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                  Ministry Opportunities
June 26, 2013
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Gena Suarez

When you think of "ministry opportunities," do you think that there's no time or opportunity for you or your family to serve anyone right now? The term ministry opportunities is simply a fancy way of saying, "serve others."  


Teach your children that serving others can be something simple like helping a sibling pick up toys, bringing Mama an ice pack when she has a headache, or doing what Dad asks right away instead of arguing. There are service opportunities in your neighborhood, too, for you or your family: weeding a neighbor's garden, taking over a plate of cookies, or checking to see if an elderly neighbor is okay. Ask the Lord to show you the opportunities available to you right now, and then follow His leading. In this season of your life, serve where you can, and remember . . .  


Hey Mama, just a reminder, right now you are in ONE season of your life. And like all seasons, it's going to pass and you will enter another. Maybe the next one will be calmer, more peaceful, less chatter and whining all around you. It might be a little boring, even.

As I type, Baby Z is "talking" at the TOP OF HIS LUNGS. He has discovered his voice, and because we have so many big kids, he gets instant attention practically every time he utters a peep. At this moment, Chloe and Sani are both serenading him (too loudly) with "Silent Night" for entertainment purposes (he drools and grins). But instantly it spirals into a conflict.


"Mom, Chloe's not singing it right!" 

Chloe: (3) "Yes, I am!" 
Sani: (5) "No, you're not! Here's how you sing it--let me teach you!!"    


This probably sounds familiar to some of you, LOL. 

My house is loud. It's messy and loud. And it's a bit chaotic today. I don't particularly like the smell coming from the kitchen, either. 

My word, Sani has just attempted to sing the whole song, opera-style (too loud and TOO HIGH PITCHED). This house is loud. But love lives here. Wild crazy silly fantastic love lives here. Wrecking ball love.

Embrace the madness today.

Keep walking, Mama. You may not have your ducks in a row, you may look like a cave man with that hair today, but your house is PACKED full of love and liveliness. Your kids love you. Enjoy this season.



The Deeper Roots team produces INDUCTIVE Bible curriculum, written BY homeschoolers--FOR homeschoolers to help you move students from biblical knowledge to spiritual application!

The Familyman 

*Just so you don't overlook it, I've placed a special note at the end of this article announcing our Big 2013 Speaking Loop. If you live near the loop, it just might work out for me to speak to your group!!


We now return to our normally scheduled article . . .


Interestingly enough, a few weeks back I had a conversation with a homeschooling couple who seemed troubled by the isolation that some homeschool families have chosen.


"They seem to care little about the rest of the body of Christ . . . or even the lost around them," the husband said. "It just seems there is so much ministry to do as a family," his wife added.


Guilty . . . and she's right. In fact, my family can become kind of isolated, not because we plan to do so . . . it just seems like we don't have a lot of extra time outside our own ministry, eight children, and immediate family.


Now, I could feel guilty about it (and maybe I should a little), but I know the truth is that I have a lot of ministry to do within my family. The Bible even teaches that one of the qualifications of my future ministry is how I do in my present family ministry.


That said, I still need to be looking for opportunities to minister to others WITH my family. And as you know, there are plenty of opportunities from the older couple that lives nearby, the single mom at church who could use a little help, or the family that needs an example and some friends.


Back to the guilt-free part--if you feel like you're up to your eyeballs in little kids and family, rest easy, you are doing ministry and there are plenty of opportunities within your own home's walls. No guilt!!!!


Be real,



P.S. It's that time again . . . to start planning our fall Big Speaking Loop. The plan right now is to go south! In fact, I have to be in Naples, Florida, on October 18th, so I'm planning around that. We'll leave the first of October and go south through (or near) Cincinnati/Louisville, Nashville/Knoxville, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Pensacola/Gulf Shores/Jacksonville, Melbourne, Ft. Lauderdale/Miami . . . ending up in Naples.


If I'm anywhere near you, I'd love to speak to your church (Sunday or mid-week), homeschool group (day or evening), men's group, or couple's event. All you need to do to get the ball rolling is go to this page and fill out a simple form.

Get a free book! 
Do you long to let go of self-centeredness and be more eternally minded? Do you desire to make a difference in the lost world but aren't sure how? The gripping message in Revolution in World Missions can radically change your perspective.


Much can be learned from taking advantage of available ministry opportunities. But do you ever stop to think about how education can provide opportunities to minister as well? Each month, Sharon Jeffus' Studio Art for Teens highlights the work of one or more teen artists who use their gifts and education to minister to others. Deborah Burton's Mock Trial helps young minds understand the legal questions that permeate our society-and do so with a solid Christian background.  Evonne Mandella's Beginning Hebrew class is ending, but her archived lessons can give students interested in the ministry an introduction to one of the languages of the Bible

Join today: your first month is just $3. After that, $12.95 a month serves your entire family. Or save 10 percent by purchasing a yearly membership: just $139.



Rational Homeschooling    
Diana Waring

Dear Friends,


One of the things I love most about summer is the opportunity to meet neighbors. During the rest of the year, it seems like folks stay inside their homes, their cars, and their own circle of friends. But the heat of the sun seems to open up the warm possibilities of meeting and greeting those in our neighborhoods, as we do outdoor chores like gardening and outdoor activities like playing "cornhole"--a game I was just introduced to by my Indiana neighbors!


I remember hearing Graham Kerr, the Galloping Gourmet, once describe taking a gift from his garden--cherry tomatoes nestled in basil leaves--to an unknown neighbor. His timing was remarkably appropriate, because this neighbor had just learned of the death of her father. Graham and his wife, Treena, were able to give love and hugs and listening ears to a grieving woman they had just met, simply by reaching out in the most natural way.


And that is what summer does for us. If you have a garden, lovingly share your produce with those around you. If you have a barbecue, invite the neighbors over for food and fun. If you have a backyard, set up croquet or cornhole or cricket, and welcome folks not only to your yard, but to your life, as well.

Diana's Garden

As for me, I have found that just digging and planting a garden bed has resulted in LOTS of visits from curious neighbors. What a great way to build relationships and to extend loving care!


As always, dear ones, stay relational!



Looking for a way to cool off in the heat of summertime?
Pull out your laptop and get busy typing the inspirations that come to mind as you think happy thoughts about . . . Christmas!

Yup, Christmas is only a few months away, and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine is eager to publish your inspiring, educational, and FUN articles, recipes, family traditions, and unit studies related to the upcoming holiday season, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. What are your favorite family traditions? How does your family delve into learning about where Bethlehem is, why Joseph and Mary had to travel there, and what happened on the night when our Savior was born? What new recipes will you try for the first time during the holiday season? Could you share with our readers your secrets about buying (or making) the very best gifts for your family--and staying within the budget? What are your favorite holiday songs, and why? How do you celebrate Christmas where you live? How do you put Christmas ornaments on a . . . palm tree? How does your family honor Christ on Christmas morning?

We want to hear your ideas, ways to bless and delight the readers of our November/December 2013 issue with educational and "cool" ideas. Inspired? Then send your idea to Gena Suarez and help us celebrate in style!


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in the latest issue of

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.



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Creation Revolution

". . . have you ever wondered how aquatic mammals like whales, dolphins, seals, walruses, etc., can hold their breath for 20, 30, 60 and even 90 minutes?" 


Contest Corner 

For the month of June, 2013 


Until the Robin Walks on Snow


Until the Robin Walks on Snow, by Bernice L. Rocque, is an historical novella based upon an actual event in the family history of the author.  


This is the story of one immigrant family's struggle, and of the sacrifices of another family when, in 1922, an extremely premature baby was born on a farm in a small New England town. Bernice L. Rocque has taken what information she was able to gather from family members, and has woven it together with historical research about the area, the way people lived, and what they had available to them, into a gripping story.


Read the rest of the review here.


TO ENTER: Email Heather with your name, mailing address, and phone number for contact purposes, with the subject line, "Until the Robin" for a chance to win* the book for your homeschool!

In this week's issue:


A Challenge for Young Men

in the latest issue of

The Old Schoolhouse

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 Glen Burnie, Maryland

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