A12 HMA Logo Vertical Dark
   The Twelfth Tone
Area 12 Newsletter
March 2014
In This Issue
Concert Calendar
Area 12 Board
From the Chair
Election News
Southern California
LA Metro
Bay Area
Northern California
Central California
Join Our Mailing List
Handbell Resources
Heitz Handbells Logo


A full service handbell store

with music and accessories: gloves


maintenance items



bell tree items

Malmark products


 visit us at




877 426-3235



6603 Queen Ave S, Suite S

Richfield, MN   55423

  Tie-dyed gloves,
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visit us online at 

Velocity Logo  

Velocity 2 Debuts

in La Verne


You already know the complexity of handbells, and you may have been exposed to the complexity that has come to be known in the handbell community as Velocity. Complexity is now moving to the next level. Joel Gingrich and P.L. Grove have been ringing together for nearly 10 years, and they are officially solidifying their love for handbells and making music together by forming the duet Velocity 2. Handbells played the way Velocity 2 does - with multiple pre-set four-in-hand configurations - makes for a stunning concert experience. They call it "kamikaze-style ringing." Their challenge is to play music that requires up to 50 bells - with only two ringers. And while it is complex, their goal is to make it look effortless, sound musical, and have fun while doing it. After all, they are Velocity, too, and they will debut next month in the LA Metro area. This is "extreme" handbells that you won't want to miss!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

4 p.m.

La Verne Church
of the Brethren
2425 "E" Street
La Verne, California


For information, go to www.velocitybells.org

Concerts at a Glance 
March - April

March 9                  4:30 pm

Area 12 Board Meeting
Concord, CA


LA Metro Spring Ring Concert
Azusa, California
March 29                7:30 pm
LA Metro Spring Ring Concert
Azusa, California

So Cal Spring Ring Concert
Temecula, California

April 5                   5:00 pm

Bakersfield Spring Ring Concert

Bakersfield, California

LA Bronze in concert
Torrance, California
April 6                   4:00 pm  
Velocity 2
LaVerne, CA

April 11                  7:00 pm
Tapestry in Concert 
Walnut Creek, CA

Wondrous Love Concert 
Redding, California

April 12                  7:00 pm
Tapestry in Concert 
Pleasanton, CA


April 13                  4:00 pm
Tapestry in Concert 
Clayton, CA

April 16
Tapestry in Concert

Rossmoor, CA


April 27                  2:00 pm

LA Bronze in concert
La Canada, California

Your concert can
appear here!
To view more details and
the entire Area 12 calendar,
Handbell Supply 

 Handbell Music,
Supplies, and  Service
Toll Free  888-775-WEST 
Call: 559-625-5111
Fax: 559-741-7346 







P.O. Box 4361
Visalia, CA 93278-4361

Our National

Handbell Musicians of America

National Election
Polls open
March 1!
read bios and get voting procedures by clicking here!

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International Handbell Symposium 2014, Jeju, Korea. Click the image for more info!

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Area 12 Board
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Quick Links

It's not quite yet spring, and yet spring has sprung! See all the great concerts and events just ripe for the picking and have yourself a handbellicious spring!
Message from the Chair - Mich�le Sharik

Do you hear that? That's the tweet and twitter of an Early Bird deadline fast approaching! March 17 is the last day to get discounted rates on the "Shake, Rattle, and Ring!" Conference, so be sure to go check out the options and register soon before the rates go up. 

Your Board will be meeting Sat Mar 15 & Sun Mar 16 in Concord, CA. All  Area 12 members are entitled to attend the meeting, so if you want to see first hand your Board in action, please let me know!

By now, all the ballots for our Special Election have been returned and are being counted. I hope you are all as excited as I am to find out who our new Chair Elect will be! Both candidates are excellent, so whoever wins, I know they will be an excellent addition to our board. The results will be known mid-month and we will send out a special notice at that time, so keep an eye out for it. 

Speaking of elections, our regular election is also this year and we need candidates. See below for more information.

AND it's election year for our National organization, too. No paper ballots will be sent -- the voting will all be done electronically, so be sure to check out that info below as well! 

Have a great March!


Mich�le Sharik



2014 Festival Conference Information


June 19-22, 2014
Embassy Suites  
 San Luis Obispo, California


Registration is open! We have 40 beautiful brand new djembes stowed in Kathy Arnold's garage and a whole group from Washington just signed up for Handbell Theatre!

This is your chance to be up close and very personal with some of the country's finest conductors and to experience class tracks that aren't offered anywhere else in the world!   

For example, Kevin McChesney is offering his first ever composing track for NON-composers. This track will empower you to create beautiful playable tunes tailored just for your group!

Don't wait until it's too late! This is a very cozy venue and we don't
want you to miss out.  You know you want to - Sign up Today!

Performance Opportunities

Here is your chance to Shake, Rattle and Ring
for all of Area 12 to see! 
There will be four performance opportunities for handbell groups or soloists! Check the Area 12 website for complete info on our easy application process.
Join the Movers & Shakers Conference Ensemble for intermediate and advanced ringers! Everyone in the ensemble will work with all three guest conductors! Here is your chance to get to work very closely with Kevin, Michele and Jason! Again, check the Area 12 website for complete info on our easy application process.
 Scholarships Offered

Every two years Area 12 offers scholarships to two Area 12 members to assist them with the cost of attending the Area 12 conference. The Jim Scott Memorial Scholarship assists one ringer and one director who demonstrate financial need by covering their registration, hotel room (half the double occupancy rate), and any meals that are included in the registration packet.


Applications are being accepted now through April 15th, so don't delay! If you or someone you know is interested, send in your application today.

To find out more information on qualifying for the Jim Scott Memorial Scholarship and to download an application, click the blue link or contact Rima Greer.
See you there! 

Keep your eye on this newsletter and the conference webpage 

for more information as it is released!
Election News


The Area 12 Special Election for Chair-Elect has just ended and the ballots are being counted. We will send out an announcement very soon!

In the meantime, we are seeking nominations for Secretary and Treasurer for our regular election this June. Nominations should be sent to Rima Greer at pastchair.area12@handbellmusicians.org.


Online voting for our national election opens March 1. Guild members should check out the slate and vote at http://handbellmusicians.org/news/national-board-election-candidates-announced/

Communiqu� - Barbara Meinke
Barbara Meinke

Hello, Area 12!

Last month, after sharing with you how to use Area 12 and Handbell Musicians of America resources to promote your events, I promised you tips on promoting your concerts and events locally. This month I'll deliver!
Local Media  - 
Use your local newspapers and radio stations to help you out! Enlist someone in your group to create a list of local media contacts, including name, publication deadlines, free options offered, and where to email or fax a press release. Most have online and on air community calendars and will list your event for FREE! Simply fill out their online community calendar forms. Send each a press release with information about your event and the people participating in it. Some editors are intrigued by our instrument and will contact you to do a "story" about it and your event (and that's free too!). 
Social Media - 
Remember that old Faberg� shampoo commerical... "and they told two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on!" That's how social media works! It's faster than wildfire, and I've spent my whole life in SoCal watching how fast that is! Who is your Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/Pinterest guru? Have him/her create a Facebook page for your group. Or even just create an "event" on his/her Facebook page and then share it with other group members and supporters who will also share it. Many churches and schools have Facebook pages - ask the administrator to create an "event" for your special project. Word gets around FAST! Have a video from a previous performance or create a fun video ad and put it on YouTube (don't forget to share it on Facebook!). 

The Old Fashioned Way -
Never underestimate the power of a personal invitation! Make full sheet and half sheet flyers with the information about your concert/event and give them to everyone you meet. Have your group members do the same! Post them on senior community club house bulletin boards and send them (or postcards!) to school and church music directors in your and neighboring towns to post in their rehearsal rooms and on break room or community bulletin boards. Ask favorite small businesses to post them in their windows or near their cash registers.

It may seem daunting at first, but if there is anything a handbell ensemble is great at, it's "divide and conquer!" So, PROMOTE, PROMOTE, PROMOTE, because after all, without an audience, it's just another rehearsal!

Barbara Meinke
SoCal - Regional Coordinator, Vacant

April 5, 2014
Temecula, CA
Conductor - Tessique Houston

Look for registration forms and repertoire on our website
or email us at the address below!

This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America

San Bernardino, Riverside, Imperial
and San Diego Counties need YOU!


Contact Michele Sharik to learn more about

how you can serve our Southern California Region! 


Could Be You! 

SoCal Regional Coordinator


  Find us on Facebook                

LA Metro - Pearl Marshall, Regional Coordinator
Pearl Marshall Photo

March Greetings,

LAMetro Ringers and Directors!


Here's what's happening this spring!



 March 29, 2014   11:30am-8:30pm

at Azusa Pacific University

with clinician Dr. Donavon Gray


 This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America


Although the March 1st deadline is today, we still have space for several more ringers. We took a tour of the APU facilities we're using, and they look fantastic! The massed ringing room is certainly large enough for many more groups or individuals to join us!


We are ringing just one massed piece, and two division pieces. Several of our division pieces feature special percussion to be played by APU students to add some spice.


Please consider having your group offer a solo choir piece for the closing concert. This is a wonderful and easy opportunity to give your ringers additional performance experience. If you are not able to come with your full choir, that's okay! There will be many capable subs there, and you will have time to rehearse at least once.


We are looking forward to a fantastic event.  We hope you'll join us!


Spring Concerts

Don't forget to send in your concert information. I'm making publicity flyers for my groups' spring concerts right now. Listing yours on our webpage is another way to get the word out!


Ring on! 


Pearl Marshall

LA Metro Regional Coordinator


 Find us on Facebook                   

Nevada - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator

Barb Walsh Headshot 

Sierra Spring Ring


Saturday, May 17, 2014

South Reno United Methodist Church

Reno, NV

 presented by Tintabulations



This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America


Barbara Walsh

Nevada Regional Coordinator


Bay Area - Julie Vaquilar, Regional Coordinator
Julie and Martalina


Bay Area Intense Ring

and Spring Ring


May 2-3, 2014
Valley Church
Cupertino, CA
Fred Gramann, conductor


It's not too late to register for the Bay Area Spring Ring with Fred Gramann. Over 175 ringers have registered including ringers from as far away as L.A., Modesto, Sebastopol, Reno, and Sacramento. Interest is running high for the Bell Tree and Solo Ringing Tracks with Barbara Brocker and Danny Lyons. Remember, preregistration is required for the track classes, so don't delay contacting Carol Smith, registrar, (carolsmith2@comcast.net) if you'd like to participate in these exciting classes. The closing concert at 7:00 p.m. on May 3 is open to the public and will feature and 11-bell tree piece and many outstanding choirs. 
Julie Vaquilar 

Bay Area Regional Coordinator


Find us on Facebook                 

NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Nancy Schmitt

Hello, Handbell Musicians!


     Spring is right around the corner (for those of us in California, spring came a month ago!) and that means spring festivals and plenty of them! Some ringers really get excited and look forward to going to one of these festivals while other ringers dread hearing that word and hope their director will not suggest they go, and still others do not care one way of the other if they go or don't go. Some festivals are close by and some are far away. Some are expensive and others are not. Some festivals have massed ringing that requires you learn your music ahead of time while others let you learn the music at the festival. Some are big and some are small. Some festivals cater to advanced ringers and others cater to beginning ringers. Some have classes and others are just all out ringing. For you die hard ringers who love to attend festivals, please check out the Area 12 calendar to see which one(s) you would like to attend. For those of you still on the fence about attending a festival, why not pick this spring to attend one? Who knows, you may even have FUN and LEARN something new about handbell ringing and make some new FRIENDS, too! Plus there is always a lot of CHOCOLATE at every festival!!

     Please remember to let me know if your ensemble is having a concert or workshop so that I can post it on the Area 12 calendar.   


Nancy Schmitt

NorCal Regional Coordinator  

CenCal - Lori Smith, Regional Coordinator
Lori Smith


Let me know the latest news
from your groups and we'll share it
in the next newsletter.

Lori Smith

CenCal Regional Coordinator  

Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator
Karen Carlisle

Karen Carlisle
Hawaii Regional Coordinator
Advertising Rates for the 2014 Publishing Year

The Twelfth Tone is published the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (The Guild). The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.

Advertising Rates: 

We offer two different ad types

1.(a) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 150 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.
$10/issue               $54/6 issues                $94/11 issues 

1.(b) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 150 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.
$18/issue               $97/6 issues                $168/11 issues

2.(a) 1.5" X 4" ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text to be formatted by the editor.
$15/issue               $81/6 issues                $140/11 issues

2.(b) 1.5" X 8" ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website.  You provide the text to be formatted by the editor.
$27/issue             $146/6 issues                $252/11 issues 

Payment is due before publication. Submission DEADLINE is the 24th 

Please submit your ads via email to
Barbara Meinke, Communications Director

Make checks payable to
and send to:
Kathy Arnold, Treasurer
1228 Isabelle Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040
Area 12 Bell Loan Program
cartoon bells