Should You Run- or Run to the Doctor?
Injured Runner
We made it to spring!  Time to get serious about our running again. Whether you've been keeping up your fitness all winter long or are coming out of hibernation, you need to take extra care before you ramp up your training or risk injury. 
The challenging part of getting back into the groove is that you should have some level of soreness and discomfort due to the breakdown of muscle tissue which, in turn, causes the muscle to get stronger. The big question is when does an ache or pain cross that thin line from beneficial to detrimental? 
We recently had a staff field trip to Select Physical Therapy' to learn about running injuries. Throughout the evening, there were lots of groans and ahhh's as we experienced the latest treatments like Graston, Active Release Therapy, Alter G Treadmill Running and Dry Needling (not nearly as painful as it sounds), because, like most runners, we all are experiencing some level of soreness - though some of us discovered that we have crossed that fine line and should be getting treatment before we make things much worse.
Here are a few tips we learned to help determine whether you're just reaping the sore rewards of a tough workout, or whether you need to run to the doctor:
If Pain Persists
When you experience pain at rest that intensifies with any weight-bearing activity, it's time to see a doctor. Simple soreness will improve after you get warmed up. Symptoms that worsen after the first mile are concerning.
If Pain Is Very Sharp and/or Sudden
Dull, generalized achiness is usually OK - a sharp onset of pain is not, especially if you fell or twisted something. 
If Pain Sticks Around For More Than Three Days
Most minor irritations improve with three days of rest, icing, and stretching. If the pain lasts more than two to three days, chances are higher that it is an injury that needs attention. 
If Pain Gets In the Way
If you have obvious signs of trauma, like bruising and swelling of your knees or ankles, the pain is isolated to a specific area or if the pain interferes with routine activities like walking, standing, sitting, and climbing or descending stairs, seek medical attention.
When in doubt, have the injured area checked out.  Our friends at Select PT are at the store most Saturday's from 9:30-11am to offer free injury assessments (this Saturday excluded due to the Easter holiday weekend). If you can't make it to the store, you can contact their Sports Medicine Hotline (1-877-MOBL-MED) to schedule a free assessment at the Select Physical Therapy clinic nearest you (there are over 45 clinics in CT).
And remember the old proverb, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you stretch, strengthen, foam roll and resist "training in the too's" (too much, too fast, too soon), you won't have to play the injury guessing game at all!  

Live Fit,

Spring Running Programs
(Zoomerang Registration Now Open!)
Summer 2015 Training Programs
Life's best moments rarely happen on their own. You have to make them happen. Yes, it takes effort and hard work, but the results are more than worth it.  They can be life-changing and lead to a more invigorated, empowered, healthier you.
Rediscover the thrill of challenging yourself and conquering your dreams and goals. You are never too old, too overweight or too out-of-shape to be successful.  Discover your inner athlete and watch as a world of possibility and adventure open before you!
To learn more about our life-changing programs, click on the buttons below:

Iron Horse Half
Iron Horse 10k
NoBo WeHa
NoBo Gbury
Zoomerang Button
Summer 2015 Training Peeps

What's in Nancy's Race Bag??
This was an exciting weekend for me running O'Hartford with my cousin - her first race!  As we were getting ready in the morning, she was curious about what I was bringing in my race bag so like Mary Poppins, I kept reaching into my bag to show her my gear and explain why I consider it an essential. 
Remember when you started running and wanted to know what to buy? Here a few of my head-to-toe must-haves, besides sneakers (of course!).

Brooks Fly-By Hat
 You always need to have a hat packed because it is New England where it can snow, rain and be sunny all during the same run. I love my Brooks Fly-By Hat because it made for a woman's head and has a covert zipper pocket to store my DD card - because I run on Dunkin! Great spring colors too!
Tifosi Sunglasses

Sunglasses are a must too to shield your eyes from harmful UV rays, ensure that you're not wasting precious energy squinting...and so you look cool too.  I'm a fan of Tifosi Sunglasses with their shatterproof lenses and sporty looks.

Brooks Fiona Bra Ladies, a great bra can result in a great run! My new favorite is the updated Fiona Sports Bra by Brooks/Moving Comfort.  It's so comfortable (love the adjustable Velcro straps) and supportive that I use it as my everyday bra as well.  This is a great bra for breastfeeding moms too!
Under Armour Studio Pant
Wearing capris to and from your race this time of year can be a bit chilly. My go-to layer is the Under Armor Studio Pant - so much more stylish than a pair of old cotton sweats, but just as comfy. Slip them on post-race to go out and celebrate your new PR  (guys - UA has a great pant for you too)!
Camelbak Chill Bottle 
Gotta stay hydrated too!  New in store is the cool new Camelbak Grip Chill  Insulated Bottle that keeps your water cold, plus features storage for your essentials (chapstick, DD card...). The 21oz is the perfect size to quench my thirst before, during and after my run.  Pick a color to match your outfit!
Trigger Point Nano Trigger Point Therapy Nano Foot Roller is a must after a run or even a long day on your feet (or to roll out your forearm after typing all day long).  It is convenient and fits into your bag. You can use it to roll out your calves too. It is available in two densities. I prefer the orange one which is a little softer. 

Thanks for letting me share some of my favorites. I can never have enough running clothes, shoes or gear!  Next time you're in the store, let me know what your favorites are!

In-Store Events
There's always something going on at Fleet Feet and in our Running Community - visit our online calendar to keep up with the latest. 
Weekly Events:
  • Wed Fun Runs (6:30pm at the store) - Free
  • Thurs Track Workouts (6pm at Hall HS) - Free
  • Sat Injury Assessments w/Select PT (9:30-11am at store) - Free
  • Sunday Yoga & Mobility w/Meghan (5:30pm at the store) - $15

* *NOTE: There will be NO Injury Assessments or Yoga Easter Weekend**


Special Events:

Dinners + Movie Fundraiser - April 22
Town of Runners
We are proud to partner with Running Across Borders & Girls Gotta Run Foundation to host a special in-store screening of Town of Runners on Friday, April 22. 
Girls Gotta Run is a non-profit in Ethiopia that creates educational and athletic opportunities for young female runners so that they can complete their secondary education and pursue careers to support themselves - a rare opportunity. The Town of Runners movie follows the experiences of two females runners in Ethiopia like the girls supported by Girls Gotta Run.
The fun begins at 6:45pm with a buffet dinner catered by Abyssinian, a local Ethiopian restaurant.  Tickets are $22 and include dinner and the movie.  All proceeds will be donated to the Girls Gotta Run Foundation.  Our goal is to raise $600 which would provide a full scholarship (including tuition, health care, meals and running equipment) for one teenage girl. Learn more here.
To RSVP, email Amy

Track & Field: Gear-Up, Save & Win!
Outdoor Track Spikes
We invite all tracksters to make Fleet Feet Sports their go-to shop for trainers, spikes and gear like Nike Pro shorts, massage sticks and Nuun energy drink!  All spikes are now 10% off and beginning March 19, the first 150 student tracksters to purchase shoes will also receive our famous limited edition t-shirt for free!


Plus, the team with the highest percentage of athletes on the team who purchase either shoes or trainers at Fleet Feet Sports -Hartford wins an Elite Nike Experience including a visit from Nike during practice and a Nike hosted hospitality tent complete with a spike cleaning & customization station, stretching mat and rollers, snacks and shaded seats for parents at either the Irv Black Invitational or the 85th Greater Hartford Outdoor T&F Invite!  


Click here to for an extra special coupon!

Featured Events & Races
Saucony Shoe Testing
Shoe Wear Testers Needed - Sat, April 2 @ 10am-2pm
Be a part of the running shoe design process by providing feedback on a new line of shoes. Saucony is seeking runners who wear light stability sneakers to test two shoes on a real live run. You'll be asked to run 15 minutes in each shoe and provide your honest feedback.  Simple, fun...and you might just win a new pair of Saucony shoes as we'll be raffling off two pairs of shoes to testers. 
Reserve your spot here.

Reid's Run 5k - Sat, April 16 @ 9am
Reid's Run is a 5k run and/or walk through the pristine woods of Winding Trails in Farmington to benefit the Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Program and Connecticut Children's Medical Center. Great awards for the top finishers overall and in 9 age divisions.  T-shirts for the first 150 people to register.  Click here for more.
Glow Run
Trinity College Glow Run, Walk & Roll - Sat, April 16 @ 7pm
Students at Trinity College are hosting a Glow Run to raise funds for the Brian Injury Alliance of Connecticut. Choose to run the full 5k or participate in the "Long Walk Lap" for those who want to stroll or have limited mobility.  Stay after the run for a raffle with food, music and prizes! Register here.
My School Color Run
My School Color Run - Sun, April 24 @ 2-4pm
Walk, jog, and run your way toward a healthier life while raising funds for St. Gabriel School! The color run is open to EVERYONE, young and old alike!  This untimed fun run takes place on a 2-mile course featuring several color splash zones where you'll be doused in color!  Early Bird discounts available to those who register by midnight on April 1.  Click here for more details.

Simsbury River Run
Simsbury River Run 5k & 10k - Sunday, April 24
The Simsbury-Granby Rotary Club invites you to join them for their 21st annual River Run in picturesque Simsbury, Connecticut.  This family-friendly event features USATF certified 5k and 10k road races, a 1-mile kid's run and fun, healthy activities. All proceeds go back into the community in the form of college scholarships for Simsbury and Granby High School graduates. Click here for more details.

Blue & Green 5k
Blue & Green 5k  - Sat, April 30 @ 10am
Join LifeChoice Donor Services & walk together in memory of donors and in celebration of the precious gift of life. The 3rd Annual Blue & Green 5K and 2 Mile Walk takes place in Windsor, CT and features a USATF Certified 5K course, music, refreshments, the Wall of Hope and Kids Tent. Find more details here.

Aubrey's Recipe
Get Out N' Play Logo
Smashed Potatoes
The first time I made these potatoes, I had to make them the following week because they were so good and I craved more. I loved the crispy edges and the soft centers. These will be served on our Easter table on Sunday, along with ham and asparagus. You'll wonder where these potatoes have been all your life.

Click Here for Recipe
Store Hours:
Monday: 10am - 7pm
Tuesday: 10am - 7pm
Wednesday: 10am - 8pm
Thursday: 10am - 7pm
Friday: 10am - 7pm

Saturday: 10am - 5:30pm
Sunday: 12 - 5pm*

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