A12 HMA Logo Vertical Dark
 The Twelfth Tone
Area 12 Newsletter
June 2013
In This Issue
West Coast Handbell Supply
From the Top Music Publishers
Heitz Handbells and Music
Concerts at a Glance
Area 12 Board
Calendar of Events
Advertising with Us
Bell/Chime Loan Program
Handbell Resources
Handbell Supply 
WestCoast Lt. Wagon 2
 Handbell Music,
Supplies, and  Service
Toll Free  888-775-WEST 
Call: 559-625-5111
Fax: 559-741-7346 







P.O. Box 4361
Visalia, CA 93278-4361
From the Top title
From the Top Logo
Handbell Music Publishers
The 'go-to' place for great handbell music


Home of the innovative
Red Chime Notes!


...where you can see and listen to all our
publications in their entirety.
Visit us at our booth
in Portland! 
Norm Heitz and Carol Scheel  present 


Heitz Handbells Logo


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 music, equipment and maintenance items, bell tree, solo, ensemble music, Malmark bells, Choirchimes® and products



See you in Portland!


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6603 Queen Ave S, Suite S

Richfield, MN   55423

Concerts at a Glance
Please see the Calendar of Events below for full details.  
Bay Area

Kiriku Handbell Ensemble

Tuesday, July 30      7:30 pm

Bay Area TBA, CA



Kiriku Handbell Ensemble

Wednesday, July 31  7:30 pm

Modesto, CA



Sunday, June 2            6 pm

Aiea, HI


LA Metro   

Joyful Noise in Concert

Sunday, June 9           4 pm

Los Angeles, CA


An Evening of Classics and Favorites featuring The Chapel Bells 

Sunday, June 9           7 pm
Pasadena, CA 


Timbré Ensemble

Sunday, July 7            4 pm

Los Angeles, CA


Sunday, July 21          4 pm

Redding, CA

Kiriku Handbell Ensemble

Monday, July 29     7:30 pm

Redding, CA

  To view all the events on the

Area 12 calendar click here

Or go to the Areas portion of our web site (click on your state or area at top of home page) to see which concerts and events are happening near you.
Area 12 Board
A12 HMA Logo Vertical
Elected Officers
Rima GreerPast Chair
Michele SharikChair Elect
Kathy ArnoldTreasurer
Ruben MendozaSecretary

Appointed Officers
Barbara Meinke,Communication
Tess HoustonEducation
Debbie ShawEvents
Beth MaysHistorian
Mel Tully, Vendor Liaison
P.L. GroveWebmaster

Regional Coordinators
Julie VaquilarBay Area
Lori SmithCenCal
Barbara WalshNevada
Nancy SchmittNorCal
Local Liaison
Dixie BaileyLas Vegas
Our National

Handbell Musicians of America

There are some exciting National opportunities
coming up NOW.

    2013 Portland



Follow the Oregon Trail and find us in beautiful, scenic Portland, Oregon, for our National Seminar, July 24-27. Event activities will take place at the Oregon Convention Center, while registrants will be housed at our official event hotel, the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, a national historic landmark hotel. Event participants will have numerous opportunities to ex-pand their knowledge of handbells, handchimes, and overall musicianship through classes, extended tracks, or our Handbell Musician Certification program, led by nationally recognized faculty members; as well as reading sessions highlighting the best music from our handbell publishers; concert performances by handbell musicians from all over the world; and multiple occasions for networking and "rubbing elbows" with fellow handbell musicians.

See all the details and register today at



To learn more about these exciting National ringing and educational opportunities, go to the national web site .


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Calendar of Events 
June - July


Sunday, June 2                6 pm

Aiea United Methodist Church
99-101 Laulima St.
Aiea, HI 96701

For information, contact

Karen Carlisle


Sunday, June 9                4 pm

Joyful Noise in Concert

Westchester Methodist Church
8065 Emerson
Los Angeles, CA
For information, contact

Sunday, June 9                7 pm
Lake Avenue Church
393 N Lake Ave
Pasadena, CA 
(626) 844-4700

Sunday, July 7                  4 pm

Timbré Ensemble in concert

Westchester Methodist Church

8065 Emerson
Los Angeles, CA
For information, contact


Monday, July 29          7:30 pm

Kiriku Handbell Ensemble 

Redding , CA
For information contact

Tuesday, July 30         7:30 pm

Kiriku Handbell Ensemble 

Bay Area , CA
For information contact

Wednesday, July 31   7:30 pm

Kiriku Handbell Ensemble 

Modesto Church of the Brethren
2301 Woodland Avenue
Modesto, CA
For information contact

  Your event can appear here!

To view all the events on the
Area 12 calendar, click here.
Quick Links

Join Our Mailing List
Advertising Rates for the 2013 Publishing Year

The Twelfth Tone is published the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (The Guild). The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.

Advertising Rates: 

We offer two different ad types

1.(a) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.
$10/issue               $54/6 issues                $94/11 issues 

1.(b) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.
$18/issue               $97/6 issues                $168/11 issues

2.(a) 1.5" X 4" ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text to be formatted by the editor.
$15/issue               $81/6 issues                $140/11 issues

2.(b) 1.5" X 8" ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website.  You provide the text to be formatted by the editor.
$27/issue             $146/6 issues                $252/11 issues 

Payment is due before publication. Submission DEADLINE is the 24th 

Please submit your ads via email to
Barbara Meinke, Communications Director

Make checks payable to
AGEHR Area 12
and send to:
Kathy Arnold, Treasurer
1228 Isabelle Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040



Here's hoping June gloom is short and sweet and nothing but blue skies grace your heart and summer! And while you're out, check out our concert calendar and get to a concert of a handbell ensemble touring this summer and join us in Portland for a great time!

Laurie Sanders

The summer months are usually dead for handbells, but Summer 2013 has a few surprises for Area 12 handbell ringers!


First, you MUST get out to what promises to be the event of the year when the Japanese handbell ensemble, Kiriku, returns to Area 12 this July and August!
We are honored for the second time to host what is arguably the best handbell group in the world. Seven of their ten performances are scheduled for right here in Area 12, so if you have a chance to see them or host them, DO IT! Check the calendar for details.  


Once you've had a chance to see handbell artistry at its finest in Kiriku, pick your jaw up off the floor and take a summer course in achieving it for yourself. The LA Metro and Southern California regions will be co-hosting a special Summer Seminar at Concordia Irvine with Kimberlee Strepka, noted author of the recently released book, Handbell Artistry from the Inside Out. Kimberlee brings her study of the Laban Movement Theory to the handbell table, and Area 12 ringers can experience her course first-hand as she explores the sonic and visual aspects of handbells. Details can be found in Pearl's article below and on the Area 12 web site.  


On a personal note, I want to thank those of you who have been holding me and my family in your prayers during this very difficult time. It has been a comfort feeling the warmth, remembrances and well wishes of our handbell family too.


Laurie Sanders



Barbara Meinke

We interrupt the regularly scheduled programming to bring you this special bulletin from our national board.




Who are YOU nominating?


A butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker?

A lawyer, a banker, a marketing major?
A teacher, a ringer, a strategic planner?
Who should serve on the next national board of directors of the Handbell Musicians of America? Whoever it is, YOU will play a vital and essential roll in selecting them.


The nominating deadline is September 1, 2013.

Online voting begins February 15, 2014 and ends March 15, 2014.


The membership will vote for president-elect and for two at-large candidates. The results will be posted at handbellmusicians.org, in Overtones, through E-Notes, and through communication with the area chairs.


Who would make a desirable candidate for the national board?


The national board of directors must be diversified with individuals who share an interest in our instrument without gender or ethnic bias. To achieve this diversity, the qualities listed below are among some for which the national board will pursue in finding potential nominees and candidates.

  • Historical experience with AGEHR/Handbell Musicians of America
  • Business experience such as in finance, policy governance, marketing, law, human resources and fundraising
  • Music and handbell experience such as directing, ringing, music education, church, community, and specials needs choirs
  • Strategic planning and/or not-for-profit

This diversity of backgrounds and experiences will broaden the national board's  perspective, enabling it to design the type of forum for strategic planning and futuristic leadership that Handbell Musicians of America requires in order to be successful in a more competitive non-profit environment. We need a range of personalities for a board that can collectively become skilled to:

  • think ahead
  • brainstorm
  • be probing in terms of how "this" goal will relate to our mission
  • reason what the costs, as compared to the overall benefits, are for our members
  • be a servant/leader

The best possible future for the Handbell Musicians of America board of directors will come from good communication between diverse individuals who share our mission, vision, values and goals. You know these people. Therefore, the best possible future for Handbell Musicians of American ultimately rests with YOU. But, before YOU nominate someone, check with her or him to insure they are able and willing to be considered for one of the most fascinating and rewarding responsibilities they could imagine. Then place that person into nomination by completing the online form or using the printable nomination form (click for .pdf to print) and mailing it to the address on the form.


Who are YOU nominating?


Philip L. Roberts,

nominating committee chair

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


July will bring a "light" version of The Twelfth Tone, so enjoy your summer, come find me in Portland, and I look forward to sharing with you again in August! 


Barbara Meinke
Communications Director
NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Nancy Schmitt

Well, it is that time of year again when all good things come to an end for a while as most bell choirs take the summer off for a much deserved rest. It is also that time of year for appreciation dinners and lunches for our ringers who deserve to be thanked for giving so much of their time for the last nine months of ringing for church and community events and attending festivals and workshops. It is also a time to thank their families for sharing their ringer with us once or twice a week.


There are some bell choirs and ringers who ring during the summer providing special music for their church or community. Last year at our Disneyland conference I had a director tell me that her bell choir or part of her bell choir played every Sunday. One word comes to mind for a bell choir that plays every Sunday - WOW!  I hope all of you directors and ringers have a great summer and perhaps I'll see some of you in at the National Seminar in Portland. I also encourage you to check the Northern California part of the Area 12 calendar for upcoming Redding Handbell Festival in October and other events in our area.


And speaking of events, if you haven't heard already, noted Japanese handbell ensemble, Kiriku, is coming to Area 12 this summer, and they are looking for a venue in the Northern California region. This is a group I would normally jump at the chance to host, but I will be out of town. If you or someone you know has a church or performance hall to offer (for free), please consider hosting this phenomenal ensemble that performs on over six octaves of bells with only 8 ringers. We don't want to miss out on the chance to hear them while they are here in the U.S. and coming right through Northern California! Contact P.L. Grove (plgrove@jps.net) if you are able to host this fabulous group.




Nancy Schmitt

NorCal Regional Coordinator

Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator
Karen Carlisle



Tim Waugh is graciously coming back to Oahu and will be doing another work-shop on Saturday, October 26, at Harris United Methodist Church. Yeah!!!!! And because last year's director's workshop left everyone wanting MORE, we will also be doing a director's workshop this year! Mark your calendars NOW and watch for news here and on the Area 12 website!
Also, in June, watch for handbell news in the religion section of Star Advertiser in Hawaii. We are starting to get recognized for our craft!
Hope you all are loving your season warm up and enjoy the summer!



Karen Carlisle

Hawaii Regional Coordinator

Like us on Facebook
SoCal - Vacant, Regional Coordinator



Top 5 Reasons to be the next

Area 12 SoCal Regional Coordintor.




          5. Receive sample music from publishers!


          4. Make a bunch of new friends who have as odd a           

              profession/hobby as you do!


          3. Get your name and photo in the paper (Twelfth Tone)!


          2. Attend SoCal Region events for FREE!


          1. Plan the next Spring Ring on a day YOU can go!


We are anxious to buy lunch for anyone who is interested in hearing more about this position on the Area 12 board. If you live/work in San Diego, Imperial, Riverside, or east San Bernardino Counties, you could be just who we are looking for! Find out more by sending an email to the socal address below and Michele or Barbara will get back to you! 


Kiriku is coming to SoCal on August 2 and needs a venue! Contact P.L. Grove if you have one to host them!


Could Be You! 

SoCal Regional Coordinator



 Find us on Facebook

LA Metro - Pearl Marshall, Regional Coordinator
Pearl Marshall Photo

June Greetings,

LAMetro Ringers and Directors!


Kimberlee Strepka presents

Handbell Artistry

for Directors and Ringers

August 10, 2013


On August 10, SoCal and LAMetro Regions will be hosting this special opportunity. The informational flyer and registration form are NOW AVAILABLE on our website. 

last call



The early-bird deadline is July 1. Act fast!!



Though full choirs are welcome, this event is designed for individual directors and ringers. Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions.


LA Regional Events 2013-2014

Just in case you haven't already noted these dates, here they are again. Consider including one of these events in your plans for next season!

  • Fall Ringers Workshop:  October 5, 2013                         Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena
  • Youth Handbell Festival:  November 2, 2013                      Los Altos United Methodist Church in Long Beach
  • February "Focus" Workshop: Early February, 2014*
  • Spring Ring: Early March, 2014*

*Please contact me at my email address below if you would like to host either of these events.



There are still a few end-of-year concerts coming in June. These are wonderful opportunities to support and make connections with other handbell musicians, and to get some ideas for yourself! I strongly encourage everyone to attend at least one other group's concert this season. They are very educational!


Kiriku, coming from Japan to perform at National Seminar in Portland, will be performing in LA Metro on August 4! Check out the Area 12 calendar for more information. You don't want to miss seeing and hearing the best there is in handbell performance!


Ringing Opportunities

Check out the Ringers Wanted section for great new opportunities in LA Metro!


Have a wonderful summer!

Ring on!


Pearl Marshall

LA Metro Regional Coordinator



Find us on Facebook

Bay Area - Julie Vaquilar, Regional Coordinator
Julie and Martalina

Hello, Bay Area Ringers!


This month features reviews of concerts with bells AND voices!


Last month I was fortunate to attend "Timeless and Timely: Memorable Melodies from Beethovern to Rock" performed by Tapestry Vocal and Handbell Ensemble under the direction of Cindy Krausgill. The combined group of 17 singers and 12 ringers presented a program interwoven with recognizable classical pieces and popular songs such as the "William Tell Overture," "Shenandoah," "As Time Goes By," "Time in a Bottle," and "Rolling in the Deep." Some of the pieces included flute, electric bass, piano, saxophone, organ, piano, banjo, and other percussion. Highlights included Carol Smith with a fabulous upbeat solo of "I Got Rhythm," a fast-paced and impressive performance of "In the Mood" on handbells, and ending with an audience sing-a-long of "Let the Sunshine In" from the musical "Hair."

Canto Bello 

Each year, Tapestry raises money for a charity through proceeds from the free-will concert donations. Tapestry's charitable mission this year was for the Alzheimer's Association. Thank you, Tapestry.  And congratulations on an entertaining, fast-paced, and memorable program.


Also, last month, Bell Appeal presented "Bella Voce:  Music for Handbells and Voice including Songs by Snow Patrol, Pink, Maroon 5, and Macklemore." The concert featured singers on all the selections: Shawn Delaney, Sara Heron, and Gabi McColgan of Resound Ensemble; Sam Maurer from the International Orange Choral of San Francisco. Bell Appeal presented a concert with fresh energy. The Handbell Brothers (Bryce and Derek Nance) were on-hand to stream the concert live. You can see it by clicking:  http://handbellbrothers.com/bell-appeallive/


Finally, the Oakland Temple Hill Choir and the San Francisco State University Handbell Choir presented "Spring Blooms with Bells & Voices: A Celebration of Spring - Songs of Hope and Peace." The two groups perform twice a year together throughout the Bay Area. The vocal choir presented some very moving pieces that included "I Am Not Afraid" and "This is the Christ." The handbell choir performed handbell classics such as "Rock-a-My-Soul" and "Grazioso." And together, joint pieces included "Gaelic Blessing" and Bill Payn's "Requiem" (with an arrangement for voices courtesy of William Kyle). Many thanks, William. It was a certainly a community effort with hearty community support.


Kiriku, from Japan, is looking for a venue in the San Francisco Bay Area for a Jul 30 evening concert. If you know of one, please contact P.L. Grove. As always, please let me know of your upcoming concerts. I'd love to feature them here in the newsletter.


Happy ringing!

Julie Vaquilar

Bay Area Regional Coordinator



Find us on Facebook  

CenCal - Lori Smith, Regional Coordinator
Lori Smith


Looking forward....


to not one, but TWO

Kiriku concerts

in Central California this summer.

Check the calendar and the

Central CaliforniaWeb Page for details.


...and to hosting the

June 19-22, 2014 Ringer's Conference

in CenCal's San Luis Obispo next summer


Lori Smith

CenCal Regional Coordinator  

Nevada - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator

Barb Walsh Headshot  



Send me your Nevada news

and watch it appear here!





Barbara Walsh

Nevada Regional Coordinator


Area 12 Bell Loan Program
cartoon bells  
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or handchimes to add interest and a new dimension to your music class? Area 12 encourages schools and other educa-tional institutions, both public and private, to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs, Area 12 has two sets of 3 octaves of handbells and three sets of 3 octaves of handchimes for loan. Deadlines for applica-tions are 5/31 for the Fall Semester and 10/30 for the Spring Semester. To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program