Be The Movement


Issue #119


 December 18, 2012

Town of NewtonOur hearts continue to break for our neighbors in Newtown and their family and friends worldwide who lost so much last Friday. While nothing we can do will stop the pain, we can soften it by honoring those beautiful children and their teachers by spreading good and keeping their memories alive. The kindness and love we share with each other and strangers will spread like wildfire. Not only will it help make the world a better place once again, but also strengthen those whose sadness and loss is overwhelming.


While there have been many beautiful tributes and fundraisers, it warms my heart to see our running community coming together and using the sport we love to help those in Newtown. Below is information about two 5k events that are being planned - I hope you'll join us in being a part of them.


The first annual Strides for Sandy Hook 5k will be on Saturday, January 19. It's goal is to raise funds for a memorial and to show love and support to the community of Newtown. Details are still being worked out, but the race will be put on in conjunction with the Newtown Parks & Recreation Department. To learn more or donate, click here.


Also, another local group is planning a 5k Run for the Children of Sandy Hook. The Hartford Marathon Foundation has graciously volunteered to donate their services to organize this event. Click here to join their Facebook page and get all the details as they become available.
Finish a 5k?  Conquer 13.1?  Just Do It!

Nike - Just Do ItOne summer my cross country coach encouraged us to create an Inspiration Collage using pictures and words that represented our goals and inspirations for the season. He wanted us to concretely visualize our goals - an important first step if you really want to achieve something.

So I grabbed some of my dad's Runner's World magazines and started clipping pictures and words that symbolized my goals. I cut out the cover photo of a pretty female runner, looking tan, fit and happy with a pair of sneakers slung over her shoulder. I cut out the number "500" because it represented the number of miles I wanted to run over the next 6 months. Then I came across an 8-page Nike ad that seemed like it was written just for me.


It began with a litany of phrases representing the ever-changing hopes, dreams, realities and relationships in a girl's life as she matures...


You were born a daughter. You looked up to your mother. You looked up to your father. You looked up at everyone. You wanted to be a princess. You thought you were a princess. You wanted to own a horse. You wanted to be a horse. You wanted your brother to be a horse. You wanted to wear pink. You never wanted to wear pink...


...and ended with the truth that the most important relationship a girl can have is with her self:


YOU BECAME SIGNIFICANT TO YOURSELF. Sooner or later, you start taking yourself seriously. You know when you need a break. You know when you need a rest. You know what to get worked up about and what to get rid of. And you know when it's time to take care of yourself, for yourself. To do something that makes you stronger, faster, more complete. Because you know it's never too late to have a life. And never too late to change one. JUST DO IT.


I remember memorizing the ad and reciting before every race, during long runs and in challenging situations. That ad became a personal manifesto that empowers me to believe, even today, that I can do anything I put my heart and mind into - on the run and in life.


As we get ready to start a new year ripe with fresh opportunities, this ad is a great reminder that we are in the driver's seats of our lives. You are never too old to change the direction of your life in the pursuit of happiness. Take time to take care of yourself. Do something that makes you stronger and more complete in 2013. Don't worry what others might think. Don't worry about failing. Just do it!


Be Fit (and don't forget to hug the ones you love),



Click here to read the entire Nike ad.

Schuyler's Shoe Review:


The Adidas Supernova Glide might not have the legendary status of shoes that are nearing 20 or 30 years revisions, but it's developing a following all its own. With the new Glide 5's updated fit and state-of-the-art materials, fans of plush, neutral cushion might find a new home.


Since its inception, this shoe has featured a pillowy midsole that allows for creates a smooth transition to. Adidas' unique Formotion unit makes this an exception shoe for heel strikers, providing a natural angle at heel-strike. Adidas made a smart call by keeping this midsole consistent.


Adidas Glide 5 - MenAt the same time, the outsole and upper have been updated to a more dialed-in fit and feel. Like other Adidas shoes, the outsole is made from Continental rubber (Yes, like the tires) to provide traction in both wet and dry conditions.


Adidas Glide 5 - WomenThe biggest changes are found in the upper, which is now almost entirely seamless. The Glide has always provided a good fit for bunions, but the Glide 5's seam-free design makes that fit even better. Runners and walkers who want extra room without slippage or slopiness will love the forgiving forefoot.

Stacy's Sports Medicine Corner:

Hamstrings: Strength & Flexibility 

Stacy Provencher

In the last Sports Medicine Corner article, I addressed the importance of taking time this winter to cross train for injury prevention and to enhance running performance. Some of the points I discussed were increasing core strength and dynamic flexibility of the lower extremity. For the next few weeks, I will be talking about specific muscle groups and exercises to train them. Today's focus is on the hamstrings.


The hamstrings start at the bottom of our hip bone and run the length of the femur before crossing the knee joint to attach on the tibia and fibula. Since they have an attachment at both the hip and knee, they are considered a two joint muscle. Their function is to extend the hip and flex (bend) the knee. When exercising the hamstrings, keep in mind that they cross two joints and focus on exercises that train each of their functions.


HamstringsMost runners have either very tight or weak hamstrings, or even worse, tight and weak! When the hamstrings are tight, they pull on the hip bone causing a slight rotation, which can affect the natural curvature of the back and cause pain and tightness in the lower back. Weakness in the hamstrings can contribute to knee pain and increase the incidence of a hamstring strain. A lot of people stretch their hamstrings often, but say they can never seem to get more flexible. If this sounds familiar, you might be focusing on the wrong type of stretching exercises. Dynamic flexibility exercises that involve eccentric contractions (muscle lengthening) are the most effective way to increase the flexibility of a muscle.


A good exercise to perform to increase hamstring muscle flexibility & strength is called the Romanian Deadlift, or RDL.


Click here to read/learn more.

Amy's Gear Corner:  Unique Gift Ideas

Cold RollerCold Roller: You know ice baths are good after a hard workout. You also know the benefits of massage and foam roller. The folks at Trigger Point Therapy have developed a cool tool (literally) that combines both to maximize recovery. The revolutionary Cold Roller gives the sensation of getting an ice bath during a massage.
To do it, they made a stainless steel version of their popular Quad Baller and added a patented gel core that retains its frozen goodness for up to three hours without sticking to your skin (we know you were envisioning the scene from A Christmas Story when Flick's tongue get stuck to the flagpole).  
Runner's World magazine named the Cold Roller one of the most innovative products of 2012. 
Running UnderwearHigh Tech Undies: It's the question everyone wants to ask but are afraid to. What do you wear underneath running tights and pants? The answer is high-tech underwear made from moisture-wicking materials because the drier you are, the warmer you stay.  Choose from soft Merino wool from Icebreaker (available in boxers for men and hipkini's for women) or Brook's synthetic equilibrium fabric which comes in brief and boxer styles for men (some styles have strategically placed wind panels too) and thermal boxers for women which also feature cozy fleece because our thighs and bums tend to be colder then men's.


HeadlampsHeadlamps: New in store! Perfect for early morning/late night runners, walkers...and dog walkers!  I love how these headlamps are simple and lightweight but designed to perform in any environment. Both sizes feature an asymmetrical single arm bracket, accessible battery door enclosure and a large push button switch which makes it easier to turn on/off with gloves on.


The larger Remix is the most versatile headlamp thanks to its multi-beam pattern created by combining a Maxbright LED with three Ultrabright LEDs. The smaller Byte still packs a powerful punch thanks to its Maxbright LED and single Red Ultrabright LED which aids in night vision.


Race Medal HangerRace Medal Hangers: If your runner or triathlete has medals strewn over every doorknob in the house, this is the gift for them! These cool metal displays let them show off their hard earned medals in one attractive display. The small display holds 6 medals, while the large one holds 24. Running and triathlon-themed designs available.


Runner Key FobsKey Fobs: Looking for a fun gift for your running partner (you know the one that wakes up at the crack of dawn to run with you) or child's teacher/coach who loves to run? Check out our collection of key fobs that highlight popular race distances, triathlon theme or love to run design. These stylish key fobs are made out of lightweight and durable nylon, accented with a leather embellishment and brass hardware.


Silk TiesSilk Ties: These ties are great gifts! They are hand-crafted 100% silk and have either running or triathlon images! The design is subtle and sharp, with several color options including a very stylish pink. Made from the finest quality silk-they are sure to a smile on the recipient's face!  
Bottle CapsKey Chains, Bag Flair & Magnets: Stefanie Marco's bottle cap creations are "funky one of a kind art" and are always popular gifts! Choose from lots of different designs related to running and triathlons - including some with inspirational words to get you out the door when it's cold! 

Holiday OrnamentsOrnaments: These hand-sculpted ornaments are beautifully detailed and hand painted. They make a great gift for the runner or triathlete in your life! You can even personalize it with a permanent fine tip marker to add that special touch. Ready to hang with ribbon tie!


Candy Cane SocksCandy Cane Knee High Socks: Be festive during your next run or wear them under your business suit. These knee high socks are high-performance socks with exceptional moisture control and cool comfort. The heel and toe are double-stitched for comfort, durability and no slippage.    

The Perfect Gift: Training + Massages!

 Give the gift of fitness and good health! We're partnering with Bonita Weisman at West Hartford Massage Therapy to offer a fun gift package that includes gift certificates for a Fleet Feet Sports Training Program and two (2) hour-long massages with Bonita who will massage away your aches and pains so you can run stronger than ever before. Train hard and enjoy the rewards!


Package price is $250 and also includes a gift to keep your runner hydrated and happy!

Train With Us: 5k, 5Mile & Half Marathon

Fleet Feet Training ProgramsDo you dream of becoming an athlete? Maybe you want to return to the fitness level of your youth. Maybe you want to be in the best shape of your life. Maybe you want to run your first 5k...10k...half marathon...or become a triathlete. Whatever your dream may be, Fleet Feet Sports can help you make it come true in 2013.


Train with us and discover your inner athlete.  Experience a way of life that gives back more than you invest in it. Become healthier and stronger - inside and out. Become more confident and courageous in all aspects of your life. Meet new training partner, partners who will become favorite friends. See a world of possibilities open before you. 

  • First Steps Walking Program is an 8-week progressive walking program designed for those with a BMI > 30 and/or who have recently undergone bariatric surgery.  Program begins on Saturday, February 2 and graduates with the Shamrock 2 Mile walk on March 24.  Email Stacy to sign up.


  • No Boundaries Couch to 5k Program in partnership with New Balance will give you the skills and confidence you need to run or walk, the Max O'Hartford 5k. Begins Saturday, January 12 at 9am (sign-up online here). 


  •  Next Steps 5-Miler program will enable you to go the distance and conquer the hills of the Shamrock 5 Miler. Begins Saturday January 12 at 9am (sign-up online here).


  • Half Marathon program will keep you running all winter long! This 12-week training program culminates with the Danbury Half on April 7. Begins Saturday, January 19 at 8am (sign-up online here).

Click the program names above to learn more - or plan to come to our Training Program Open House on Thursday, January 10 at 7pm.  


It doesn't matter how old you are or how out-of-shape you might be, we have training programs that are safe and effective and coaches who are simply amazing. You can do this!

Yoga for Runners: Sundays at 5:30pm

(for competitive people who can't easily touch their toes)


Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable 

Yoga for Runners


Bad runs are the worst. We hate them. They are uncomfortable, they hurt, and usually we just want to fast forward to the end - immediately.


We have the opportunity to learn more from a bad run than we do from a number of great runs. Those bad runs teach us to sit with discomfort. And as a disclaimer, I am not encouraging pain and injury. I am referring to the runs when we just don't feel good or when we may go to an emotionally ugly place.


Instead of shutting it down and ignoring the discomfort- GO THERE. See what happens. Often times we will realize that we are a heck of a lot stronger than we ever thought was possible. Pay attention to what feels bad. Know that you can persevere.


When awful things happen people often want to do something to fix it. Sometimes sitting with discomfort and learning from that experience can be quite profound. Go there! And get comfortable with being uncomfortable.


Just $10/class - A portion of the proceeds will go to FoodShare. Please bring a Yoga mat, blanket or towel, and wear comfortable clothes.



Meghan Collins Fanning -

Twitter: @MegColFanning


Maple Toasted Nuts

By Aubrey Schulz 

Get Out & Play - & Soak-up Vitiman D

Give the gift of homemade treats this season. This simple recipe comes together easily. Just measure, stir and bake. Pour the cooled nuts into a mason jar, along with a bow and a ribbon and you've made someone's day. (editors confession: Aubrey brought a jar into the store on Monday & I hide it from everyone so I can eat it all.  It's sooo delicious!)


These sweet nuts are a pleasing and healthier alternatives to holiday cookies. Walnuts are a rich source of healthy monounsaturated fat and an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Walnuts are loaded with nutrients that are antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. There has been a link to its role in preventing certain diseases like metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular problems and Type-2 Diabetes.


Most U.S. adults have yet to discover the benefits of walnuts. A recent study determined that only 5.5% of all adults consume tree nuts of any kind. This small percentage of people actually do a pretty good job of integrating tree nuts (including walnuts) into their diet, and average about 1.25 ounces of tree nuts per day. In a recent look at the nutritional differences between tree nut eaters and non-eaters, researchers have reported some pretty notable findings: on a daily average, tree nut eaters take in 5 grams more fiber, 260 milligrams more potassium, 73 more milligrams of calcium, 95 more milligrams of magnesium, 3.7 milligrams more vitamin E, and 157 milligrams less sodium.


This holiday season give the gift of health to someone who deserves to be recognized and appreciated.


Maple Toasted Nuts with Coconut



  • 2 cup walnuts
  • ½ cup unsweetened coconut flakes
  • ¼ cup shelled pistachios
  • 1 Tbsp sesame seeds
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp maple syrup
  • 2 Tbsp brown sugar
  • ¼ tsp coarse salt


  1. Preheat oven to 300.
  2. In a bowl, stir together ingredients until combined.
  3. Spread onto two rimmed baking sheet. Avoid overcrowding the pan. Bake for 23 to 25 minutes, stirring once. The mixture will be toasted and golden brown when it's done.
  4. Let cool completely.

Makes 3


Aubrey Schulz is a certified nutrition and triathlon coach with Get Out N Play .  She works with clients to help them reach their nutritional and athletic goals, both in the kitchen and out on the road.   This winter she is teaming up with Lake Terramuggus Triathlon Director Bill Honeck for a destination marathon training program. The group training program begins in November and culminates with a March marathon. 



Mon-Thurs: 10-7

Fri: 10-6

Sat: 10-5:30

Sun: 12-5


Bonus Holiday Hours:

Sat, Dec 22: 10am-7pm

Sun, Dec 23: 12-7pm


 Phone: 860-233-8077



 All events are at Fleet Feet Sports unless otherwise noted


Wed, Dec 19 @ 6am

Morning Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All Abilities Welcome


Wed, Dec 19 @ 6:30pm

Evening Fun Run/Walk

3-5 Casual Miles

All Abilities Welcome


Sat, Dec 22 @ 8am

Speed Workout

with Schuyler

meet at store


Sat, Dec 22 @ 10am-7pm

Balega Sock "Stocking

Stuffer Sale"


Sun, Dec 23 @ 5:30pm

Yoga for Runners

Bring a Towel or Mat

$10 - portion goes to



Mon, Dec 24 @ 6am

Morning Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All abilities Welcome


Wed, Dec 26 @ 6am

Morning Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All Abilities Welcome


Wed, Dec 26 @ 6:30pm

Evening Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All Abilities Welcome


Sun, Dec 30 @ 5:30pm

Yoga for Runners

Bring a Mat or Towel

$10 - portion goes to



Wed, Jan 9 @ 6pm

Optimizing Structure & Performance Talk

w/Dr. Chris Chase

FREE - RSVP here


Thurs, Jan 10 @ 7pm

Training Program

Info Night

5k, 5Mile, Half Marathon

& Walking


Sat, Jan 12 @ 9am

5K & 5-Mile Training

Programs begin


Sat, Jan 29 @ 8am

Half Marathon Training

Program Begins


Sat, Feb 2 @ 9am

First Steps Walking

Program Begins


Thurs, Jan 17 @ 7pm

Books & Bevs Club


Holiday Shopping

Half Marathon

Now thru Dec 24

Holiday Half Marathon

 This is one half marathon everyone can participate in.  Click the graphic above to see what great offers are coming your way!

"50 Best Running

Stores in America"

Award Winner!!


 We did it!  We have been named one of the 50 Best Running Stores in America!


With over 1,000 running stores across the US, competition was tough which makes this an incredible honor.  Thanks to all of you who nominated us and to our vibrant running community who support us all year long.  


Special thanks to my incredible staff who has a passion for sharing their love of all things running and making sure you have the most appropriate gear so you can enjoy living fit too!

Stacy's Office Hours for

FREE In-Store Injury Assessments

Injured Runner   

 We now have a Sports Medicine Director & Certified Athletic Trainer in the store! Stacy will be available during the below hours to offer free injury assessments and help fit customers with medical issues and injuries. Appointments are encouraged, but not necessary.


To contact Stacy, call 860-233-8077 or email her at


Learn about common injuries and treatments in Stacy's Sports Medicine section on our web site.


Mon: 2-7pm


Wed: 2-7pm


Thurs: 10am-2pm


Fri: 10am-2pm


Sat: 9am-Noon

(every other Saturday when Select PT is not present)

FREE Injury Assessments

Select PT Hotline

Select PT will NOT be available for Injury Assessments this Saturday, but they will be staffing their FREE Injury Hotline through the holidays.  Just call and leave a message or email Brian:





Optimized Structure for Optimized Performance

FREE Lecture

Wed, Jan 9 @ 6-6:30pm

   Get a Strong Foundation    

Dr. Chris Chase, Certified Structural Correction Chiropractor and owner of Advanced Chiropractic in West Hartford, will address how optimal structure can help your running performance and decrease injuries. This lecture is appropriate for the daily jogger to the ultra-runner.


Dr. Chase will discuss: 

  • The body's foundation from the feet, knees, hips, and spine
  • Poor structure indicators that lead to injury
  • Abnormal shoe wear
  • Leg length discrepancies
  • Structural shift of the head relative to the hips
  • Strategies to improve structure & enhance performance


After the lecture, join us for our weekly Wednesday Fun Run at 6:30pm. This lecture is free to attend, but please rsvp to Stacy.

Books & Bevs

Thursdays this Winter

Starts Jan 17 at 7pm

   Book Club     

Our Thursday Track Workouts may be over for the winter, but we have a fun new series planned to help tide you over: Books & Bevs. That's right, a book club for runners sponsored by our favorite hydration libation, Nuun (rumor has it Nuun makes a very tasty adult cocktail).


Our first meeting will be Thursday, January 17 at 7pm. We will be discussing John L. Parker's quintessential book Once a Runner and enjoying Nuuneritas. If you would like to go for a short run beforehand, meet at the store at 6:30pm.


We have paperback copies of Once a Runner for sale in the store now - and arriving later this week will be a limited number of autographed hard-bound copies. The perfect gift for the runner in your life!


Books & Bevs will be limited to 25 participants so RSVP your spot by emailing Chaz. Got questions? Email Chaz for that as well!

 Local Swim Practice

Times & Locations

Swim Practice

Looking for cross-training opportunities?  Thinking about completing your first triathlon in 2013?


Then look no further than... SWIMMING! This terrific form of exercise is a great way to balance out your running and keep your fitness through the winter.



Westminster's Swim Center One (Simsbury): Benidorm Bikes worked with Swim Center One to get this up-and-running last winter. Hour-long, coached practices take place on Sundays (1-2:00pm), Tuesdays (6-7:00am), and Thursdays (6-7:00pm). The cost is approximately $8/practice. Click here for more info.  (Hint: Mention "Benidorm Bikes" and the annual Program Pass is half-price.) For those of you on facebook, there's also a "Westminster Masters Swim Team" page.


Plainville YMCA: For the past two years, HEAT has put together Sunday, hour-long, coached workouts at the Plainville YMCA, beginning in December and running through early-May. The cost is approximately $100 for the entire session; free to YMCA members. See the HEAT Forum for additional information and to sign up.


Central Connecticut State University(New Britain): Coached masters workouts generally take place on Sundays (11-12:30pm) and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings (5:30-7:00am). Cost is $45 for 15 practices, or $5 for walk-ins. Click here for further information.

Wed Night Fun Runs
6:30pm (at the store) 
Fun Run Crowd

Join Duncan & a great group of Fleet Feet Friends for a casual fun run each Wedensday night at 6:30pm.  We go between 1-5 miles (a route for all abilities).  All paces (including walkers) are welcome to join us. 

It's a great way to meet new friends and running partners.  


Meet at the store.  Now that it is dark when we run, please wear reflective gear and lights so everyone is seen and safe! If you don't own any reflective gear, we have a limited supply you can borrow courtsey of Pearl Izumi!

Note: Fun Runs are canceled during snow and thunder storms and when roads/sidewalks are too icy and dangerous.  Check our Facebook page on Wednesday's for status of run.

 Thursday Track Workout


 Next-Up: Saturday Speed Winter Workouts


Our Thursday night Track Workouts are on hiatus until March, 2013. 

But don't be sad, Coach Schuyler is going to be offering a Saturday Speed Workout every other Saturday at 8am. 

Workouts start and finish at Fleet Feet Sports, and will feature a nice mix of intervals, tempo, and fartlek runs. Workouts are free with no need to pre-register.

Workout Schedule: 

December 22

January 5

January 19

February 2

February 16

 March 2

(all workouts start at 8am)


Can't make it to the workout? Email Schuyler to receive his Weekly Workout email so you can still get your speed-fix in!




We're on Facebook!
Facebook Logo
Become a "fan" of Fleet Feet Sports Hartford and be the first to know about new events, participate in interesting discussions and view great photos of our Fleet Feet Peeps in action. 


Check out our page by clicking here.
Return Policy
Save $15!
We believe in the PERFECT FIT - it's part of our Fitlosophy.  If you are not 100% satisfied with the fit of your shoes, socks, sports bra, insoles, etc, we invite you to bring the item back within 30 days of purchase.  Even if you wore the item outside. 


Give us an opportunity to find a better solution for you.  We want to help you get the proper tools to live fit!
Join Our Mailing List 

Corporate Lunch & Learns

Schedule Yours Today!

Lunch & Learn 

Did you know that the experts at Fleet Feet Sports offer free presentations and workshops that are perfect for corporate wellness Lunch-and-Learn series?


Choose from a variety of topics including Injuries & Proper Footwear Selection, Core Health, Minimal Running, Intro to Triathlons and an on-site Fit Clinic. We can also assist with starting a Running and/or Walking Program to help you and your co-workers live fit!


For more information and to schedule a lecture, check out the Community Section of our web site.

Be Safe - Carry ID

on your Run or Ride

click to order your ID