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Message from the Chair - Mich�le Sharik

I hope you've all been enjoying your summer! For me, summer is not necessarily a time to take a break from bells, but rather a time to travel to handbell events, reconnect with my handbell friends, and learn new handbell things. This summer, I was blessed to be able to perform and teach with Timbr� to Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, attend and teach at our own Handbell Hop in Modesto, play bells at a friend's wedding (along with bell tree expert Barbara Brocker), attend and teach at National Seminar in Rochester (NY), and attend and teach at the International Symposium in Vancouver, BC. (Yes, I'm exhausted!) I love to ring and I love to teach, but I think my very favorite thing is to hang out with my handbell friends and meet new ones! Handbell people are the best people in the world. They support each other, always have a good word for each other, always cheer each other on, and always extend open arms to each other in the spirit of peace and unity through handbell music. Where else can we experience this same sense of camaraderie and cooperation?
I hope you experienced this same sense of togetherness if you attended The Handbell Hop. And if you didn't attend, I hope you missed it enough that you'll be sure to attend the next handbell event in your region or beyond! Check out the calendar to find out where and when those events are and get ready to make new friends and keep the old.
My Best,
Mich�le Sharik
2016 Area 12 Election Notice
Communiqu� - Barbara Meinke, Communications Director

Thank you to all of Area 12 for a great event, especially to our conference committee, led by Lisa Traughber! It takes dreamers, planners, doers and attenders to make a great event. Hope you were part of the action!
Here are some comments from the cool cats that attended.
"Michael Glasgow is a wonderful director and educator. The Bronze Cruiser experience was an excellent opportunity to learn how to interpret more challenging music. The tracks exceeded my expectations, especially 4-in-hand ringing with Christine Anderson. Thank you for an excellent conference. I am already planning to attend the next." - John Harrison, Sacramento, CA
"I had a great time at the Handbell Hop. I took the Back to Basics class and learned many new things and refreshed old things. The Musicality in Motion using Grazioso was amazing. It gave [us] new ways to play the song. I was glad to see a maintenance class being offered. I also want to say the surprise flash mob during lunch on the first day playing Carol of the Bells by memory was phenomenal. I want to thank the Area 12 board for putting together an amazing event." - Cindy Ksiazek, Redding, CA
"The Handbell Hop was great! The classes were really good. Michael Glasgow was a 'kick' and made the subject very interesting and helpful. It was amazing to hear other groups play! It is always fun to just sight read music and to challenge your self. Talking to others who are also crazy about ringing was great! - Reva Burchett, Modesto, CA
"I was impressed by the innovative ways musicians were using and performing handbells! I was able to gather lots of creative ideas and add a lot of new tools to my toolbox." - Maggie Paton, Fremont, CA
|  | photo by randychiu on Flickr |
Plan now to join us in Honolulu, HI for the 2018 Area 12 Conference. It'll be here before you can learn to say humuhumunukunukuapua'a ten times fast!
Barbara Meinke
Communications Director
For the next issue - Did you attend Soundings (the 17th Annual International Handbell Symposium) in Vancouver? Send me a little note about what the best part for YOU was! (please include your name and city/state. deadline Aug. 25).
Northern California - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator

Hope you will join us!
October 22, 2016
Simpson University
Redding, CA
Shosh Meyer, conductor
Class Offerings
Suzuki solo ringing and intermediate solo ringing
by Christine Anderson
JAM session and bell maintenance
by Mel Tully
Basic Ringing and Ringing for the Salvation Army
by Mary Balkow
Getting Away from the Bells
by Barb Walsh
Stem Direction Does Count
by Tintabulations
Massed Ringing Repertoire
Grazioso - Arnold Sherman
Little One- Jason Krug
Alabare- Jeffrey Honore
O Beautiful for Spacious Skies- Alan Lohr
Morning Dance- Cathy Moklebust
Ringin' In the Red Zone Bronze Choir
is attached to this festival and is for those ringers wanting to stretch their ringing abilities by playing more difficult music. Rehearsal will be on Friday evening, Oct. 21 and again Saturday morning prior to the main festival.
Red Zone Director - Barb Walsh
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Northern California Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern California's concerts, events,
Southern Nevada - Alison Pruett, Regional Coordinator
I hope everyone has had a great summer and is ready to get back to ringing! After the fabulous turnout at last January's festival, I am thrilled to announce that the 2017 Las Vegas 12th Night Handbell Festival registration information is now available! This year's festival will be held in Boulder City under the direction of the fabulous Tim Waugh. The main festival will be on Saturday, January 7, but there will also be a "challenge piece" rehearsal on Friday evening, January 6. I hope to see all of you there!
But first...
Please join us for the FREE
September 24th
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Alison Pruett, clinician
9097 Spoonbill Ridge Pl, Las Vegas, NV 89143
featuring Tim Waugh
Saturday, Jan. 7, 2017
Repertoire List
Procession of the Magi (Joy)
All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth (Prins)
First Noel (Moklebust)
On Christmas Day in the Morning (Waldrop)
Savior of the Nations Come (Moklebust)
Friday evening optional "challenge piece"
Gaudete (Glasgow)
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Alison Pruett Southern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.
Northern Nevada - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator
Please join us for the FREE
September 10th
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
South Reno United Methodist Church
200 De Spain, Reno, NV
Clinician will be me, Barb Walsh. Click on the blue link above for registration information. This is a great workshop for those who want to get those bells out of their closets and get ringing again. No prior knowledge needed! It's also great for those directors and ringers who need to brush up on their skills or need a few more tricks in their bags in working with beginners. Come and join the fun!
Barbara Walsh
Northern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,
Southern California - COULD BE YOU!, Regional Coordinator
Bells in the closet? Program needs a jump?
Just wanna review the basics?
Please join us for the FREE
September 10th
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Barbara Meinke, clinician
Hope Lutheran Church
32819 Temecula Pkwy, Ste B, Temecula, CA 92592
Saturday, August 27, 2016
First United Methodist Church
341 S. Kalmia St. Escondido, CA 92025
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
So Cal Region is looking for a coordinator! Won't you please raise your hand?
Southern California Regional Coordinator This email address IS being monitored! For information on Southern California's concerts,
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator
Central California - Christine Anderson, Regional Coordinator

Hi, CenCal!
National Seminar in Rochester was fantastic experience! If you missed it, we hope to see you in Anaheim next year!
The Notation Conference (held after National Seminar) ended early (shock!), so 3 of us from Area 12 and some others took a jaunt to nearby Niagara Falls - FUN!
Tip of the month: Dust and dirt are enemies of smooth clapper motion. Whenever you polish your bells, use an artist paint brush to brush out all the dirt from under the yoke assembly. Then hold the bell upside down, close your eyes, and blow out the loosened dust. If you take your bells apart for a thorough cleaning, use an old toothbrush to remove dust and dirt from the clapper assembly. You'll be surprised at what comes loose!
PLEASE contact me with any workshops or concerts in the CenCal area so we can list them on our calendar!
Christine Anderson
Central California Regional Coordinator
For information on Central California's concerts, events, |
San Francisco Bay Area - Kendra Scott, Regional Coordinator
Hi, Bay Area!
Check out the Ringer's Wanted section of our website for a new opportunity for youth! The Bay Area Spring Ring returns in 2017 on Saturday, April 29, with renowned Minneapolis composer and director William Mathis on the director's podium. Spring Ring attendees will have the benefit of a "twofer," since Bill's wife, Carolynne, will also be attending and will be teaching classes at the event. The accompanying Intense Ring begins on Friday evening, and the weekend includes some of Bill's arrangements. The repertoire list and more information about Mr. Mathis is on the Handbell Ventures website. And this year marks the return of the youth workshop with their own repertoire selection and rehearsal time embedded within the day, so we encourage youth groups and young ringers to sign up. As an added bonus for directors and budding directors who may have missed out on the chance to attend National's Masters Series Directors' Boot Camp taught by Bill and Carolynne, a special director's workshop will be held on Sunday, April 30th from 2 pm to 6 pm. Details for the Bay Area Spring Ring, Intense Ring and the Director's Workshop will be posted to the Handbell Ventures website as soon as they are available, but it's never too early to save the date and start planning. Next year has lots of great ringing and informational opportunities, so spread the word and watch the website for updates!
Bay Area Regional Coordinator
For information on San Francisco Bay Area's concerts, events,
Los Angeles Metro - Scott Leggett, Regional Coordinator
Hi, LA Metro!
Like many of us, I'm enjoying the summer away from the time demands of busy bell ringing life, but, I am looking forward to September and starting it all over again. It was great to see so many of our LA Metro folks at our Modesto conference, and what a great conference it was!
For LA Metro this year, we are putting together a fall workshop, so stay tuned for the date and details. Our spring ring will be in Pasadena led by the artists of Timbr� Ensemble. As soon as the date is confirmed, I will let you all know to put it on your calendar. Finally, if there is anything our board or I can do for you, please reach out. Perhaps you would like a one on one skills workshop for your ringers. Are you looking for a director? Do you need ringers? Do you have some new ideas for a ringing event in our area, or just drop me a note and say hi! Enjoy the rest of your summer.
Scott Leggett
Los Angeles Metro Regional Coordinator
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,