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  October 9, 2014 
In This Issue
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Trauma-Informed Care Event: Change the Culture to Change the Outcome
Upcoming Events and Action Alerts

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month    

The United States Department of Justice reports that one in four homeless women is homeless directly because of violence committed against her and lifetime prevalence of DV among homeless women is over 60%. In partnership with the federal Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), The National Center created a toolkit that focuses on integrating domestic violence and homeless service systems:
Closing the Gap: Integrating Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence Experiencing Homelessness - A Toolkit for Transitional Housing Programs
Through a literature review, survey, and interviews, three main levels for improving collaboration across systems emerged: Awareness and Understanding; Communication and Coordination; and Collaboration. This toolkit discusses each level and highlights practical strategies that providers can apply in each. The ultimate goal is to improve the lives of domestic violence survivors who experience homelessness through enhanced service integration. Learn more. 
Trauma-Informed Care Event:  
Change the Culture to Change the Outcome   

Advances in awareness and knowledge of the prevalence and impact of traumatic stress have led to a call to action by federal agencies, researchers and service providers to implement "trauma-informed care" across service systems. What is trauma-informed care? How is it different from trauma-specific services? How does it change the culture of organizations and service systems? What is needed to implement it? And, most important, what is its impact?


The American Institutes for Research is hosting a luncheon on October 14 in Washington, DC, to explore these questions. Dr. Carmela DeCandia, Director of The National Center on Family Homelessness, will be presenting along with an expert panel on how to bring trauma-informed care to scale across service systems. Learn more and register today.

Upcoming Events and Action Alerts

John McGah and Rose Clervil will be presenting Domestic Violence Programs as Part of a Continuum of Care (COC) Program at the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence Conference on October 10 in Harrisburg, PA. Learn more.

Dr. Carmela DeCandia and John McGah will be presenting Bridging Systems of Care: A Trauma-Informed Approach at the NAEHCY 2014 Annual Conference on October 27 in Kansas City, MO. Learn more.

Learn more about child and family homelessness at and