Be The Movement


Issue #172


 February 10, 2015

Jekyll & Hyde Runs

Loving Every Horrible Minute Running in New England is never boring. Especially in winter. Especially THIS winter.


If I wasn't so stubborn, I would relegate myself to the treadmill or just go into hibernation until green becomes the new white. Instead, each morning I suit up for battle in my quest to outwit and outlast Mother Nature's best attempt at being Elsa. 


Some days I nail it.  Other days Mother Nature nails me. Sometimes the reciprocal nailing happens on the same run. Those runs get a special "Jekyll & Hyde" notation in my training log. Last Thursday was one of those runs.


In what's become the norm this winter, I awoke to grey skies and single digit temperatures. I've actually started liking single-digit temps because I don't stress about what to wear since the risk of overheating is virtually nil.


In fact, I think I've perfected the art of layering: three layers on top (wicking base layer, insulating mid-layer and wind-resistant jacket), two on the bottom (fleece tights plus wind pants), wool socks, earband and a gaiter that I pull over my head and nose so only my eyes are showing.  Don't tell my mom, but I've been known to wear the exact same outfit several runs in a row since no sweat = no stink.


As I started running, big snowflakes wafted around me. A layer of fresh snow dusted the landscape making it pure and clean again. Nary a car was out so I enjoyed the serene stillness of the neighborhood. It was like running in a snow globe, so peaceful and beautiful.  I got so caught-up in the magic that I ran an extra mile.  Bad idea.


My route was an out-and-back. I hadn't noticed that the wind was at my back on the way out which meant that it was directly in my face on the way back.  As soon as I turned around, the wind started to howl and acted like a brick wall pushing me backwards. For every two steps I ran forward, the wind pushed me back one. I felt like I was running in place.   


The snowflakes stopped wafting and instead their icy cores pelted my face and stung my cheeks. My eyes teared-up to the point that I couldn't see anything and my nose ran so much that I feared dehydration.


The beautiful snow-covered roads turned into sheets of ice where there was no salt - and pools of slush where there was salt.  A parade of cars came out of nowhere, forcing me into a snowbank and showering me with cold slush as they sped past.  I cursed that extra mile all the way home!     


After runs like these, I find solace in the adage that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger and the belief that the day will come (sooner I hope!) where we'll go for a run on dry roads, dressed in just one layer. Oh how fast and free we'll feel! 


Hang in there!


Judd's Shoe Review - Asics Nimbus 17
Andrew Judd

This week is going to hit home with so many of you because you are already avid wearers of this very popular shoe.  The 17th edition of the Asics Nimbus is especially exciting because it gets a big facelift yet still retains that Cloud-9 like feeling it's renown for.


The Nimbus 17 platform has the most cloud-like feel ever, with more gel, less weight, improved FluidRide, and more flexibility, leaving you feeling simply one thing: cushion. Sounds great, right? That's not even the coolest part! 

Asics Nimbus 17 - Women


It has an all-new upper featuring the newest iteration of FluidFIT, and a completely new-to-Asics engineered mesh leaving you foot with less irritation, and weight than it has ever had to carry in its 17 years of existence! Along with the most comfortable interior upper ever, Asics added in a new and improved Ortholite insole, giving your foot the most plush sensation you have ever experienced.


Asics Nimbus 17 - Men The Nimbus 17 does not officially release for a few more weeks, but select stores (like Fleet Feet Sports, Hartford) received a Special Edition color (which looks awesome) early.  Hurry in to check them out as they are in limited supply and the regular colors don't arrive until March.

Nancy's Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

There is no better way to say "I love you" than with new running gear! This is a great time of year to shop at Fleet Feet with the launch of lots of new shoes, select apparel at 30% to 70% off and new gear arriving daily. 


Here are some suggestions for your runner from Cupid:


Musee Bath Balms Musee Bath Balms.The post-run soak just got a whole lot better! Hand-pressed with natural ingredients, these therapeutic bath balms use soothing oils and salts to refresh your body and mind and heal winter-chapped skin. And if that's not enough, each ball contains a fun surprise once it fizzles out.Soak in life!


Balega Socks Sock, socks and more socks! Spoil them with multiple pairs of their favorite sock in a rainbow of colors to brighten their day 

and to avert sock disaster 

when the laundry thief 



UCAN Snack


Fuel. Forget the box of chocolates, give them a box of your runner's favorite on-the-run fuel like UCAN, Jelly Belly, Gu, Hammer, Huma, Honey Stinger, Bonk Breaker, Clif, Pocket Fuel, Scratch and Nuun. 


Sweaty Bands  








Sweaty Band Headbands. Cute prints, beautiful solids and sparkles that will make her 

The North Face Gym Bag

shine! These velvet-backed headbands don't slip and are 

totally on-trend.


Laryssa Gym Tote. The North Face's new gym back is what all the female staffers want! Lots of storage, convertible strap and waxed cotton canvas that is easy to keep clean!



Garmin GPS Watches

Give a Garmin! You know a new GPS watch is on their list... Surprise them with a sweet new watch that tracks their distance, pace, cadence, heart rate, steps, sleep and 

more!  Prices start at $130.

Gift Cards



Not sure what your runner likes? Give them a Fleet Feet Gift Card and let them choose their perfect gift!

Red Cross Blood Drive:
Save a Life - Donate a Pint on March 1

Red Cross Blood Drive
The Red Cross's Save a Life bus is coming to Fleet Feet!  The unrelenting barrage of snowstorms on the East Coast has created a huge need for blood as over 9,000 people have had to cancel their donor appointments.


Chances are high that someone you know has been a recipient. Our GM Nancy is indebted to those who donate blood and platelets because it gave her precious more time with her best friend as he battled leukemia. We dedicate this blood drive to Juan and all of our loved ones who have needed blood.   


Please consider giving the gift of life. The entire process takes about an hour though the actual blood donation part just takes 8-10 minutes and the satisfaction of knowing you did something good is immediate! 


Sign-up to donate via the American Red Cross Web Site, - enter FFHART in the Sponsor Code search box or call 1-800-RED-CROSS.

To be eligible to donate, you must be at least 17 years old and weigh 110 lbs or more. You must also be in generally good health. Photo ID required.

Overnight Blueberry French Toast

By Aubrey Schulz 

Get Out N' Play Logo

Valentine's Day is on a Saturday this year. This makes it the perfect opportunity to treat your special someone to breakfast (in bed?) 


This dish is easily assembled the night before, so the morning effort requires preheating the oven and cooking the dish for an hour. Cinnamon, vanilla and blueberries combine together for a sweet indulgence.


Overnight Blueberry French Toast



  • Butter
  • 8 cups of cinnamon raisin bread, torn into bite sized pieces
  • 2 cups blueberries
  • 6 eggs
  • 3 cups milk
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • � tsp salt
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • Topping: 1 Tbsp sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon


  1. Butter a 9 x 12 inch baking dish. Add half of the bread chunks, followed by the blueberries. Cover with the remaining 4 cups of bread.
  2. Whisk the eggs in a medium sized bowl. Combine the milk, sugar, salt, vanilla extract and cinnamon. Stir together and pour over the bread/blueberry mixture. Pat gently to submerge the bread. Cover tightly and refrigerate overnight.
  3. Before baking, combine the sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkle over the top.
  4. To bake, cook for 60 minutes in an oven preheated to 350. Allow it to cool slightly and serve.

Adapted from:


Aubrey Schulz is a certified nutrition and triathlon coach with Get Out N PlayShe works with clients to help them reach their nutritional and athletic goals, in the kitchen, out on the road and in the water!  Check out her training program for the Shamrock Marathon.  You can reach her at
Need New Shoes?  Can't Get to the Store?
Click Here!
Send Me Shoes



Mon-Fri: 10-7


Sat: 10-5:30

Sun: 12-5


Phone: 860-233-8077




All events are at Fleet Feet Sports unless otherwise noted.

Wed, Feb 11@ 6:30pm

Evening Fun Run


FREE Samples of UCAN's

new Snack Bar

3-5 Casual Miles

All Abilities Welcome


Sat, Feb 14 @ 9:30-11am

FREE Injury Assessments

w/Select Physical Therapy

No Appt. Necessary


Sun, Feb 15 @ 5:30pm

Yoga for Runners

Bring a Mat, Towel & $15


Wed, Feb 18 @ 6:30pm

Evening Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All abilities welcome


Sat, Feb 21 @ 9:30-11am

FREE Injury Assessments

w/Select Physical Therapy

No Appt. Necessary


Sun, Feb 22 @ 5:30pm

Yoga for Runners

Bring a Mat, Towel & $15


Sun, March 1 @ 10a-3p

Red Cross Blood Drive

Sign-up HERE

FREE Injury Assessments

Sat, Feb 14 & 21


Select PT Hotline

Injured?  Don't know whether you can run/play sports or if you should really see a doctor?  Come to our FREE Injury Assessment Clinic staffed by certified Athletic Trainers & Physical Therapists from Select Physical Therapy.


These free clinics are offered EVERY Saturday during the year from 9:30-11am. No RSVP necessary.


Can't make the clinic or need an assessment sooner?  Email or call the Select PT FREE Injury Hotline:




Featured Race:
USJ Indoor Triathlon
Sun, Feb 15 @ USJ
Sign-up Before it Sells Out!

Tri It Indoors

Spice up your winter training this Sunday!  There are a few spots remaining for this fun indoor triathlon that consists of a 20 minute pool swim, 20 minute cycle on stationary bikes and a 20 minute walk/run on St. Joe's indoor track.  


Do it alone or as part of a relay. Either way, you'll have a blast and work up a good sweat without being cold or having to trounce through the slush.


Need another incentive? There is a free sports massage at the end.  Ahhhh!


More information is available here

Featured Event:
CT Forum Presents:
Explorers & Adventurers
Fri, March 13 @ 8pm
(at the Bushenll)
CT Forum

The Connecticut Forum is excited to present an inspirational and empowering evening featuring Cheryl Strayed, author of Wild, Diana Nyad, Olympic Swimmer who swam 110 miles non-stop from Cuba to Florida, and Paul Nicklen, National Geographic photographer and adventurer who travels to some of the planet's most remote and harshest environments to capture breathtaking images of the natural world. 


Journalist Alison Stewart will moderate this distinguished panel as they share what drives them to explore and venture out into worlds unknown and motivates them to endure and keep moving forward in the face of personal hardship and risk.  Prepare to have the adventurer in you sparked!


Click here for more information.

Featured Race:
Grit 'N Wit
Sat, April 25 @ 9am
Grit 'N Wit

Mark your calendar as one of our favorite events of 2014 makes its return! Grit 'N Wit is an off-road adventure through Hartford's Keney Park that test participants with physical and mental challenges over 3+ miles. You can do it solo or as part of a team (team players get bigger registration discounts)!  


So grab your friends and practice channeling your inner Katniss Everdeen because you're going to need all the grit and wit you can muster! 


All participants receive an event t-shirt, swag bag, free beer and the satisfaction of knowing you're supporting a great cause as a portion of the proceeds are donated to Friends of Jaclyn Foundation which supports children and families battling pediatric brain tumors.


Click here to learn more.

Grit 'N Wit  

Wed Night Fun Runs
6:30pm (at the store) 
Fun Run Crowd
Join Duncan & a great group of Fleet Feet Friends for a casual fun run each Wednesday night at 6:30pm.  We go between 3-5 miles (a route for all abilities). All paces, including walkers, are welcome to join us. 
It's a great way to meet new friends and running partners.  


Meet at the store.  Runners are required to wear reflective gear and bring lights (headlamp, flashlight, etc) when it's dark so everyone is seen and safe!  We have a limited amount of gear available to borrow on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Note: Fun Runs are canceled during snow and thunder storms and when roads/sidewalks are too icy and dangerous.  Check our Facebook page on Wednesdays for status of run.
Thurs Night
Track Workout
(On Hiatus Until March) 
Track Workout
Track workouts will be on hiatus over the winter and will return again in March.

Social Media Fun

Social Media

Join us on your favorite social media platform. Learn the latest running news, get motivated, smile and have the chance to win fun prizes by following us on Facebook (FleetFeetWestHartford), Instagram (#ffhartford) and Twitter (@fleetfeetwh). 


Thanks for following!

  Corporate Lunch & Learns

Schedule Yours Today


Lunch & Learn

Did you know that the experts at Fleet Feet Sports offer free presentations and workshops that are perfect for corporate wellness Lunch-and-Learn series?


Choose from a variety of topics including Injuries & Proper Footwear Selection, Core Health, Minimal Running, Intro to Triathlons and an on-site Fit Clinic. We can also assist with starting a Running and/or Walking Program to help you and your co-workers live fit!


For more information and to schedule a lecture, check out the Community Section of our web site or email Michelle.

Be Safe, Carry ID
on Your Run or Ride
Click the logo to customize and order your own Road ID.  It's a great gift for the runner or cyclist in your life!
Join Our Mailing List 
50% Off

Sale Our Winter Clearance Sale has begun!  Boost your savings with this coupon and save 50% off the original price on your entire sale item purchases (if an item is already >50% off, the higher discount applies to that item only)! 


 This sale is NOT valid on previous purchases or special orders, nor may it be combined with other discounts/coupons, except $15 Rewards Certificates. 


Go green and show us this coupon on your phone!

Offer Expires: Sunday, February 15, 2015