A12 HMA Logo Vertical Dark
   The Twelfth Tone
Area 12 Newsletter
March 2015
In This Issue
From the Chair
Southern Nevada
Southern California
Northern Nevada
San Francisco Bay Area
Central California
LA Metro
Northern California
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Handbell Supply 

 Handbell Music,
Supplies and Service
Toll Free  888-775-WEST 
Call: 559-625-5111
Fax: 559-741-7346 







P.O. Box 4361
Visalia, CA 93278-4361

Passages,  the album, epitomizes The Raleigh Ringers 25-year musical journey, featuring classical arrangements, cutting-edge original compositions and signature rock arrangements by The Rockin' Raleigh Ringers on the group's second double CD.


Over 100 minutes of music!


 To buy your copy,

click here!

Heitz Handbells Logo

 A full service 

handbell store

with music and accessories:



maintenance items



bell tree items

Malmark products


 visit us at




877 426-3235



6603 Queen Ave S, Suite S

Richfield, MN   55423

cartoon bells  
Our National

Handbell Musicians of America

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Area 12 Board
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Tip of the
The 4-in-hand technique Lori Smith mentions in her article is interlocked British/Japanese style (AKA Campanile). The most ergonomically sound 4-in-hand, it makes short work of great trills and is easy to thumb damp or finger damp.
Right hand set-up. Hold this pair
with two fingers between the bells!
Advertising Rates for the 2014 Publishing Year

The Twelfth Tone is published the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (The Guild). The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.

Advertising Rates: 

We offer two different ad types

1.(a) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 150 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.
$10/issue               $54/6 issues                $94/11 issues 

1.(b) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 150 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.
$18/issue               $97/6 issues                $168/11 issues

2.(a) 1.5" X 4" ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text to be formatted by the editor.
$15/issue               $81/6 issues                $140/11 issues

2.(b) 1.5" X 8" ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website.  You provide the text to be formatted by the editor.
$27/issue             $146/6 issues                $252/11 issues 

Payment is due before publication. Submission DEADLINE is the 24th 

Please submit your ads via email to
Barbara Meinke, Communications Director

Message from the Chair - Mich�le Sharik


Hello, Area 12!  


As I look out my window at the snow-covered mountains not a mile from my home, I can't help but smile and remember that soon it will be spring! There are spring rings happening all over our Area over the next few months. I hope you will attend one (or more) of them - they are an excellent way to meet new people, see what other bell groups are doing, and work with amazing clinicians and teachers.

Speaking of wonderful events, your Board is hard at work preparing for our 2016 Conference in Modesto. The dates are not quite finalized yet, but they will be soon, so keep an eye on this newsletter for information coming in the next few months.

And speaking of meeting new people and seeing what other bell groups are doing, we have a couple of Regional Coordinator positions that need filling -- San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California. Please contact me, or any of your board members, if you are interested in one of these positions. We need people like YOU to keep our Area the vibrant place it is.

Until next month,
All my best,

Mich�le Sharik



Communiqu� - Barbara Meinke, Communications Director
Barbara Meinke


Here is a recent article from yet another school where Area 12 bells are being played! It is such a blessing to see the next generation of handbell musicians learning the ropes! Thank you to our Education Director, Katryn Howell, for sending this to us from Wood Rose Academy in Concord, CA!


Barbara Meinke

Communications Director




Handbells at Wood Rose Academy

When I took on the responsibility of acquiring bells and chimes through the Handbell Education program, I was not sure about exactly how I would implement them or how the students would react to them. I used handchimes for the 4th graders and handbells for the 5th and 6th graders, which worked well for all. I converted hymns to simple melodies with chords, we practiced and were able to put a few pieces together in time for the school Christmas program. When it finally came time for our performance, the response was overwhelmingly positive and continues to be!

One of the big advantages of teaching music to 4th-6th grade students with handbells and handchimes is that it provides access to written notes and group performance in a more intense way than vocal choir. I feel so fortunate to have witnessed this incredible achievement in musical skill, self-esteem, teamwork, development, and responsibility as a result of the handbell education program.
If teachers are wondering if they should add handbells to their classroom, I would reply with a heartfelt "Yes!" After having the bells, we have grown attached to them and will certainly feel the loss when it comes time to turn them back in to the education program. If K-12 music teachers are wondering if they should try to add handbells to their classroom, I would reply with a heartfelt "Yes! It takes a little time and coordination, but the student benefits far outweigh the extra effort." I hope someday a donor will generously provide our school with a permanent set of bells or chimes so we can continue this historic musical tradition.

Diana Sai Farias, M.M.
Wood Rose Academy
Concord, CA
So. Nevada - Alison Pruett, Regional Coordinator


Techniques Workshop

and Concert

last call


March 28, 2015

The Church of

Jesus Christ

of Latter-Day Saints

       10070 Azure Dr

               Las Vegas, NV 89149


hosted by Harmony Handbells

This event is endorsed by the Handbell Musicians of America. 



All skill levels are welcome. Find registration information linked to the calendar date on our website by clicking the event name above.


Please come join other ringers from Southern Nevada!


Alison Pruett

Southern Nevada Regional Coordinator



For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here. 

So. California - Kari Jacobs, Regional Coordinator


Hello SoCal!


It is with some sadness I must step down as your SoCal Regional Coordinator. My husband is being deployed for 7-8 months and our daughters and I will be moving back to Missouri. Our family has suffered the recent tragedy of tumbling over a cliff in our car after being hit by a drunk driver (from which we gratefully all walked away!) and we will need our huge support system in Missouri while we recover, rebuild, and wait for Dan to return.


My appreciation goes to Barbara Meinke for finishing the Spring Ring preparations and I hope you are all planning to take part in this great event!  It will be a fantastic time under the direction of Margi Zearley with plenty of class opportunities and superb clinicians.


I have enjoyed getting to know you during my brief time in Area 12.  I will be thinking of you all at on April 24-25 and hope you enjoy all of your spring activities!



April 24-25, 2015

 featuring Margi Zearley
Temecula, CA

  This event is sponsored by the Handbell Musicians of America.


See the Nov. issue of The Twelfth Tone for a repertoire list and watch for registration information by postcard and linked to the calendar date on our website!


Blessings and happy ringing,


Kari Jacobs

Southern California Regional Coordinator



For information on Southern California's concerts, events,
and other opportunities, 
click here. 

                            Find us on Facebook                

International Symposium 2016
click the image for all the details!
No. Nevada - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator



Tintabulations is hosting an Area 12 endorsed event, the 

13th Annual
April 25, 2015
                                 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

South Reno United Methodist Church

Massed ringing features
"Meditation" by Larry Sue
"Andante Maestoso" arr. by Kevin McChesney
directed by Barb Walsh

           Classes taught by members of Tintab 
Musical Line and Rhythm Reading
Bell Trees
 Team Building
Whole Body Ringing

$10 per person. $20 per person after April 4th
Contact: Barb Walsh at 775-677-8119 or barbagehr@att.net.

We hope to see lots of new faces and old friends as well!
Come and have fun with us! 

This event is  endorsed by the Handbell Musicians of America.

Tuesday, May 26, 2014
South Reno
United Methodist Church
free concert open to the public at 12:15 p.m.

This event is  sponsored by the Handbell Musicians of America.


Barbara Walsh

Northern Nevada Regional Coordinator



For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,

and other opportunities, click here. 

San Francisco Bay Area


Five Good Reasons

it's not too late to sign up for the

Saturday April 11, 2015

(Intense Ring begins Friday, April 10)

Valley Church

10885 North Stelling Road

Cupertino, California




Lee Afdahl! How many West Coast events have you been to recently featuring the Guild's national past president? Nuff said!

CajonsI don't know about you, but I don't wanna work, I want to bang on the drum all day. And we'll have Malmark cajons, so the Bay Area Spring Ring will be just the place to do it! 


Stuff for Directors! West Coast Handbell Supply will present several pieces again for a reading session with Lee Afdahl, so directors will have a chance to hear music that might be new to them for consideration in their repertoire. Also, Lee will hold a special afternoon workshop for directors that will give participants the chance to ask those burning questions about directing for handbells. This is your chance to "pick the brain" of a world-renowned conductor!


Stuff for Youth! This year features special classes just for kids so directors and parents don't have to see that bored, numb look on your young ringers' faces at an all-day festival yet again. Young ringers get to play music that THEY like for a change. How cool is that!?! Barbara Walsh will take them through Katy Perry's Firework.

Handbells Unlimited! There will be a smile on your face when they tango and play the bells...at the same time. We guarantee it.

The early bird deadline is past, but you can still save some money by avoiding "late" fees. Send in your registration in by March 31st.

Download registration forms for both the Spring Ring and the Intense Ring from the Handbell Ventures website.


And watch for updates at handbellventures.org/springring or sign up for email updates with the Spring Ring Registrar by contacting



This Handbell Ventures event is
endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.

We are seeking a
San Francisco Bay Area

Regional Coordinator!

If you are interested,

please contact Mich�le Sharik


For information on San Francisco Bay Area's concerts, events,
and other opportunities, click here.

                             Find us on Facebook                 

Central California - Lori Smith, Regional Coordinator
Lori Smith

Hello CenCal,

I attended a couple nice bell events in January and February. Larry Sue conducted a fun bronze ringing event in Redding, CA.  It was a whirlwind - learn the music at home, rehearse the first half of the weekend, then ring the concert Sat afternoon. Good selection of pieces. An extra treat was listening to Larry and Carla rehearse their duet pieces for worship services at two churches on Sunday. There are some really nice folks up in Redding! I'm looking forward to next year's event.

Mich�le Sharik presented a lovely solo bell concert in Clayton on Valentine's Day, a well-chosen and presented program with Martin Morley, an excellent piano accompanist. I observed two techniques which were new to me. On a piece early in the program, she was ringing four-in-hand, but the set-up looked more like the third bell in the six-in-hand configuration where the bell is flipped inward. I haven't had the chance to ask her, but I'm assuming it made certain passages easier on the wrists. The other technique was to softly mallet a bell on the rim, rather than the curved portion of the casting. Michele said she noticed a difference in tone, as the rim gave a more delicate sound; perfect for the end of the piece.

Looking forward to seeing many of you on Saturday, April 18, at the Central Coast Spring Ring in San Luis Obispo. There's still time to sign up! click on the blue link below!


Saturday, Apr 18, 2015
8:00am - 4:30pm
Zion Lutheran Church
1010 Foothill Boulevard, San Luis Obispo, CA

This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.

Registration Deadline is April 3, 2015
Contact: Shirley Werner, shipley712@sbcglobal.net, for registration or more information

Happy ringing!

Lori Smith
Central California Regional Coordinator

 For information on Central California's concerts, events,

and other opportunities, click here. 
LA Metro - Scott Leggett, Regional Coordinator

Greetings all!


As we look to our friends in the east with their frigid winter and deep snow, around here we've had near summer heat shining through the palm trees.  Yes, that has been our winter weather lately, but spring is right around the corner with promises of even better weather! Spring also means spring rings in our area and the details for the LA Metro Spring Ring are now posted on our web site. 


The LA Metro Spring Ring will be a dual track day, one track for massed ringing under the direction of Christine Anderson, and another track for the new or aspiring handbell director taught by two experienced and amazing directors, Ruben Mendoza and Alex Guebert. The director's track will cover all things handbells from director's point of view and will also include some hands on ringing in repertoire reading sessions. I encourage you to register early and please contact me if you have any questions!


LA Metro Spring Ring

May 2, 2015


The Master's College

Santa Clarita, CA


This event is sponsored by the Handbell Musicians of America.

Happy Spring!


Scott Leggett

Los Angeles Metro Regional Coordinator



For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
and other opportunities, click here.

                            Find us on Facebook                   

No. California - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Nancy Schmitt

Dear Handbell Musicians,


The Redding Bronze Advanced Ring was held on Jan. 30-31. Seventeen ringers from Southern Oregon and Northern California, including Area 12's very own Lori Smith, participated in this wonderful ringing event led by Larry Sue.


We had a great time ringing together as we fine-tuned the eight songs and then presented a concert to 125 people. We received a standing ovation followed by  people from the audience asking some really good questions about bells and then wanting to hear an encore song (for which we did oblige!).



As always, please remember to send your concert, workshop, or other bell event to me for posting on the Area 12 website and calendar.




Nancy Schmitt

Northern California Regional Coordinator  

For information on Northern California's concerts, events,
and other opportunities, click here!
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator
Karen Carlisle

Karen Carlisle
Hawaii Regional Coordinator

For information on Hawaii's concerts, events, and other opportunities,