Be The Movement


Issue #125


 March 26, 2013

Love Wins

Ana Marquez-GreeneAna Grace Marquez-Greene was a beautiful six-year old with boundless energy who loved to sing, wear flowered headbands and things that sparkle. Her mom said that she never walked anywhere. Her preferred mode of transportation was dancing. She would dance from room-to-room, place-to-place, heart-to-heart. On December 14, she was killed by a gunman who invaded her classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary School. She was wearing a white shirt with a purple peace symbol.


One of Ana's favorite sayings was "Love Wins". She believed that love could conquer all the bad, negative things in the world. That phrase has become a rallying cry for her family and friends who try to make sense of the evil that took their little girl along with 25 of her classmates and teachers. Together they are working to spread Ana's beautiful message of Love Wins and ensure that goodness, kindness and love will always prevail - even when something as dark and evil as the tragedy at Sandy Hook occurs.


Love Wins Sweaty BandsWe have partnered with her friends and family to create a special Sweaty Band in Ana's honor. The "Love Wins" band features hearts made of tiny flowers on a pink background emblazoned with Love Wins in bold script. We think Ana would approve. All proceeds from the sale of the band will be donated to the Ana Grace Fund which is providing immediate and much-needed financial support to Ana's parents and brother since funds from the United Way have yet to be distributed.


Throughout the process to bring these special bands to life, the spirit of Love Wins has thrived. It started with Sweaty Bands offering to waive their custom fees and design the band for free so that more money could be donated. Then the sons of the owner and national sales manager of Sweaty Bands donated the money from their "Christmas Kindness Project" so we could make more bands - even cooler was the fact that the boys first pooled their money to host a bake sale so they could make a bigger donation. And upon learning about the band, many of our sister Fleet Feet Sports stores across the country volunteered to help sell the bands to help spread Ana's message nationwide.


I am always touched by how kind and generous the running community is whether it's by uniting to run a race for charity (what an awe-inspiring sight last weekend as 15,000 participated in the Sandy Hook 5k!), helping a friend get in shape or sacrificing a run or a PR to aid a fellow runner in need. I think Ana's Sweaty Band is a perfect way for our running community to help spread the message of Love Wins, honor those who died at Sandy Hook ES and show our committment to making the world a better place.


Love Wins!



P.S. Can't get to the store to purchase Ana's Band?  You can order by phone with a credit card ($20) and we'll mail it to you.

Schuyler's Shoe Review: Pearl Izumi eMotion


If one word has permeated the running shoe world in the past few years, that word would be "offset." Offset refers to the difference in height off the ground from the heel of shoe to the ball of the foot. In many shoes the offset is static, meaning that a flat heel platform drops at the midfoot to a flat forefoot platform. As you might imagine, this does not exactly allow a smooth stride. With Project EMotion, Pearl Izumi has set out to create something new: Dynamic Offset.


Pearl Izumi eMotion N2 - Men'sShoes in the EMotion line feature a curved heel and forefoot with an offset that changes steadily from heel to toe. This means that wherever your foot plants, it will instantly engage in a natural gait cycle that provides guidance and cushion exactly where you need it. Body weight centers on the ball of the foot and transitions to a quick toe-off, decreasing the time your foot spends on the ground.


Pearl Izumi eMotionThe first test of EMotion came at the famous Western States 100 ultramarathon, where Timothy Olson set a course record in a prototype of the EMotion N1 Trail racing shoe. All of the benefits that Dynamic Offset provides mean that this shoe will decrease the likelihood of tripping or turning an ankle on the trail, while also decreasing foot soreness over long distances.


Pearl Izumi eMotion N2 - Women'sFor runners not pounding out miles on the trail, the neutral N2 Road and stability M3 Road provide additional protection and cushion while still allowing for an efficient gait. Few shoes have ever offered this much cushion while feeling so fast. One track workout runner who bought a pair at our early launch event said that he was skeptical whether anything was special when walking in the shoe... but running in it made him a believer.

Stacy's Sports Medicine Corner

Shin Splints

Stacy Provencher

It is spring time! The snow is melting (almost), the high school outdoor track season has begun, many people will either start running again after a winter layoff, or start to increase their mileage as the weather gets nicer. With this increase in activity, something else usually happens around this time of year.....shin splints!


There are two different types of shin splints, with many different contributing factors to each condition. The term, "shin splints," is a catch all phrase used to describe pain in the lower leg. Not all shin splints are treated the same, and sometimes, if treated improperly or not at all, those shin splints will turn into stress fractures! It's important to determine the cause of shin pain and to correct the underlying causes.


Shin SplintsThe most common shin splints occur along the inside of the lower leg bone (tibia). This is technically called Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome. There is a muscle that runs along the tibia called the tibialis posterior. This muscle attaches in the foot and its function is to support the arch. If the arch is collapsing in and is not properly supported, it causes a traction force on the muscle as it runs along the bone. This force causes an inflammation of the outer layer of the bone where the muscle attaches to it. When this happens, ice should be applied to the area to decrease the pain and inflammation.


The arch also needs to be properly supported to alleviate the stress on the tibialis posterior muscle. This support can come in the form of the proper footwear and / or an over the counter or custom orthotic. Even if the shoes are appropriate for the foot type, if they are old and past their life, they are no longer providing the support that they once did and they should be replaced.


Click here to learn about the second type of shin splints, at-home treatment and strengthening exercises to prevent shin splints from occurring.

Amy's Gear Corner - Stay Hydrated


Get ready for the warmer temperatures this spring by developing a solid hydration strategy. Dehydration can derail not only your run, but also how you feel for hours after your run since headaches and muscle stiffness/soreness are intensified by too little water in your body. Check out these new products to keep you hydrated and happy!


New Flavors of Nuun 


Plus, stop by this week and submit your guess at how many jelly beans we crammed into a 25oz Camelbak Eddy Bottle. The most accurate guess wins the bottle and tablets of Nuun's newest flavors including Cherry Limeade, Watermelon & Lemonade. Mmmmm!


Salomon S-Lab HandheldSalomon Sense Hydro S-Lab Handheld: This system is all the rage among trail and ultra-runners thanks to its ultra-minimal design that features two gloves that have a thin elastic strap that secures a soft flask in the palm of your hand. Taking a sip is as easy as raising your hand to your mouth and biting down on the valve! The BPA-free soft flask conforms to your hand and can be rolled-up as you drink the contents. Worried about wearing a glove in the summer? Never fear, the breathable mesh palms will keep your hands cool and the soft terry-cloth back is great for wiping away sweat and snot.


Fuel Belt Wedge BottleFuel Belt Wedge Bottle: Genius! For those who don't like to carry a bottle in their hands or wear a belt, this is your hydration solution especially on shorter runs! The 7oz BPA-free bottle features a clip that attaches the bottle to your waistband. Super easy to access and low fuss. You can even wear your shirt over the bottle so no one knows that you're carrying water. Stealth-mode!  


Camelbak BottlesCamelbak Eddy Bottles: New Camelbak bottles have arrived! Research shows that water bottles with straws inspire the user to drink more often. Not only does the new Eddy Bottle feature a pop-top straw, but they are also spill and leak proof, BPA-free and have a lifetime guarantee. We've got big bottles for Mom and Dad to hydrate between runs and at-work, but also smaller ones with fun designs for your kids that will fit perfectly in their lunchbox.


Camelbak Arc BeltCamelbak Arc 2 Hydration Belt: This is the lightest, most breathable waist hydration system around. We love the "always open-always closed" bottles that are leak-proof and movable so you can place them exactly where you want them, as well as the stretch-loops that keep your nutrition easy-to-access. Sleek and fast. Just like you.

Upcoming Training Programs:

Walk, 5k, 10k, Tough Mudder, Triathlon & Kids


Info Night/Meet-the-Coaches:  Wed @ 7pm

Life's best moments rarely happen on their own. You have to make them happen. Yes, it takes effort and hard work, but the results are more than worth it.  They can be life-changing and lead to a more invigorated, empowered, healthier you.


Rediscover the thrill of challenging yourself and conquering your dreams and goals. You are never too old, too overweight or too out-of-shape to be successful.  Discover your inner athlete and watch as a world of possibility and adventure open before you!


To learn more about our life-changing programs, click on the program names below. 


10k Training Program:

  Starts Saturday, March 30 @ 8:30am

  Register Online or in-store


No Boundaries 5k sponsored by New Balance:


  Starts Saturday, March 30 @ 9am or Wed, April 3 @ 5:30pm

  Register Online or In-Store


First Steps Walking Program:

  Designed for bariatric patients and those w/BMI >30

  Starts Saturday, March 30 @ 9am

  Register Online or In-Store


Triathlon Training Program:

  Starts Monday, April 1 @ 6:30pm - swim at Cornerstone

  Register Online or In-Store


Zoomerangs Kids Running Program:

  Starts Sunday, April 21 @ 3:30pm

  Register Online or In-Store


Running on the Spectrum:

  Zoomerangs for children with Autism

  Hosted in partnership with Autism Families CT

  Starts Sunday, April 21 @ 4:30pm

  Register Online or In-Store


Tough Mudder Training Program:

  Starts Tuesday, May 14 (with a hill run)

  Register Online or In-Store

Want to Run w/Us, but Have Kids?

Check out Generation Y's Childcare Program

Child CareWe often hear from parents who would love to join our training programs, Fun Runs and Track Workouts but can't because they need childcare. If your kids are aged 5 and older, we've got a great solution for you!


We've partnered with Generation Y on LaSalle Rd (just around the corner from Fleet Feet - across from Starbucks) to offer a special Fitness & Leisure Club for your kids during our programming. Kids can choose from a huge variety of professionally supervised activities including arts & crafts, rock climbing, boxing, yoga, hula hooping, ping-pong, XBOX, WII, karaoke...even homework help. You kids are going to beg you to stay longer!


Generation YCost is $10/hour for your first child and $5 for each additional child. Even better, Gen Y is open until Midnight on Friday and Saturday's in case mom and dad need a date night!


Click here to learn more about the fun of Generation Y.

Summer School for High School Runners

Cross CountryThe key to a successful XC Season is getting in a good base of summer miles - but it can be hard to get motivated to run in the summer heat when you are all alone.


That's why we are going to host Summer School for high school runners from late June through mid August.  We will host a 3-6 mile run on Tuesday's at 6pm and a track/speed workout on Thursday's at 6:30pm.  Along the way, we'll have guest experts to teach you proper form and dynamic warm-ups, nutrition samples, gear demos...and prizes for attendence!


The program is FREE though you'll need your parents permission.  More details to come, but join our Facebook group to stay in the loop. 


Special thanks to Paul Cashman at Fairfield Prep HS for helping make this program possible!

Cycle & Brick Workouts w/Coach Amy

AmyCoach Amy now is now working with The Fitness Continuum to bring you not one, but three new programs to help you transition to outdoor riding and racing.

Starting Tuesday, April 2 from 6-7:15pm: 8-week cycling program to help boost power, increase speed and ride stronger. 

Price: $120

Starting Thursday, April 4 from 6-7:30pm: 8-week cycling program to increase endurance and improve efficiency and stamina.
Price: $120

Starting Sunday, April 6 from 9-10:30am: 6-week "Brick 101" Course - Ride then run.  Learn how to transition smoothly and efficiently. 

Price $140.

If you are interested in signing up for any of these programs or if you just want more information email

Featured Events

Prospect Easter Run for Eye Research

Saturday March 30, 2013 9:10AM


Come enjoy a nice spring run at the 7th annual Run for Eye Research. There will be a 5k race and a 2 mile walk. The event is sponsored by the Prospect Lions Club and all proceeds go to benefit The Yale Eye Research Center and Prospect Families in need.


The 5k is a certified course and awards are given to overall male and female winners as well as awards to top 3 finishers in each age group. The 2 mile walk is non-competitive. Refreshments are available after the race. The course has gently rolling hills and is open to runners, walkers and participants of all abilities. Both the run and walk start and end at St. Anthony's Church parking lot/park and ride lot conveniently located at the intersection of Rte.68/69 in Prospect.


Event T-shirts for all pre-registered and first 75 race day registrants. Registeration is just $20.   Sign-up Online here, via Mail-In Registration Form or on race day beginning at 8am. 



 2nd Annual Hoppin Hodges 5k

Sunday, March 31 @ 8am


This special 5k is in memory of James Hodges, a long time member of Hartford Track Club and benefits the "Friends of Valley Falls", a non-profit that promotes the betterment of the Valley Falls section of the Vernon Rails to Trails where Jim loved to run and hike. This low-buget/no-frills race is hosted by Jim's wife, Janit Romayko.


The out-and-back 5k turns around at Valley Falls and is open to runners, walkers, dogs and mountain bikers.  The registration fee is a donation of your choice to the Friends of Valley Falls organization. To sign-up, complete this form and bring it with you on Sunday. 



YMCA Cycle-a-Thon

Saturday, April 6 (9am-1pm)


The YMCA in West Hartford sponsors an amazing 12-week program for cancer survivors that aims to help them feel alive, fit and healthy again.  This free program is made possible by money raised through the Y's Misson in Motion Cycle-a-Thon which will take place on Saturday, April 6 at The Playground (635 New Park Rd, West Hartford).


You are encouraged to put together a team and sponsor a bike (minimum donation of $500).  Not all team members have to ride, but someone must be riding your Team Bike during the 4-hour event/ride.  A plaque will be awarded to the top fundraiser - and the cycling class that raises the most money will get a breakfast on the Y! 


Click here for more information or email Shawn Fongemie at the YMCA.

Turkey Cheese Burgers

By Aubrey Schulz 

Get Out & Play - & Soak-up Vitiman D

Soon the weather will warm up and thoughts of using your grill might surface. Here's a fancy, gourmet

burger sure to give an upscale burger joint a run for its money. This turkey burger recipe is a great

way to kick off the grilling season, once the weather cooperates.


Turkey Cheddar Burgers:



  • Olive oil
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • � tsp freshly ground pepper
  • � tsp red pepper flakes
  • � small red onion, finely minced
  • 1 � lb ground turkey
  • � cup tightly packed shredded cheddar cheese
  • � jalapeno, finely diced (seeded and deveined for less heat)
  • � cup fresh cilantro
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 4 burger buns


  1. Place 1 Tbsp of olive oil, cumin seeds, black pepper and red pepper flakes in a large frying pan over medium heat. Cook, stirring often, until the cumin seeds are fragrant and lightly browned, about 2 minutes.
  2. Add the onions and cook, stirring often, until translucent, about 2-3 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and set aside to cool.
  3. Place the turkey in a large bowl and gently knead in the cheese, jalapeno, cilantro, and salt. Stir in the onion mixture and form into four patties.
  4. Grill the burgers about 5 minutes on each side.


Source: Masala Farm by Suvir Saran


Aubrey Schulz is a certified nutrition and triathlon coach with Get Out N Play She works with clients to help them reach their nutritional and athletic goals, both in the kitchen and out on the road. This summer she is teaming up with Lake Terramuggus Triathlon Race Director Bill Honeck for a destination marathon
training program. The group training program begins in July and culminates with an October marathon in Bar Harbor ME.



Mon-Thurs: 10-7

Fri: 10-6

Sat: 10-5:30

Sun: 12-5


CLOSED Easter Sunday


Phone: 860-233-8077




All events are at Fleet Feet Sports unless otherwise noted.

Wed, March 27 @ 6am

 Morning Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All abilities welcome

More Info HERE


Wed, March 27 @ 6:30pm

Evening Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All abilities Welcome!


Wed, March 27 @ 7pm

5k & 10k Training Program

Info Night


Thurs, March 28 @ 7pm

Team Training NE

Tri Program Info Meeting

See Details Below


Fri, March 29 @ 6am

Morning Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All Abilities Welcome

More Info HERE


Sat, March 30 @ 9:30-11am

FREE Injury Assements

by Select Physical Therapy

No Appointment Necessary


Sat, March 30 @ 8:30am

10k Training
Program Begins

More Details HERE


Sat, March 30 @ 9am

5k Training Program

Begins (Walk & Run)

More Details HERE


Mon, April 1 @ 6am

Morning Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All Abilities Welcome

More Info HERE


Mon, April 1 @ 6:30pm

Fleet Feet Spring Tri

Training Program Begins

More Info HERE


Wed, April 3 @ 6am

Morning Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All abilities welcome

More Info HERE


 Wed, April 3 @ 6:30pm

Evening Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All abilities welcome


 Fri, April 5 @ 6am

Morning Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All Abilities Welcome

More Info HERE


 Sat, April 6 @ 9am-12pm

FREE Running Clinic

at Select PT in Storrs

See Details Below


Sat, April 6 @ 10a-5pm

Chi Running Level I


More Info HERE


Sun, April 7 @ 10a-2pm

Chi Running Level II Workshop

More Info HERE


Sun, April 7 @ 5:30pm

Yoga for Runners

Bring a Towel, Mat & $10

Portion goes to FoodShare


Mon, April 8 @ 6:30pm

March Madness Fun Run

Sponsored by Asics

Demos, Prizes & Fun


March 15-April 15

Outdoor Track Gear-Up

Discounts & Gifts for


Details Below


April 21 @ 3:30pm

Zoomerang Kids Running

 Program in WH Begins
  (Glastonbury begins 4/28)
Details HERE

Stacy's FREE Injury Assessment Schedule

 Injured Runner

 We are pleased to have Stacy Provencher on-staff as our Sports Medicine Director & Certified Athletic Trainer.  Stacy will be available during the below hours to offer free injury assessments and help fit customers with medical issues and injuries. Appointments are encouraged, but not necessary.


To contact Stacy, call 860-233-8077 or email her at


Learn about common injuries and treatments in Stacy's Sports Medicine section on our web site.


Mon: 2-7pm


Wed: 2-7pm


Thurs: 10am-2pm


Fri: 10am-2pm


Sat: 9am-Noon

(every other Saturday
when Select PT is not present)

FREE Injury Assessments

Sat, March 30 - 9:30-11am

Select PT Hotline

Injured?  Don't know whether you can run/play sports or if you should really see a doctor?  Come to our FREE Injury Assessment Clinic staffed by certified Athletic Trainers from Select Physical Therapy.


These free clinics will be offered every other Saturday.  No RSVP necessary.


Can't make the clinic or need an assessment sooner?  Email or call the Select PT FREE Injury Hotline:





 Team Training NE

Triathlon Training

Program Info Night

Thurs, March 28 @ 7pm

Team Training NE
Is there a triathlon in your future?  If you can swim, bike and run, the answer might be yes! 
Find out at our Q&A session and learn about how you can go from the sidelines to the finish line.  Learn how triathlons work, how much training you need to complete one, and what gear you need (and don't need).  Maybe you have a particular fear or question?  The certified USA Triathlon certified coaches of Team Training New England will happily answer all your questions.   
In this light-hearted 1 hour session learn all you need to know to get on the triathlon track!  Come with your questions and a smile. 
Can't make it?  Check out TTNE's web site for more details.
FREE Running Clinic
w/Dr. Veltri
April 6 @ 9am-12pm
(Storrs, CT)


Dr. Veltri   


Fleet Feet Sports is teaming up with Select Physical Therapy & orthopedic surgeon Dr. Veltri to host a running clinic appropriate for both new and experienced runners and triathletes who are looking for ways to improve their performance and stay healthy.


Dr. Veltri will lead with a presentation on common running injuries and the best treatment options. After the talk, Fleet Feet Sports Medicine Director, Stacy, and the Physical Therapists & Athletic Trainers from Select Physical Therapy will conduct rotating stations where participants will learn about common techniques for treating & preventing running injuries including:

  • Foam Rolling
  • Dartfish Video Motion Analysis
  •  Functional Movement Screens
  • Kinesiotaping
  • Injury assessments
  • Core stability

All attendees will get a Select PT VIP card entitling them to discounts such as 20% off Dartfish Analysis, as well as a chance to win a $50 gift card to Fleet Feet Sports!



This clinic is limited to 30 participants. Please e-mail your name and phone number to Mike to claim your spot and let him know if you would like to sign-up to have your gait analyzed via Dartfish at a reduced rate.



Clinic will be hosted at Select Physical Therapy's office in Storrs, CT located at 9 Dog Lane, Suite 108.

     Level I & II
Chi Running Workshops
April 6 & 7
Chi Running

 Remember running when you were a kid? It felt effortless, free and fun to fly down a hill as fast as you could without fear. No matter your age or running experience, ChiRunning can help you recapture that joy.


We have partnered with ChiRunning certified instructors, Vince Vaccaro and Joel Matalon, to offer two ChiRunning Workshops at the store. Both workshops have indoor and outdoor components so plan to dress in layers for both climates. Additionally, the Level I Workshop on Saturday runs from 10am to 5pm so please pack a lunch and snacks to keep you fueled and focused. 


Those new to ChiRunning should sign-up for the first workshop (Level I) on Saturday which teaches the components of ChiRunning technique by guiding you through exercises and drills that leave you with a clear sense of what ChiRunning feels like.


There will not be a lot of running so don't worry if you are injured or not in great shape. The nature of the day will be relaxed, full and inspiring and will be spent alternating between demonstrations, fun exercises and technique drills. Click here for the details and to register.


Sunday's Level II Workshop will run from 10am-2pm. You will go into more depth on the skills and techniques of ChiRunning so you can run injury-free for the rest of your life. Click here for more details & to register.  


Questions? Email Instructor Vince at

   Outdoor Track
"Gear-Up" Savings
Now Through April 15
Keep Calm & Track On

Fleet Feet Sports wants to be your go-to store for your trainers, spikes and gear.  From now through April 15, all middle and high school tracksters will receive 10% off their shoes, special discounts on apparel and accessories to keep athletes safe and injury-free. 


Also, the first 150 kids to purchase their shoes during this time will get a cool limited-edition t-shirt for FREE!

Wed Night Fun Runs
6:30pm (at the store) 
Fun Run Crowd

Join Duncan & a great group of Fleet Feet Friends for a casual fun run each Wedensday night at 6:30pm.  We go between 3-5 miles (a route for all abilities).  All paces, including walkers, are welcome to join us. 

It's a great way to meet new friends and running partners.  


Meet at the store.  Runners are required to wear reflective gear and lights when it's dark (we have gear for you to borrow) so everyone is seen and safe! 

Note: Fun Runs are canceled during snow and thunder storms and when roads/sidewalks are too icy and dangerous.  Check our Facebook page on Wednesday's for status of run.

Thurs Track Workout


Begins April 4!!!


Track workouts are back!


Do you feel the need for speed?  Or maybe your workout routine needs a little spice.  Join Coach Schuyler each Thursday for a fun track workout that caters to both beginners and more experienced runners.

Join us every Thursday - 6:30pm at the University of Saint Joseph Track off of Asyulm Rd in West Hartford.   Please park in the upper parking lot (NOT the O'Connell Gym lot or we risk losing our permit to use the track).


 These workouts are designed for runners of ALL abilities.  The goal is to help you get stronger and faster.  This is your opportunity to get professional coaching for free - and meet some great fellow runners. 



 Can't make it to the workout? Email Schuyler to receive his Weekly Workout email so you can still get your speed-fix in!

Yoga for Runners

Sunday's at 5:30pm

(for competitive people who

can't easily touch their toes)


**NO class Easter Sunday**

Yoga for Runners
What Happens in Class?

We have fun... this I can assure you. It is a very relaxed class that is customized to how everyone is feeling.  For example, if most have done a hard run that day and are feeling tired we will do a lower intensity class. But if most are feeling good, we will have a more intense class with extra core and more power.


We begin the class with a pose that allows us to settle and focus on our breathing. From there we will move into core work to get warm. For the next 40 min or so we will move into our yoga practice. I take "requests." Some will request specific target areas like low back, hamstrings, or hips. If the group wants to work with the hips we might do a slow practice that includes lunges and pigeon pose.


Toward the end of class we usually end up laying on the mat. to do some restorative low back stretches. We always close with "corpse pose" which entails laying down and relaxing for about 3 minutes and simply relax! It is often nice to have a few moments to chill before heading back into our worlds.


Come join us!


Meghan's Web Site

Twitter: @MegColFanning



  Corporate Lunch & Learns

Schedule Yours Today


Lunch & Learn

Did you know that the experts at Fleet Feet Sports offer free presentations and workshops that are perfect for corporate wellness Lunch-and-Learn series?


Choose from a variety of topics including Injuries & Proper Footwear Selection, Core Health, Minimal Running, Intro to Triathlons and an on-site Fit Clinic. We can also assist with starting a Running and/or Walking Program to help you and your co-workers live fit!


For more information and to schedule a lecture, check out the Community Section of our web site.

We're on Facebook!
Facebook Logo
Become a "fan" of Fleet Feet Sports Hartford and be the first to know about new events, participate in interesting discussions and view great photos of our Fleet Feet Peeps in action. 


Check out our page by clicking here.
Return Policy
Save $15!
We believe in the PERFECT FIT - it's part of our Fitlosophy.  If you are not 100% satisfied with the fit of your shoes, socks, sports bra, insoles, etc, we invite you to bring the item back within 30 days of purchase.  Even if you wore the item outside. 


Give us an opportunity to find a better solution for you.  We want to help you get the proper tools to live fit!
Join Our Mailing List 


Save 10% on Hydration Products

Spring training is heating up - and we're not talking Baseball!  As your long runs get longer, staying hydrated is more important than ever.  Treat yourself to a new water bottle or hydration belt and save 10% off the original price.  Plus, get a free sample tablet of Nuun's newest flavors - mmmmm!


One coupon per household.  Coupon NOT valid on previous purchases, special orders or in combination with other discounts or coupons. 

Go green and show us this coupon on your phone.
Offer Expires: Monday, April 1, 2013