Just for scale, those are grains of sand in the hands of a child. Big or small, all frogs go through a huge transformation or METAMORPHOSIS. Here's the growth pattern: egg, tadpole, tadpole with front legs, frog!  
ACA conference
BDC NOW: Each Spring, the American Camp Association New England sections holds a wonderful conference in Manchester, NH. This year, Liz Mahoney and Scott Rizzo joined Rob and Misa at the conference for some good cheer and education. When we learn and grow - no matter in what setting - we METAMORPHOSIZE into better, brighter, and more capable versions of ourselves. (Note: Special thanks to Dave Peterson from CCSC who took this wonderful photo! )
Butterflies and other amphibians are not the only animals that go through METAMORPHOSIS.....see next photo....
When was the last time that you spent some quality time with a few teenagers? Being in their presence makes me think that humans truly go through METAMORPHOSIS at least once or twice in a lifetime!

"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered." 
~ Nelson Mandela       

Dial up BDC on your Smartphone or android and you will see a mobile version of our full website. Many folks are finding camp when they are on the move. This new shorter version of our full website is much easier to see on a small phone screen. Let us know what you think!

"Nothing ever really goes away--it just
changes into something else. Something beautiful." 
   ~Sarah Ockle        

When caring people touch each other,
METAMORPHOSIS can happen...
Wishing you and your family