Media features arena groundbreaking  
Several media outlets in Southeast Michigan have featured this month's groundbreaking for the Garth Pleasant Arena, scheduled for Friday, April 22 at 4 p.m. Alumni and friends of the college are invited to attend this long-awaited event. Click here to read one of the news articles.


Spring musical portrays classic story
Based upon Charles Dickens' classic story of love, revolution, and redemption, "A Tale of Two Cities: The Musical" will be presented April 7-10 and 14-17. The production premiered on Broadway in 2008. Click here for recommended ticket reservations.
Hotel discounts available to alumni 
Alumni can now benefit from exclusive hotel discounts booked through the college's Hotel Center, powered by HotelStorm. Alumni instantly save 10% to 55% on hotels worldwide. Click here to access the reservation site. Contact for login details.


Sign up now for park volunteer day
Alumni, friends, and local residents are encouraged to assist with spring improvement projects in Lake Norcentra Park Saturday, May 14. Volunteers will be raking, trimming, and painting new benches. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. To participate, click here.
April 2016 
Upcoming Events 
Job Fair
(alumni seeking jobs and employers welcome)
April 20
click here for information

Partnership Dinner
April 23
click here for information

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