Schoolhouse Teachers
February 17, 2016 Edition 
Yay for Online Learning - How to Teach Independent Studies
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Mercy Every Minute   

The Wuehler Family
Are the textbooks working? Is there a subject you are not sure how to handle? Or do you just need something different and fresh? Whenever I am at a loss as to what to do with one of my children, whether they are struggling in a certain subject or I feel they just need a new start because something (or everything) isn't working, then I look into online learning options. Often, it is just the fresh start we all need.
Before I give you a bunch of links to research on the subject, I want to encourage you. YOU CAN do this. God gifted you with these children, and He will equip you to get the job done. He wants them discipled more than you do. Stop procrastinating, thinking it is too hard. Roll up your sleeves and keep at it. Oh, and don't forget the most important part: pray for God's direction. Look to Him instead of relying on your (lack of) knowledge. He's got all the wisdom and knowledge you need for your child. Lean on Him. Try Him and find out He's ready to help. You are NOT a failure--that would mean it was all about you. You have a Faithful God writing your story. He will complete the work He begins. Move over and let Him work through you. You will have the victory ... and you will gain it quicker on your knees.
"My flesh and my heart fail, but God is the strength of my life ..." Psalm 73:26.

Learning Art from a Distance, by Timothy Chambers

Online Learning Success, by Brandy Chandler

Check out The Old Schoolhouse's Pinterest page! Tons of fun learning projects, articles and ideas right here.

And, of course, check out many teachers, so many subjects ... all in one place and all for one price--no matter how many children use the site.

Here are real homeschool mom REVIEWS about

God's got your kids; we've got your back.

Classical Learning Resource Center

My husband and I have degrees in Classics. We've always wanted the very best education for our children--a grounding in Greek and Latin, and immersion in the important themes of great Classical literature. We even began to build a community school once. But when we ran into financial difficulties, we decided to sell our things, climb into the car with our boys, and set off for wherever God might lead us. We ended up in a small farmhouse in North Idaho, raising chickens and dairy goats! Still, we were passionate about teaching, and providing the highest quality education for our three sons. 

As teachers, my husband and I feel confident homeschooling our boys in ancient languages and grammar. We've nurtured in them a love of reading.  But we're not so comfortable teaching them math, or how to write well. Through the powerful medium of online learning, we discovered a way, not only to share our love of Classical Greek and Latin with other families, but to partner with gifted instructors who came to our rescue with classes our boys needed. Over time, those connections evolved into the Classical Learning Resource Center, a dynamic online learning community connecting many students with top-notch instructors in Classical Greek and Latin, Literature and Composition, Math, History, Mythology, Modern Languages, Science, Great Books--and more.

We are so thankful. We have a farm with 15 dairy goats and 16 laying hens. We live in a beautiful rural area. But at the same time, we are blessed with an outlet for our desire to teach, and the ability to connect our boys with outstanding teachers who can inspire them. Indeed, "Yay for Online Learning!"

We began the Classical Learning Resource Center in 2011 with 9 Greek and Latin students. This fall we had 500 enrollments in 30 classes in at least 12 subject areas.  Come and discover the difference that outstanding, interactive, online classes can make for you and your students--whether you are looking for one or two classes to supplement your curriculum, or an entire program with guidance from experienced teachers. CLRC features comprehensive programs in Classical Greek and Latin, Literature and Composition, Math, and Great Books. Courses are also offered in Mythology, Science, Modern Languages, Cinema Studies, and Christian Studies.

Dr. James Dobson    
Dr. James Dobson
Homeschooling families are afforded many teachable moments beyond schoolwork. Often what your children will learn from you will not be found within the chapters of books. Here is such a life lesson straight from the heart of Dr. Dobson...
Invest Wisely
By Dr. James C. Dobson

I have found great wisdom in the adage, "That which you own will eventually own you!" Having surrendered my hard-earned dollars for a new object only obligates me to maintain and protect it; instead of its contributing to my pleasure, I must spend my precious Saturdays oiling it, mowing it, painting it, repairing it, cleaning it, or calling the Salvation Army to haul it off. The time I might have invested in worthwhile family activities is spent in slavery to a depreciating piece of junk.
The folly of materialism was dramatically emphasized during my most recent trip to England. As I toured the museums and historical buildings, I was struck by what I called "empty castles." Standing there in the lonely fog were the edifices constructed by proud men who thought they owned them. But where are those men today? All are gone and most are forgotten. The hollow castles they left behind stand as monuments to the physical vulnerability and impermanence of the men who built them. Not one has survived to claim his possession. As Jesus said of the rich fool who was about to die and leave his wealth, "Then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?" (Luke 12:20 KJV)
May I say with the strongest conviction that I want to leave more than "empty castles" behind me when I die. When I reach the end of my days, a moment or two from now, I must look backward on something more meaningful that the pursuit of houses and land and machines and stocks and bonds. Nor is fame of any lasting benefit. I will consider my earthly existence to have been wasted unless I can recall a loving family, a consistent investment in the lives of people, and an earnest attempt to serve the God who made me. How about you?
For over 30 years, Dr. James Dobson has been America's trusted source for psychologically sound, biblically-based advice to help strengthen marriages, parents, and families. For more practical help and encouragement, click here.



Raising Real Men    
Our eldest son went to a university which strongly encouraged students to study abroad for at least a semester. To his surprise, he was offered a chance to spend a full year at Oxford University. We were surprised, in turn, when he called home a few weeks into his first term.
"Mom!" he exclaimed. "This is like homeschooling at the college level!"
He explained that Oxford doesn't follow the American model of crowded lecture halls and classrooms day after day. Instead, at Oxford, they focus on a tutorial method, where the student meets with an instructor, sometimes with a few other students, but often one-on-one.
The tutor will introduce the material, assign a question for the student to research, and send him off. John spent most days in the library, reading books and articles, thinking through his response to the reading, and crafting a paper to report it.
Next meeting, he'd discuss his research with the tutor, who would ask questions and suggest alternate views. Maybe he'd say, "I'd like you to dig a bit deeper here," or "Let's look at a different question," or "Let's broaden this out to include this question or this author ..."
That's how the most prestigious university in the world does independent study.
So how can we adapt this to homeschooling, assuming that we parents are not acknowledged experts in every field?
Turn them loose to learn. There have been many times one of our sons has said, "I'd like to learn this subject," and we said, "Great! Go to it!" We are our children's first teachers, but we are never their only ones. Give them the vision that they can explore subjects without waiting for us to pre-digest it for them.
Encourage your student to read deeply in the subject. Find the go-to authorities and learn from their articles and books. Don't just read about Alexander Hamilton--go read The Federalist Papers and learn from him directly. And read something by his critics, too.
Have them write--lots. Challenge your student to explain a concept to you as if you needed to learn it from him. Ask them how they could communicate this information to a newspaper reader. Have them explain it in different formats--as a letter to the editor, as a statement to a governmental committee, as a blog post, as a newspaper column, as a short booklet, as a website.
Tap their energy to help solve your family's problems. Think of an upcoming project--whether building a shed, adding more outlets in your garage, planning a wedding shower for a family friend, or learning sign language to minister in church--and challenge your student to become the family expert. We've had several sons who taught themselves all kinds of professional skills as part of our family business--and then went on to find freelance work, part-time jobs, and, in one case, a career, from subjects they first learned on their own.
We've been told by college officials that homeschoolers do well in higher education because they've learned how to learn on their own, to take charge of their own education, and to engage the great ideas, rather than just waiting to be fed. Giving them the freedom to explore, and cheering them on when they do, is what "independent learning" is all about! 

Your friends,
Hal & Melanie
For a real-life opportunity with lifetime benefits, you can't beat learning how to start and run a business of your own. Our online program, Family Business Greenhouse, will take you from "I don't know where to start," to actually creating your own business--not somebody else's, but your own ideas and gifts in action! Check out for more about this fun and encouraging series taught by entrepreneurs who've helped hundreds of people find their business calling and put it to work!

Ohio Christian University  
Still in high school? You could be in college, too! OCU offers Dual Enrollment courses through the Trailblazer Academy!

The Art of Reading
Adam Andrews
Teaching Great Books on a Shoestring Schedule

A thorny dilemma faces all homeschoolers who want to teach their kids great books. It boils down to a simple problem, really: too many books, not enough time. If you cannot teach a book you haven't read (and trust me, you cannot), then your curriculum is limited by the number of books you can read yourself--while also living a life filled to bursting with non-literary concerns.
I am happy to report that we have come up with a solution to this dilemma that can set you free as a teacher to be the best version of yourself: relaxed, interested, and inspiring. The solution is as simple--and as difficult--as telling the truth.
Here's how you do it:
Begin by deciding how many books you can realistically read in the course of a school term (a month, a semester, a year, whatever). Be honest and specific. Ask yourself when you can take time out to read, and how much time you can devote to reading each week.
Can you read for a few minutes before bed at night? Can you read when the little ones are napping? Can you listen to books on tape while driving the kids to soccer practice, or while folding the laundry? If these snatches of time became part of your consistent routine of teacher preparation, how many hours per week would they add up to? How many books could you read if you used these snatches of time consistently? 
DO NOT overestimate this number. Instead, underestimate it. Make this number small enough to be absolutely realistic, given the demands on your time and attention. Come up with a number of books that you can read next term, come hell or high water. 
Got your number? Good. Now you are ready for the tricky part. Here goes:
Whatever your number is, plan to discuss exactly that number of books with your student in the upcoming term-no more and no less. Assign additional books for your students to read on their own, unsupervised.
That's it. Discuss exactly as many books as you can read yourself and let the student read the rest on his own.
I already know what you're thinking: "You cannot be serious," or "You don't know my situation as well as you claim. I did your little calculation, and you know what number I came up with? ONE. That's right, my number is ONE. Are you saying I can teach my kids literature adequately by having ONE discussion with them in the upcoming term?"
If you invest the right kind of attention and preparation into a single discussion, you will be amazed at its effect on your students. The lessons you can teach about how to handle literature and ideas in that one discussion will dramatically affect how they read the rest of the books on their list, and can permanently affect how they read for the rest of their lives. When it comes to designing a book list, it turns out that the important question is not how many books you discuss, but how well you discuss them.  
I encourage you to continue telling yourself the truth when it comes to curriculum planning. Set realistic goals. You have already been honest in calculating the number of books you can read for next term. Why start lying now because the number feels too low? Stick to your guns. Tell the truth. You may not be just like that brilliant overachiever down the street who apparently has 36 hours in every day. Instead, you are the one God has appointed to teach your students, and therefore, you--with all your limitations and inadequacies--are exactly the one they need.


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Are you looking for courses your teen can do on his or her own? From Introduction to Architecture to Worldviews in Literature, has classes for you. Choose from Art, Bible, Computer and Technology, Drama and Speech, Electives, Foreign Languages, History and Social Studies, Language Arts, Math, Music, Science, and more. All classes are self-paced, and many can be completed with minimal parental oversight. 
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Handwriting--The Changes!
Handwriting--The Changes_
in the latest issue of
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.
Click here to get access to FREE back issues of
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.


Contest Corner 
For the month of February 2016  
Are you ready to eat your homework? Ann McCallum Books can help!

Ann McCallum has a Masters degree in education and has taken to writing fun educational books for children. What better way to pique a child's interest in learning, than through their stomach?
Eat Your Math Homework combines math facts and yummy recipes making your child hungry for more math! How much is Pi? Try some Delicious Variable Pizza Pi and you're likely to always remember!
Eat Your Science Homework turns science concepts into edible treats! Eat your Atomic Popcorn Balls and Black Hole Swallow-ups and your child is sure never to forget these scientific concepts!
Eat Your US History Homework is another yummy course. Newly released, this book brings recipes from back in time to you and your child! What was the favorite treat during Revolutionary War times? What did the Native Americans eat?
YOU can WIN this the book, Eat Your Math Homework: Recipes for Hungry Minds!

TO ENTER: Email Heather ( with your name, mailing address, and phone number for contact purposes, with the subject line, "Eat Your Math Homework" for a chance to win* it for your family! 

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 Dunwoody, GA

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Everett, WA 

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