Blue text and most pictures, logos, and clipart take you to more information!
Click on it!
Our National
The monthly enewsletter. Click logo to subscribe Registration is open!
For 8th - 12th grade
Message from the Chair - Mich�le Sharik
Hi there, Area 12! Wow, February went by fast - even with the "leap day"! Now that it's March, that means Holy Week and Easter are right around the corner. And after Easter it'll be time for a month full of Spring Rings. I hope you and/or your group are planning to attend at least one. Spring Rings are a great way to not only work with some great clinicians, but also network with other local groups (can you say "substitute ringers"?) and learn what's going on out in the larger handbell community. Speaking of which, don't forget to register for The Handbell Hop! Great clinicians, great classes, and great performances. Who could ask for anything more?
My Best,
Mich�le Sharik
Communiqu� - Barbara Meinke, Communications Director

2016-2018 Board Nominations
are being accepted NOW!
We are seeking nominations for
Chair Elect
Board members must be members of Handbell Musicians of America and reside in Area 12 (California, Hawaii, Nevada, Western US Island Territories)
If you have questions or are already interested in joining a great team of handbell musicians who make Area 12 ring, or know of someone who would be a great addition to our team, please contact our Nominations Committee Chair, Mel Tully, at or 559-625-5111.
Nominations due April 1!
Barbara Meinke
Communications Director
Area 12 Ringers' Festival Conference
Southern California - COULD BE YOU!, Regional Coordinator
Saturday, April 16
featuring Alex Guebert, conductor
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Oceanside, CA
Check out registration and repertoire info here!
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
So Cal Region is looking for a coordinator! Won't you please raise your hand?
Southern California Regional Coordinator
This email address IS being monitored!
For information on Southern California's concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.
San Francisco Bay Area - Kendra Scott, Regional Coordinator
April 8-9
Valley Church in Cupertino
Barbara Meinke, conductor
Registration forms are up!
Want a great experience?
The sooner we get your registration,
the better event we can plan!
If you received a mailer for this event, please note there is a correction to the Intense Ring repertoire. The pieces are Pavane and Galliard by Michael Joy and The Magnificent Seven by Bernstein/arr. Tucker.
You will find all the information and registration forms for both the Spring Ring and the Intense Ring at
Hover over SpringRing in the top right corner of the webpage for a link to more information on class offerings.
Handbell Musicians of America
Happy ringing,
Kendra Scott
Bay Area Regional Coordinator
For information on San Francisco Bay Area's concerts, events,
Los Angeles Metro - Scott Leggett, Regional Coordinator

It's time to register for the
Saturday, April 23
First United Methodist of Glendale
Details and registration information will be out very soon, but please save the date! Check the website calendar for updated information as it is posted. It will be an amazing day with the ringers of Timbr� as our conductors.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
It's February 24 and still winter, but when its 90 degrees outside it sure feels like summer to me. Needless to say, the year is moving along and spring is right around the corner, as is our Spring Ring! I am very excited to have Timbr� lead our event and I know it will be great day of fun and ringing. Registration forms are available on the website and I need you to register SOON!
I hope everyone is planning to travel to Modesto for the Area 12 Handbell Hop. It would be so awesome to have a big LA Metro presence rockin' the house!
Lastly, spring concert season is almost here and I encourage you to send me your event details, large and small, so I can post them on our website and Facebook page; you never where you will find an audience! 'til next month,
Scott Leggett
Los Angeles Metro Regional Coordinator
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
Central California - Christine Anderson, Regional Coordinator

Hi, CenCal!
There is still time and space to register!
April 23, 2016
First United Methodist Church
of Arroyo Grande
275 N Halcyon Rd, Arroyo Grande, CA
Our clinicians will be Sue Coddington-Allen and Paul Allen. Mel and Gail Tully of WestCoast Handbell Supply will bring their store! Contact Leonard Lutz for full details:
Please bring your handbells, either brand, which have "issues" for me to fix in my maintenance/repair class and learn odd tricks for resolving their problems!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Christine Anderson Central California Regional Coordinator
For information on Central California's concerts, events, |
Northern Nevada - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator
14th Annual
April 30th
South Reno United Methodist Church
200 De Spain, Reno, NV
Director - Barbara Walsh of Tintabulations
Classes taught by Tintabulations ringers
Don't miss out!
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
And while you have your calendar out, save the date, May 24th, for the Annual Young Ringers' Festival at South Reno United Methodist Church. More details coming in April.
Barbara Walsh
Northern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,
International Symposium 2016
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator
Northern California - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator

Hello Northern California,
Back to Bells Success Story!!
Back in September a Back to Bells workshop took place in Redding in hopes of getting bells out of the closet and ringing once again at churches. All Saints Episcopal Church here in Redding sent Susan Bailey to our workshop. I recently touched base with Susan and this is the good news she gave me.
"Thank you, Nancy, for keeping in touch. We have eight ringers, half of these people are folks in our congregation who wished to do "something musical" but weren't singers. We rehearse every week. We played on Christmas Eve and did fairly well for our first gig. I received great feedback from the congregation, mainly that they really like hearing the bells again. We are planning to play once during Lent and on Easter. I remind the ringers that mistakes are okay, especially when we're learning and that it's okay if you forget which hand is holding the F# and which the G. We're on our way and the important thing is we're having fun!!"
Susan, thank you for sharing! I wish you all a very Happy Easter.
Northern California Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern California's concerts, events,
Southern Nevada - Alison Pruett, Regional Coordinator
As we're all getting ready for playing at various Easter and Holy Week services (doesn't it feel like it was just Christmas?!?), be sure to let me know if you have a performance the general public can attend. I'll make sure it gets posted on the Area 12 Calendar of Events! And remember to check the Area 12 Calendar for all sorts of other events happening in Southern Nevada and the rest of Area 12.
Alison Pruett Southern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.