Kali Institute for Massage & Somatic Therapies
Kali Institute for Massage & Somatic Therapies 

Rebirthing II

A Breathwork Community

...with Michael Kaffel 

Sunday~ May 26th, 2013
5:00-7:00 pm

Future Rebirthing Sessions:

June 23rd, Sunday 5:00-7:00 p.m.
July 28th, Sunday 5:00-7:00 p.m. 

Come and experience an evening of breathwork and discovery! The mind and body hold onto massive amounts of information which influences how we perceive and experience life. However, underneath all that learned information is who you truly are. We all come into the world as beings who simply "are," knowing only how be to 
our true self's. Through the process of living we can sometimes forget our true nature. Using the breath as a way to reconnect to your true self is an ancient and simple practice. Learning to access these states of consciousness can reconnect us to the mindset where limitless possibilities are the reality and experience is determined by choices made in the present moment.

Breath work helps to facilitate;
  • relaxation,
  • release of old mental and emotional patterns,
  • cultivation of empowered focused awareness,
  • Greater levels of energy
  • feelings of "oneness" and connection to higher powers.

Please call  805-648-6204 for more information
Kali Institute for Massage & Somatic Therapies L.L.C. 
746 E. Main St. Ventura, CA 93001 
(805) 648-6204

~For upcoming events please visit our website~

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Kali Institute for Massage & Somatic Therapies | 746 E. Main Street | Ventura | CA | 93001