The Get In Touch Foundation logo

"Children don't grow up and love themselves as much as you love them; they grow up and love themselves the way they see you love yourself."  ~ Dr. Mehmet Oz


February 2014
Quick Links


The Get In Touch  

Girls' Program  

& Daisy Wheel�

Daisy Wheel�

Click our Daisy Wheel� to give it a spin!



School Nurses or  

Health Educators  

click here

to sign up for the  


Get In Touch Girls' Program & Daisy Wheel�.


  LH Beautiful YouTube pic

Click the pic to watch our BEAUTIFUL video!


Laces for Lana Logo

Click here to "Lace Up"  

for Get In Touch!


 Click here to read  

Mary Ann's blog! 


Have you ever written a love note to yourself?

We make Valentines for those we love and very often candy and flowers play a significant role in the gesture of the holiday dedicated to amour.

It is important to remember that we must love ourselves first; our children are watching. 

Life would be simple if our children grew up and loved themselves as much as we love them. 

But they take their cues from us...and learn how to care for themselves by watching how we care for ourselves.

Take the time to write yourself a mental note - remind yourself "you're pretty amazing," and make a list of all of the things you love about yourself, instead of all the things you want to change.

Here at Get In Touch we advocate for self-awareness, knowing your body and yourself and loving every bit of YOU!

Hope Lives!

Mary Ann Wasil
President, CEO & Founder,
Breast Cancer Kickin' Survivor & Health Activist 
GIT Goes to New York City Schools!


It was an honor and a privilege to have been invited to speak at the New York City High School Nurses Conference...100+ women (and 2 men!) all excited about bringing the Get In Touch Girls' Program & Daisy Wheels to their students, the largest school system in the United States!
Youth Ambassadors Rock!
If you are, or know, a high school girl in grades 9, 10 & 11, we are now taking nominations for the 2014-2015 Get In Touch Youth Ambassadors. Click here to learn more about the $10,000 Get In Touch Youth Ambassador Collegiate Scholarship. Nominations are open until February 28th.
California, Here PIP Comes!
Tickets are now on sale for our 1st Los Angeles Pretty In Pink Luncheon & 
Women of Strength Awards, which will be held on March 16th 
at the magnificent Casa del Mar on the beach in Santa Monica! 

We've got phenoms for Co-Chairs - 
Angelique L'Amour, author/publisher and breast cancer survivor,
and Jennifer Nicholson Salke, President of NBC Entertainment - 
and pure inspiration for honorees, 
Dr. Kristi Funk and Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac.O.M.D,
 not to mention an outstanding host - ROB LOWE!  Yes, that Rob Lowe - the award-winning actor and best-selling author - will be on hand to lend his support to GIT.  We're honored and excited to have him join us at this important event!

Click here for more info about our honorees and this spectacular event...
and here to read our press release on Highlight Hollywood!
Take Down Breast Cancer!
KUDOS to Milford, CT's Foran High School Wrestling Team! Their "Take Down Breast Cancer" Night raised $1100 for The Get In Touch Foundation - we are so proud of these compassionate and civic-minded young members of our community! 

Have You Downloaded Our App Yet?


We are over the moon about the Daisy Wheel App, which has now been downloaded in 80 countries!  If you're an iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone user, go to the iTunes App Store and download it for free.  If you love it as much as we do, we'd be grateful if you'd help us spread the word by telling your friends and writing a review, too.  

It's making our mission to "change the world one girl at a time" a global reality! 







We're in every state in the US, but not in every county, yet...


If you're a school nurse who has not yet signed up your school, click here to sign up and join us as we "change the world one girl at a time."  
Make a difference...
Your donation of $20 gives 10 girls a Daisy Wheel!
  Daisy Wheel� Daisy Wheel� Daisy Wheel� Daisy Wheel�
Daisy Wheel� Daisy Wheel� Daisy Wheel� Daisy Wheel� Daisy Wheel�

Where in the World is YOUR Daisy Wheel?!  

This Daisy Wheel peeks out over beautiful downtown Atlanta, Georgia!
If you've got a picture of your Daisy Wheel - or of yourself in your GIT gear - email it to us and you just may see yourself in an upcoming newsletter.
Please email your pics to us at don't forget to follow us on Instagram!  
Click the camera below, or this link:  DaisyWheelGIT  


For the latest updates... 
Follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook!  
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If you have any questions or want to help Get In Touch spread the word, 
contact us at and we'll help you out!