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So much news, so little space! Read on! |
Message from the Chair - Mich�le Sharik
Hi there, Area 12!
My time as your Chair is coming to an end soon. On September 2, Tess will become Chair and I will move into an advisory role as Past Chair. I have treasured the past three years not for the opportunity to run meetings and write newsletter articles, but for the opportunity to meet all of you, renewing old friendships and making new ones as we share our handbell knowledge with each other. In addition to my role as Past Chair, I will be moving back in to the Southern California Regional Coordinator position. I look forward to renewing my relationships with all my SoCal peeps! So while my role in this organization will change, I plan to remain involved and hope to see all of you again many more times in the coming years. Thanks for all that you do for our amazing instrument!
My Best,
Mich�le Sharik

Hello, Area 12! Please join me in extending the warmest of thanks to Mich�le Sharik for her time in the position of Chair. She will continue to serve the Guild and we wish her good fortune as she takes on new roles. I am so excited to be stepping into the role of Chair for Handbell Musicians of America Area 12. I will work hard with our board to bring you quality handbell events - concerts and workshops. I encourage you all to keep your eyes open for any event you can get to. We have a wonderful calendar on our website where you can easily check for events near you. You can even check for events away from you - and then go and visit! I mean, hey, who doesn't want to take a little trip to, say, Hawaii, to see a handbell concert! For me, the way we support each other and share our great love of handbells are two important aspects regarding my membership in this organization. I do hope you all make a choice to attend at least one event or concert this year, to share your love and support for each other. Again, I look forward to serving you as Chair. Thank you for all your support. Tessique Houston Chair
Communiqu� - Barbara Meinke, Communications Director

I received TWO great articles about the recent International Handbell Symposium in Vancouver last July. Here's a teaser from each. Be sure to click the links to read the entire article and see the photos!
FABULOUS TIME AT 17TH INTERNATIONAL HANDBELL SYMPOSIUM IN VANCOUVER, B.C. David Ruder The recent summer Olympics in Rio ended with the handing over of the Olympic Flag to the prime minister of Japan, the country that will host the event in 2020. The recent 17th International Handbell Symposium held in Vancouver B.C. ended with the ceremonial passing of the IHS flag to Carmel Davison, President of the Handbell Society of Australasia, host of the event in 2018 in Cairns, home of the Great Barrier Reef. The enthusiasm grew from the solemn opening ceremony featuring the parade of flags of the seven associations and guilds that host the symposium, to to continue!
Barb Cote
When Tintab was asked by Jenny Caulhorn, the executive director of Handbell Musicians of America, to audition for the 17th annual International Handbell Symposium, we were surprised, thrilled and completely humbled! To be considered one of only two handbell ensembles to represent the United States at the International Handbell Symposium was beyond comprehension for us. Having to consider not only the block of time involved at the symposium, but also travel from Reno to Vancouver and back, not to mention the cost of gas, lodging and food, the decision for us was huge! Realizing we may never have an opportunity to participate in another International Handbell to continue!
Barbara Meinke
Communications Director
Northern Nevada - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator
Please join us for the FREE
September 10th
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Barb Walsh, clinician
South Reno United Methodist Church
200 De Spain, Reno, NV
Click on the blue link above for registration information. This is a great workshop for those who want to get those bells out of their closets and get ringing again. No prior knowledge needed! It's also great for those directors and ringers who need to brush up on their skills or need a few more tricks in their bags in working with beginners. Come and join the fun!
Barbara Walsh
Northern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,
Southern California - Mich�le Sharik, Regional Coordinator
Hi there, SoCal!
I'm excited to be your Regional Coordinator again. Please send me your concert information for inclusion in the Area 12 Event Calendar - it's like free advertising! Also, remember that many people travel for the holidays and like to hear bells, so send me your Christmas Eve, Twelfth Night, and other holiday ringing info (church services included!) so we can help them find us.
This month, we've got FREE Back to Bells events! Help us get the WORD OUT so we can get BELLS OUT of the closet!
Plus, the repertoire list and registration information for the SoCal Spring Ring will be available by Sept 15, so check out the SoCal web page for those forms.
September 10th
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Barbara Meinke, clinician
Hope Lutheran Church
32819 Temecula Pkwy, Ste B, Temecula, CA 92592
'til next month,
This email address IS being monitored!
For information on Southern California's concerts,
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator
Southern Nevada - Alison Pruett, Regional Coordinator

As many of you have undoubtedly heard, we lost a great leader of handbells in the Las Vegas community. Marshall Townsend passed away on July 22. If you have played bells in Las Vegas, you have likely been impacted by Marshall either directly or indirectly. Since arriving in Las Vegas in 1985, Marshall directed bells and other music at University United Methodist Church and at Las Vegas Academy. Over these 30 years, Marshall inspired many people to play and direct bells. Among Marshall's proteges are Bradley Hendricks (director of Harmony Handbells), Derek Nance (involved in handbells at local and national levels), Bryce Nance (handbell blogger and ringer), Pamela Greutman (director at University United Methodist Church), Robby Kloap and his sons (Band directors in Arkansas), Guillermo Ramasasa (first chair clarinetist in the Symphony Orchestra in Milan, Italy), and Consuelo Lopez (continues ringing bells with her church). If there was any doubt of the influence Marshall had on his students, it was erased by the tribute concert held in his honor featuring over 15 of his former ringers. Some of these ringers were students who had graduated from Las Vegas Academy more than five years ago. Marshall's influence will be felt in Las Vegas for many years to come.
September 24th
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Alison Pruett, clinician
9097 Spoonbill Ridge Pl, Las Vegas, NV 89143
featuring Tim Waugh
Saturday, Jan. 7, 2017
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Alison Pruett Southern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.
Los Angeles Metro - Scott Leggett, Regional Coordinator

Hi, LA Metro!
Our Fall season has begun! Maybe you're like me as I squeezed out every summer day I could until I had to start serious planning for the Fall. LA Metro is proud to be hosting
October 1st 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Mich�le Sharik, clinician
Los Altos United Methodist Church
5950 E. Willow St, Long Beach, CA 90815
Thank you for hosting, Debbie Shaw! Please encourage any wayward bell enthusiasts who could use some hands on education or a refresher course to sign up! Anyone is welcome to come and support the event as well. We have other events in the pipeline awaiting date approval, but know the SPRING RING will be in Pasadena, led by the artists of Timbr� Ensemble, March 31 - April 1. Details and Registration info will be posted on the LA Metro Calendar entry by Sept. 15. Coming up sooner is a tentative FALL RINGERS WORKSHOP in Santa Barbara. LAMetro and CenCal will be coordinating this event on a Saturday in November before Thanksgiving. Stay tuned for confirmation and information about this event. Happy Ringing!
Scott Leggett
Los Angeles Metro Regional Coordinator
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
Northern California - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator

Hope you will join us!
October 22, 2016
Simpson University
Redding, CA
Shosh Meyer, conductor
Class Offerings
Suzuki Solo Ringing and Intermediate Solo Ringing
by Christine Anderson
JAM session and Bell Maintenance
by Mel Tully
Basic Ringing and O, Capes and Kettles
by Mary Balkow
Getting Away from the Bells
by Barb Walsh
Stem Direction Does Count
by Tintabulations
Massed Ringing Repertoire
Grazioso - Arnold Sherman
Little One- Jason Krug
Alabare- Jeffrey Honore
O Beautiful for Spacious Skies- Alan Lohr
Morning Dance- Cathy Moklebust
Ringin' In the Red Zone Bronze Choir
is attached to this festival and is for those ringers wanting to stretch their ringing abilities by playing more difficult music. Rehearsal will be on Friday evening, Oct. 21 and again Saturday morning prior to the main festival.
Red Zone Director - Barb Walsh
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Northern California Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern California's concerts, events,
San Francisco Bay - Kendra Scott, Regional Coordinator

Happy September, Bay Area!
I recently returned from the International Handbell Symposium in Vancouver, British Columbia. It was like nothing else I've ever experienced ringing with nearly 800 handbell musicians from all over the globe. I encourage you all to consider attending one in the future. There was so much excellent musicianship on display I came back inspired to get to work helping our local ringers to the next level. To that end, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all more personally and help with your handbell needs, so if you'd like me to come by a rehearsal or Sunday performance, just drop me a line!
Also, registration for the Bay Area Spring Ring will be up soon, but in the meantime, here is the repertoire list for your practicing needs.
The Star Spangled Banner | F. Scott Key/arr. J. Bartsch Level 2+ Jeffers, JHS9040 Music for the Royal Fireworks | G.F. Handel/arr. William H. Mathis Level 3+ Agape/Hope, HP2128 Pie Jesu | G. Faur�/arr. William H. Mathis Level 2+ Fred Bock Music, FBF0703 Knowing You | G. Kendrick/arr. Patricia Cota Level 2+ Agape/Hope, HP2455 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken | F.J. Haydn/arr. Linda McKechnie N/A Shawnee Press, SPHP5137
Intense Ring Repertoire
Prelude | G. Gershwin/arr. William Mathis Level 4 Choristers Guild, CGB440 Angels We Have Heard on High | Traditional/arr. Kyler Brengle Level 4 AGEHR Publishing, AG36056
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Happy Ringing!
Bay Area Regional Coordinator
For information on San Francisco Bay Area's concerts, events,
Central Calif - Christine Anderson, Regional Coordinator

Hi, CenCal!
Here's another tip for you, this time some ideas on polishing your bells.
1. Remember to always use an up and down motion, never rotating the bell between the casting and polishing cloth. Rotating the bell during polishing can easily shear off the index pin on a Schulmerich handbell and easily move a Malmark bell off its strike point.
2. Wash (separately!!!) old polishing cloths - they make excellent cloths to take polish off the bells.
3. Apply thin layer of polish (Blue Magic is now preferred over Simichrome) on several bells at a time. I put my hand inside an old sock, the more cotton content the better, to apply the polish.
4. Do an initial paste removal by gently rubbing with another clean polishing cloth or soft paper towel, followed by vigorously removing the rest of the polish with another clean cloth.
5. Before placing shiny bell in the case, follow up with a micro-fiber cloth. You'll be amazed at how much tarnish is still on the bell!
6. If cases are dirty and dusty, vacuum the insides before placing clean bells in their cubbies.
That's it for this month!
PLEASE send me news of concerts, workshops, and questions on handbell maintenance!
Christine Anderson
Central California Regional Coordinator
For information on Central California's concerts, events, |