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Colorado Photonics Industry Association
Spotlight on the News
May 2016  
Vol 10 No 3

Workforce development has been an ongoing focus for CPIA over the years and is a primary goal for 2016.

Introductory Photonics Course Underway
at Front Range Community College in Longmont

In an effort to alleviate the critical need for trained photonics technicians, a handful of our member companies led by Research Electro-Optics, are working together to get an associate degree program in photonics established at Front Range Community College up in Longmont.  While the associate degree approval process will take some additional time, the first course (Lights and Lasers) in photonics started on April 12th from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, Tuesday/Thursday. If your employees missed this first enrollment, watch the CPIA careers page and newsletters for information on the next course, possibly this fall.

Technical Short Courses

CPIA will be offering more full-day technical short courses this year. It is our intent to bring professional, nationally recognized instructors to Colorado and offer training for your employees at an affordable price, right here at home.

The first two are scheduled for June 7 "Optomechanical Systems Engineering" and June 8 "Optical Systems Engineering".  Registration closes June 3, so don't miss out. Register your employees today.

Company Cost Reimbursement for Interns

CPIA is teamed with other industry associations and the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment to make sure all companies working in Colorado's advanced industries know that they may qualify for reimbursement of up to $5000 of the cost of an intern. This is a great opportunity to fill a short-term staffing need while nurturing a future worker with skills and orientation in photonics. Yoriko Morita will give a short workshop on this program at the CPIA quarterly meeting, May 18. Or email Yoriko with your questions.

CPIA Member News

Welcome New CPIA Member -ColdQuanta, Inc. 

ColdQuanta, Inc. focuses on the development, design and manufacture of instruments and systems destined for quantum technologies applications.  The company provides products and services for scientific and industrial applications such as cold atom experimentation, quantum simulation, quantum information processing, gravity sensors, atomic clocks and precision instrumentation.
Congratulations to Juliet Gopinath, CU-ECEE

Juliet Gopinath, CPIA board member and faculty at the University of Colorado, Boulder, ECEE Department, has been selected for NSF's most prestigious junior faculty award. Gopinath will use the two year funding from her award to study the relationship between orbital angular momentum and rotating objects. More information.
Colorado Photonics News & Opportunities
Annual Report on Colorado Advanced Industry Accelerator Grant Program

Many optics/photonics related companies and researchers have benefited from grants through the Colorado Advanced Industry Accelerator Program. OEDIT has completed a report of the program as of the end of 2015. The report includes a listing of grant winners. View here.

Local Events

May 18, Denver West, CO 
National Renewable Energy Lab Research and Lab Tour 
1:30 check in, 2:00 to 5:00 program

May 19 - Glendale, CO
June 7 and 8, Boulder, CO
June 7 Optomechanical Systems Engineering
June 8 Optical Systems Engineering
Register for one class or both
June 8 - Denver, CO
National and International Events

May 23-25 - Washington, D.C.

 June 5-10, San Jose, CA
August 28 - September 1, San Diego, California

October 11-13, Berlin, Germany

January 28 - Feb 2, 2017 - SanFrancisco, CA
SPIE Photonics West

July 9 - 13, 2017 - Denver, CO
OSA Optical Design and Fabrication Congress

Also In This Issue
Colorado Photonics News
Local Events
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CPIA 2016
Board of Directors

Ken Anderson
Akonia Holographics

Rick Morrison
Distant Focus

Mary Ann Roe
Colorado Dept of Labor & Employment

Gary Horvath
Colorado-based Business & Economic Research

Board Members

Joyce Colson

Rex Craig
Ball Aerospace & Technologies

Gordon Day

Juliet Gopinath
CU Boulder

Brian Hooker
CU Boulder

Tom Mahony
Ball Aerospace & Technologies (Retired)

Bob Owen
Extreme Diagnostics

Miller Schuck

Paul Searcy
Meadowlark Optics

Katie Woslager

Chris Wood

James Young
Cochran Freund & Young

CPIA Staff:

Karen Eye

Mailing Address
P O Box 700
Boulder, CO 80306