Now is the Time
No Boundaries 2016

I like to think of September as a reset month.  With school back in session, life returns to a more structured state. As much as I love the carefree days of summer, I find comfort in routine. With routine comes rhythm and with rhythm, progress. Which is why September is a great month to refocus efforts on your New Year's Resolutions so you can end the year with victorious momentum.
My resolution for 2016 was to become more flexible - both in terms of a work-life balance and physically (I wanted to touch my toes again!). Years of running might be great for my cardiovascular system, but as I approached my mid-40's, my strength and flexibility felt like they were diminishing by the day. I was too young to feel so old.
I started to foam roll, stretch and do push-ups after every run. I was starting making some progress...until the third week of January when my get-up and go, got up and left. I'd be short on time, too cold or too hungry. There was always something else to be done. And frankly, my post-run routine felt a lot like work. Work I didn't feel like doing. So I let frustration get the best of me and gave up on my resolution.
Several months later, I watched with envy as a friend achieved big PR's in a half marathon and 5k and made running look so effortless. PR's she attributed to improving her strength, power and flexibility through CrossFit. I was intrigued. Maybe CrossFit could reinvigorate my quest for all-around fitness. Going to a "gym" and taking a group fitness class would be a shock for this independent runner, but maybe shock therapy is what I needed. 
I finally got the nerve to join Betsy for a class at CrossFit Hartford in July. I was so nervous that I didn't sleep the night before. Would I be able to make it through the workout? What if I was the oldest or the weakest person there? What if I was so bad that they asked me not to come back? What if no one liked me? After parking my car, I almost turned around to go for a run, but decided to put my big girl pants on and give it a try.
Walking through the front door, I could hear friendly banter and laughter and was relieved to see a variety of ages and abilities which helped to ease my butterflies. Betsy introduced me to the crew who all welcomed me warmly and enthusiastically. I loved how everyone encouraged each other all workout long and was united by the same goal of getting fit and finding a better version of ourselves. It was exactly like what we strive to create at Fleet Feet, especially through our training programs. I thought it was no coincidence that there was a banner with a Fleet Feet logo hanging on the wall. This was an extension of my tribe.
As you reset yourself this September, remember that it's not too late to make your New Year's Resolutions a reality. If completing a 5k or 10k is one of your goals, consider joining our Fall Training Programs which start on September 24. You will be greeted with smiles and find yourself surrounded by people who have the same fears and goals as you. You will also meet some of the friendliest, encouraging coaches who genuinely want to see you succeed.
I can promise you that it won't be easy, but it will be worth it. Just look at the faces of our most recent graduates as they neared the finish line of the Old Wethersfield 5k/10k in the photos above. These are people who thought that they would never run - let alone have fun doing it! This could be you...
As for me, I am proud to say that not only can I touch my toes easily now, but I have also created a better work-life balance by making it a priority to carve out a little more me-time so I can get my strong on. 

Live Fit - touch your toes, finish a 5k!

Natalie's Shoe Review: Brooks Dyad 9
Brooks Dyad 9If you have a low-arch/flat foot with a neutral gait or wear orthotics, this might just become your favorite shoe ever!  The Brooks Dyad has always been known for its stable platform thanks to the segmented heel crash pad and dual stability arch pods, as well as its exceptional comfort and cushioning, but its silhouette was always a little, errrr, blocky.  The newly released Dyad 9 changes all that as it now features a streamlined shape, seamless upper and more forefoot flexibility that ever before.  The update is so good that we now carry this shoe for both women and men!  $130.

Nancy's Picks
It's that time of year when your early morning or late day training runs occur in the dark! Be safe by being seen in the new Asics Lite-Show Collection for men and women.  
Each piece has 360 degree reflectivity for high visibility with the capris, shorts, jacket and special Lite-Show version of Asics' beloved Nimbus sneaker (arriving later this week) featuring a stealth reflective print that only appears when a flash of light strikes it so you can wear it all day long. Use your camera flash to test it out in store - SO COOL!

Asics Lite-Show Collection

Asics Packable Jacket
If you're into fashion, check out the new water-repellent, packable printed jacket from Asics. It's beautiful abstract flower print coordinates with many colors - though, I'm always a fan of pairing it with black bottoms for a  sharp lool!   The stretch woven fabric, reflective zipper and the tulip front add to the style and ensure that this becomes your go-to jacket for not only running but running around town! You will be glad you have it for your next cool morning run or vacation.

Wearsafe Tags - Personal Safety Device
Wearsafe RunnerWe are excited to announce that Wearsafe tags are now available in store! 

Co-founded by David Benoit (a Fleet Feet Peep who lives in West Hartford), Wearsafe is the smartest, most effective personal safety technology in the world. It allows you - and the people you care about - to live more confidently every day.  It's a must-have for runners, college students, aging parents...anyone who might need help in an unexpected situation.
Click here to see how this ingenious tag works. The Wearsafe tag is $30 in-store and includes a free 6-month subscription. 

Garmin Forerunner 35 - Pre-Order Yours!
Garmin Forerunner 35

Stay fit, stay connected and share your progress with Garmin's sleek new GPS watch + activity tracker + heart rate monitor. This stylish, easy-to-use running watch offers Elevate wrist-based heart rate, giving you the option to run without a chest strap. It doubles as an all-day activity tracker that monitors your steps, calories and resting heart rate, as well as connects to your phone for smart notifications, LiveTrack and music controls right on your wrist. Plus, it includes favorite features like vibration alerts, Auto Pause and run/walk intervals - all in an easy-to-use, price-friendly watch.
The Forerunner 35 will be arriving in-store in mid-to-late September. To pre-order your watch ($200), complete this form here.   

Meet Your FF Staff: Melody Smith
Melody SmithI have been a part of the Fleet Feet family since November of 2014, though I was a lover of the store for many years before that. In fact, my running journey began when I was teeny tiny and joined the Rec Track club in my hometown - Ellington, CT. I was never coordinated enough to play "normal" sports like all of my friends, so I loved the idea of just putting one foot in front of the other. How hard could it be, right?! I truly have been in love with the sport ever since, and the teams I've been on through high school and college have only instilled that passion.
Road running/racing has always been a favorite of mine, though I also love triathlon and have more recently discovered the beauty of trail running. I love mixing up distances and terrain. It keeps things interesting! I find that I am always in search of the next adventure, the next challenge.
As well as working full time at the store, I am a coach for our 10k training program and manage the store's Facebook and Instagram accounts. Coaching has given me the opportunity to share my passion with others, and I have come to really adore this part of my work because I get to watch firsthand ordinary people do extraordinary things - like run their first 5k! Or complete their first marathon! I believe that we are all capable of so much more than we think, and I love allowing other people to make that realization, too.
Running Gear I Can't Live Without:
My Saucony Peregrine trail shoes are basically two of my best friends. They allow me to feel light, fast and confident while running on any trail, and they have been with me on some pretty awesome adventures! I am also a huge fan of UCAN - my favorite nutrition product at the store. A packet of Orange UCAN before a long run gives me steady energy levels the whole time. It's been a game changer for training for longer races!

Fall Training Programs - Start Sept 24
It's Time! Life's best moments rarely happen on their own. You have to make them happen. Yes, it takes effort and hard work, but the results are more than worth it.  They can be life-changing and lead to a more invigorated, empowered, healthier you.
Rediscover the thrill of challenging yourself and conquering your dreams and goals. You are never too old, too overweight or too out-of-shape to be successful.  Discover your inner athlete and watch as a world of possibility and adventure open before you!
To learn more about our life-changing programs that will get you to the finish line of the Blue Back Square Mitten Run, Manchester Road Race and the Toy Dash, click on the buttons below:

No Boundaries
10k Training

Youth Running Programs
If your kids like to run, there are several great running programs just for them whether they want to complete their first 5k, rock the mile in PE class at school or just have fun on the run. Click the program names below to learn more.

  Locations: Glastonbury & West Hartford
  Special program for children with Autism
  Learn more HERE.

MPower Running Program
  Boys aged 6-14 years
  Locations: Berlin, Farmington & West Hartford
  Learn more HERE
  Girls aged 6-14 years
  Locations: Farmington, Glastonbury, Newington,   West Hartford, Windsor
  Learn more HERE
Girls in Stride
  Locations: Canton, Hartford, Simsbury, and West Hartford

In-Store Events
There's always something going on at Fleet Feet and in our Running Community - visit our online calendar to keep up with the latest. 
Weekly Events:
  • Run Free Hartford (Wed @ 6:30am at Riverside Park) - Free
  • Wed Fun Runs (6:30pm at the store) - Free
  • Thurs Speed & Strength Sessions (6:30pm at Hall HS) - Free
  • Injury Assessments w/Select PT - Sunday's @ 9-10:30am
  • Sunday Yoga & Mobility w/Meghan is back!  5:30pm (free on Sept 11)
Special Events:

Featured Events & Races

Run Happy Hour
Run Happy Hour - Tues, Sept 13 @ 6pm
Join us at the store a for a new kind of Happy Hour that features Socializing, Exercising & Revitalizing!  
The fun begins at 6pm as Coach Natalie leads us in a 3 mile run/walk through the neighborhoods surrounding West Hartford Center.  After the run, staffer Josh will lead everyone through a stretching session designed to lengthen, strengthen and get rid lactic acid. 

Then, it's time to sample brews from Waypoint Spirits while the physical therapists from Select PT offer free injury assessments and answer any questions you may have. 
The event is FREE and open to all!
CCSU Blue Devils
Ray Crothers Memorial 5k - Sept 24 @ 9am
It's not too late to sign up for this fun off-road 5k at Stanley Quarter Park (New Britain) in honor of Ray Crothers - a legendary runner at CCSU who made Manchester Road Race history. Ray also co-owned The Run In in Rocky Hill and supported the local running community, setting an incredible example of how a running store can be more than just a place to buy sneakers. All proceeds benefit the CCSU XC Program - plus first 100 registrants get a free t-shirt!  
Hospital for Special Care

Achilles CT

Volunteer Opportunities -  
Sat, October 8
The Hospital for Special Care, a designated charity of the Hartford Marathon, is looking for guides for their wheelchair athletes who have their sights set on the Eversource Hartford Marathon 5k on October 8. If you are interested in being a guide for one of these awesome athletes, please contact Jenna Miller -  No prior experience necessary (nor do you need to be a fast runner).

Don't want to run? The Achilles International-CT Chapter is seeking 30 non-runner volunteers to serve as course marshals at seven different intersections in East Harford along the Eversource Hartford Marathon course. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and be willing and able to wave a safety flag to alert participants. Register with friends/family to be assigned to the same intersection.  Time commitment is from 7:45am - 1:15pm. Email Roberta Brown if you are interested.
Girls on the Run Kickoff Celebration - Oct 14 @ 6-9pm
Girls on the Run will be debuting at six sites this fall in Canton, Hartford, Simsbury and West Hartford.   Join the GOTR crew as they kick off their inaugural season with a celebration at Thomas Hooker Brewery in Bloomfield, CT. Tickets are $25 (get yours here) before October 1 and $30 at the door. Beer, food and silent auction items! Don't miss out on the fun!
Run for Kids Sake
Run for Kids' Sake - Sat, Oct 29
Join us for a family-friendly run/walk to benefit the Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters. Both the 5k and Kids � Mile Fun Run will feature the beautiful foliage of October in the trails of Riverside Park in Hartford, CT. The race announcer is Renee DiNino of The River 105.9FM and awards will be given for overall, age divisions, and best costume! More than a race, Run For Kids' Sake will have activities, drawings, food, and fun for all ages, all while supporting a great cause! Learn more here

Aubrey's Recipe
Get Out N' Play Logo
Chewy Raspberry Apple Bars
It's time for back to school and packing healthy lunches and snacks. My son starts preschool this week and I want him to have variety and nutrition in snack bag. Not all of his snacks will be homemade, but I think occasional homemade snacks where I know the ingredients are something I can manage. He also enjoys helping me bake, so it's a fun activity we can do together. Preschoolers to adults will appreciate these bars packed with oats and fresh fruit. Plus they are nut-free, which is a requirement in his school.

Click Here for Recipe
Store Hours:
Monday: 10am - 7pm
Tuesday: 10am - 7pm
Wednesday: 10am - 8pm
Thursday: 10am - 7pm
Friday: 10am - 7pm

Saturday: 10am - 5:30pm
Sunday: 11am - 5pm

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or call us at: 860-233-8077
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