Hey Mama, Technology can be monster or a tool for our children or for ourselves as homeschool moms--like everything else God has given us. It can give us access to learning we might not be able to afford or find where we live. Technology can make us more efficient, but can also be a huge time waster. You and your spouse need to prayerfully consider what technology you allow in your home and how to use that technology to benefit your home and school. And speaking of prayer ... Don't forget to end this night in prayer. One of the best ways to drift off to sleep, actually, is while praying to your Father in heaven, the One who loves you so much. Turn your face toward Him and pour out your heart. Charles Spurgeon said at least once, "Prayer is doubt's destroyer, ruin's remedy, the antidote to all anxieties." It's really true. When your head hits the pillow tonight, resist the worry-talk in your head. Instead, cast all your cares on the One who has saved you. He knows what happened today and He has ordained what will happen tomorrow. Lean on Him ... pour yourself into Him as you fall asleep. His hand is on your head tonight. ~ gena
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Relational Homeschooling

From the May 16, 2014, issue of THM
Dear Friends,
I remember the day I told my mom I was going to homeschool her grandchildren. Now, to set this up properly, let me tell you that I was an only child so these were her grandchildren--and it was 1986, long before homeschooling was an accepted form of education. To say she went ballistic would be an understatement--and that is her recollection. And one of her main objections, beyond the obvious question of socialization, was, "How will they ever learn computers?!"
This was long before "cloud" and "text" indicated hip new techno applications, back when public schools had Macintosh computers and businesses had IBMs. Books were printed on paper, libraries were the best place to find information, and Encyclopedia Britannica was where you looked things up. It was not uncommon for music to be played on records, though, I have to admit cassette tapes had taken the market by storm.
Can you imagine? For us, embracing "new technology" meant buying a computer with a word processor; buying a car with a tape player; and, if we really wanted to go high-tech, studying geography with Geo-Safari.
But here's the deal. Homeschool kids take to technology like ducks to water. They learn this stuff so fast it makes our heads spin ... It provides one of those precious opportunities for the shoe to find the other foot, as we become the student and they become the teacher!
You know, looking back, I realize that the only real difficulty we ever had with technology was in deciding how to set appropriate time limits (we ended up allowing one hour per day in front of a screen, whether computer or television). It still is obvious that kids need lots of time for imaginative play by themselves and with others, outdoor adventures like climbing trees and planting gardens, reading great books alone and aloud, and laughing hysterically at each other's jokes--lots more time than most kids in our culture get today.
So, dear friends, I encourage you to follow this recipe for enjoying technology in your home: take the best of the past and the best of the present, add a lot of parental love, flavored with prayers for wisdom and discernment ... and set your timer!
Stay relational!
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The Familyman

When discussing the whole techno dilemma, I think there are few people who would argue the idea that it is indeed a monster.
You probably feel it yourself, as most parents do, but there is a disconnect when it comes to taking action based on what you feel to be the truth. And while the tech monster can and will gobble up your children, it also gobbles up parents.
The defining question that needs to be answered is this: are you a better parent (or spouse) because of the technology? Or, are you a better or worse mom (or wife) because of your smart phone, Facebook, or blogs that you follow?
If you answer "better," then the monster isn't a monster but a friend. BUT if you say "worse," then you're being consumed by the monster.
The sad thing is that I've met a lot of moms and dads who say, "Oh, I know it's a problem (or addiction), but I'm not giving up my iPhone or Facebook."
There it is: it's easy to talk about the monster, but not many are willing to do what it takes to slay it.
I know it's not easy ... but it's time to do battle with the monster that I call the techno-beast. In fact, I have a few resources to help you.
1. Taming the Techno-Beast parent booklet
2. Taming the Techno-Beast Student Workbook
3. The laugh-out-loud Taming the Techno-Beast seminar CD.
Be honest and be real,
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Technology is here to stay, but we also know there is a need to balance it with the other areas of our lives. SchoolhouseTeachers.com has classes to help you and your family understand and use the technology that is at your fingertips and evaluate its effect on your hearts and minds.
Computer Science and Programming with Chris Yust of Homeschool Programming, Inc. takes students from the basics of HTML through Minecraft mods and Boolean operators. Parents do not need to be familiar with the subject; all instruction is included in the lessons, and Chris is happy to answer any questions you have along the way.
Media Socialization with Dr. Lisa Dunne-professor, author, pastor's wife, and homeschooling mom--takes a hard look at media and entertainment and how it affects us. Not only will students analyze the effects in their own lives, they will develop a plan for making a positive difference in the entertainment world and in society.
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Contest Corner
For the month of October, 2014
Lightning Literature & Composition
from Hewitt Homeschooling
Have you been searching for a literature curriculum that uses classic books and poems to teach writing skills and literacy analysis? Well, look no further than Hewitt Homeschooling to fit the bill.
Hewitt Homeschooling has been around for many years in the homeschooling circle. They strive to serve parents with students from kindergarten through high school with an emphasis on combining excellent academics with character development, by instilling a strong work ethic, and to develop a spirit of community service within the next generation. Firmly believing that reading great literature and then writing about it going hand in hand in preparing students for college-level reading and writing, 100 Crew members have had the opportunity to use several different curriculum over the last six weeks.
The Lighting Literature series is available for elementary to junior and senior high students. By using a combination of novels, poetry, plays, and full length autobiographies to teach composition, literature, and other language arts skills by instilling a love of great literature in children.
Read the Crew reviews by clicking through the graphic below!
YOU can WIN Hewitt Homeschooling's American Christian Authors Set!
TO ENTER: Email Heather with your name, mailing address, and phone number for contact purposes, with the subject line, "Hewitt Homeschooling" for a chance to win* the this literature program for your family!
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