A12 HMA Logo Vertical Dark
 The Twelfth Tone
Area 12 Newsletter
March 2013
In This Issue
West Coast Handbell Supply
Concerts at a Glance
Area 12 Board
Calendar of Events
Advertising with Us
Composition Contest
Bell/Chime Loan Program
Handbell Resources
Handbell Supply 
WestCoast Lt. Wagon 2
 Handbell Music,
Supplies, and  Service
Toll Free  888-775-WEST 
Call: 559-625-5111
Fax: 559-741-7346 







P.O. Box 4361
Visalia, CA 93278-4361
Concerts at a Glance
Please see the Calendar of Events below for full details.  
Central California
Sat., Mar. 9              5 pm
Bakersfield, CA
Sat., April 6          3:30 pm 
San Luis Obispo, CA
Bay Area
Thurs., Mar. 21     1:35 pm
Hayward, CA

Spring Ring Concert

Sat., April 13          6:30pm

Cupertino, CA


Low Ding Zone 
Sat., April 20            7 pm 

San Jose, CA

Sun., April 21           4 pm

Palo Alto, CA

Sat., April 27            7 pm

Saratoga, CA


Northern California 
Sun., Mar. 17           3 pm
Redding, CA


Southern California

Timbré Ensemble,

guest artists

San Diego Interfaith Choir

and Orchestra Concert

Sat., March 9        7:30 pm

Escondido, CA 


Sat. Mar. 23          4:30 pm
Irvine, CA 
Azusa Pacific University
Handbell Choir Concert
Mon. April 8            TBA
Azusa, CA

Spring Ring Concert

Sat., April 20            5 pm

Temecula, CA

Harmony and Summerlin Ringers in concert

Sun., April 28            2 pm

Las Vegas, NV


To view all the events on the

Area 12 calendar click here

Or go to the Areas portion of our web site (click on your state or area at top of home page) to see which concerts and events are happening near you.
Area 12 Board
A12 HMA Logo Vertical
Elected Officers
Rima GreerPast Chair
Michele SharikChair Elect
Kathy ArnoldTreasurer
Ruben MendozaSecretary

Appointed Officers
Barbara Meinke,Communication
Tess HoustonEducation
Debbie ShawEvents
Beth MaysHistorian
Mel Tully, Vendor Liaison
P.L. GroveWebmaster

Regional Coordinators
Julie VaquilarBay Area
Lori SmithCenCal
Barbara WalshNevada
Nancy SchmittNorCal
Lois Harry, SoCal

Dixie Bailey, Las Vegas
Calendar of Events 
March - April


Saturday, March 9         9am

St. John's Lutheran Church
4500 Buena Vista Road
Bakersfield, CA
Clinician: Nancy Jessup
Concert at 5 pm
For information, contact


March 9                      7:30 pm

San Diego Interfaith Choir and Orchestra with guest artists, Timbré Ensemble

California Center for the Arts,

340 North Escondido Boulevard

Escondido, CA


Saturday, March 16       2 pm

Bay Area Spring Ring

massed ring preview/rehearsal

St. John's Espiscopal Church

5555 Clayton Road

Clayton, CA


in a concert to benefit the Watoto Village in Uganda, Africa
St. James Lutheran Church
2500 Shasta View Drive
Redding, CA
For information, contact


All Saints Catholic School
22870 Second Street
Hayward, CA
Concert at 1:35 p.m.
Clinician: David Ruder
For information, contact

Saturday, March 23  4:30 pm

Concordia Handbell
Concordia University

Center for Worship and the Performing Arts

1530 Concordia West

Irvine, CA

For information

phone 949-214-3418 or email handbells.cui@cox.net


Saturday, April 6            8 am

Central California Spring Ring

San Luis Obispo

United Methodist Church

1515 Fredericks Street

San Luis Obispo, CA

Clinician: P.L. Grove

Concert at 3:30 pm.

For information contact

Ginny Rodgers


Friday, April 12              7 pm

Bay Area Intense Ring

Valley Church

10885 N. Stelling Road

Cupertino, CA

Clinician: Hart Morris

For information contact

Carol Smith


Saturday, April 13          8 am

Bay Area Spring Ring

Valley Church

10885 N. Stelling Road

Cupertino, CA 

Clinician: Hart Morris

Concert at 6:30 p.m.

For information contact

Carol Smith


Friday, April 19              7 pm

SoCal Bronze Vision

Hope Lutheran Church

29141 Vallejo Avenue

Temecula, CA 

Clinician: Michael Glasgow

For information contact

Lois Harry


Saturday, April 20          9 am

Southern California

Spring Ring

Hope Lutheran Church

29141 Vallejo Avenue

Temecula, CA 

Clinician: Michael Glasgow

Concert at 5 pm.

For information contact

Lois Harry  


Saturday, April 20         7 pm

Sunday, April 21            4 pm
Saturday, April 27         7 pm

Low Ding Zone's

Silver Screen

featuring a murder mystery by the actors of Murder By Design

First Congregational Church

1980 Hamilton Avenue

San Jose, CA

Tickets are $20 and should be ordered in advance to ensure seats. 

For information, go to www.lowdingzone.org


Saturday, April 27          10 am
Area 12 Board of Directors Mtg

Hope Lutheran Church

Temecula, CA

for information, contact

Barbara Meinke

Communications Director


Sunday, April 28              2 pm

Harmony and Summerlin Ringers

in concert

First Presbyterian Church

Las Vegas, NV

for information, contact

Dixie Bailey


 Your event can appear here!

To view all the events on the
Area 12 calendar, click here.
Our National Organization 

Handbell Musicians of America

There are some exciting National opportunities coming up in NOW.


   2013 Portland



Follow the Oregon Trail and find us in beautiful, scenic Portland, Oregon, for our National Seminar, July 24-27. Event activities will take place at the Oregon Convention Center, while registrants will be housed at our official event hotel, the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, a national historic landmark hotel. Event participants will have numerous opportunities to ex-pand their knowledge of handbells, handchimes, and overall musicianship through classes, extended tracks, or our Handbell Musician Certification program, led by nationally recognized faculty members; as well as reading sessions highlighting the best music from our handbell publishers; concert performances by handbell musicians from all over the world; and multiple occasions for networking and "rubbing elbows" with fellow handbell musicians.

See all the details and register today at



To learn more about these exciting National ringing and educational opportunities, go to the national web site .


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Advertising Rates for the
2013 Publishing Year

The  Twelfth Tone is published the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (The Guild). The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education, community, and communication.  The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.

Advertising Rates: 

We offer two different ad types

1.(a) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.
$10/issue               $54/6 issues 
               $94/11 issues 

1.(b) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.
$18/issue                $97/6 issues               $168/11 issues

2.(a) 1.5" X 4" ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text to be formatted by the editor.
$15/issue                $81/6 issues                 $140/11 issues

2.(b) 1.5" X 8" ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website.  You provide the text to be formatted by the editor.
$27/issue              $146/6 issues
  $252/11 issues 

Payment is due
before publication.

DEADLINE is the 24th 

Please submit your ads via
email  to Barbara Meinke, Communications Director

Make checks payable to
AGEHR Area 12
and send to:
Kathy Arnold, Treasurer
1228 Isabelle Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040



I can just hear Robin Williams saying "Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" with that twinkle in his eye, showing a little mischief and a lot of fun! In the handbell world we like to party too, especially in the Spring! Pick an event from the plethora offered below and come party with us!
A Message from the Chair
Laurie Sanders

In her article this month, Barbara Meinke gives us all a quick preview of the upcoming National Seminar this summer in Portland. It's not often that National events come this far west so now's our chance! If you've never been to a seminar and you'd love to attend since it's right up the road, but - like many of us these days - you have basic financial priorities that don't include feeding your handbell habit (like, say, food and shelter), consider applying for Area 12's Patty Marquart scholarship. Details are listed below and on the Area 12 web site. This could be your chance to have a big chunk of your seminar costs covered by Area 12, so check it out.


If Portland is still too far and too costly (if you don't qualify for the scholarship), we have other options. You have no excuse not to attend a local spring ring: most of them are only a few hours' drive and are under $40 - such a deal! Area 12 has its own opportunities just around the corner for you to come together with like-minded bell hogs and ring your heart out. And while the LA Metro spring ring has been canceled, LA ringers still have the opportunity to go north or south to get your ring on! April is the big month, with Nevada, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Southern California all hosting events. And in Central California, there are two opportunities - both in March and April - to ring, ring, ring.


So....spring??? Ring!!!


Laurie Sanders

Area 12 Chair


Barbara Meinke

There are SO MANY great events in our area from which to choose! Hopefully you have already locked into at least one, but if not, it's not too late! Whether you are a full ensemble or a beloved "orphan," there is room for you on the floor of any of our spring events!


And as if Area 12 didn't have enough to offer, this year the Guild's National Seminar is on the west coast, right up the street in Portland, OR! There has never been a better time for Area 12 members, both ringers and directors, to attend National Seminar. So I hear you asking, what's in it for me? Well, everything at Seminar is for everyone, but here is a breakdown I hope will entice you to join us! 



  • Concerts by groups from all over the world. Come hear Area 12's own Tintabulations and Timbré Ensemble, Area 10's Handbells Unlimited and Bells of the Cascades, world renowned Kiriku from Japan and Hong Kong Youth Handbell Ensemble from, you guessed it, Hong Kong!
  • See and hear the première of the Guild's Virtual Handbell Ensemble production of Misterium by Area 12's own James Meredith. Maybe you'll see yourself!
  • Eat, Sit, and Ring with handbell musicians from across the country! Shake hands with the composer who wrote your favorite new piece, get a tip from a prominent soloist, or ask a fellow director a burning question.
  • Join a ringing track and spend in-depth time learning repertoire and working with a master conductor. There are tracks for youth (Distinctly Teen), beginning ringers, intermediate ringers, advanced ringers (All Stars), and even a special track honoring the late Don Allured and his music.
  • Enjoy the Opening Night Portlandia Food-Truck Dinner and the Final Banquet with all your new friends.
  • Shop till you drop at the Handbell Industry Exhibits featuring dozens of handbell product vendors with everything from music and polishing cloths to clothing and stunning art featuring handbells.  
Take advantage of national and Area 12 scholarships
This scholarship application deadline is April 15, so don't delay!
 This scholarship application deadline is April 26, so don't delay!

  • Classes in ringing techniques for all levels. 
  • Classes in musicality for all levels.
  • Classes in score reading, rhythm mastery, body mapping, shape note singing, composing, damping technique, solo ringing, drumming, beginning conducting, and many more! Everything is available to all registrants! Let your excitement take you to classes you're intrigued by!
  • All the classes above (and more!)
  • Classes in rehearsal strategies, teaching techniques, hymn arranging, score analysis, recruiting and building a program, creative part assigning, using Finale, handbell maintenance, and still MORE!
It is an experience you will benefit from for years to come, worth every penny and hour of vacation! The early bird pricing ends on May 15, so what are you waiting for?

Yes, you have my permission! 

If you have questions about National Seminar, feel free to email me at my address below.

Barbara Meinke
Communications Director
Area 12 Happenings
Spring Rings All Over! Check the side bar calendar and regional reports to find one that suits you!

Saturday, April 27 10:00 a.m. - Spring Board of Directors Meeting
Hope Lutheran Church, Temecula, CA
All Area 12 Guild members are welcome to attend. 
Area 12 Patty Marquart Scholarship for National Seminar
The Patty Marquart Scholarship assists one director in attending the AGEHR National Seminar, usually held each summer. The scholarship funds include registration fee and room at half the double occupancy rate, as well as any meals provided as part of the registration fee.

Applicants must:
  • Reside within Area 12 (California, Nevada, Hawaii, or Guam)
  • Be attending his/her first National Seminar
  • Be a member or associated with an organizational membership of Handbell Musicians of America
  • Currently be a director, or have contracted to be a handbell director within Area 12
Applications are accepted until April 26, 2013 for this summer's seminar. To be considered, download the application form, fill it out, and email or mail it to Rima Greer, our current Area 12 Past Chair (see address on application form).
If you or someone you know is interested in attending the National Seminar and is in need of funds, click here to find out more about the Patty Marquart Scholarship, or send an e-mail to
CenCal - Lori Smith, Regional Coordinator
Lori Smith
Hello CenCal,

I learned a new bell technique which promotes healthy ringing. It's a bit tough to explain without visuals, so please bear with me. So far, we think there are no videos of this just yet. Our own Area 12 Education Officer, Tess Houston, came up with this idea while attending Distinctly Bronze West 2012, and she's given me permission to share this with you.

While working with the bass bells, Tess figured out how to get the sound effect of a Tower Swing (arrows pointing "down" and "up"), but with a motion which is less stressful on one's body and which avoids swinging the bell into a table, wall, or another person. This works best with the larger bells.

Rather than swinging the bell down towards your side with one hand, you'll be using both hands to "flip" the bell in front of you.

I'll explain it from the perspective of a right-handed ringer.

First, ring the bell as usual, in the right hand. Think in terms of lever and fulcrum). Your right hand becomes the fulcrum at the collar, and the handle becomes the lever.
With left hand, palm facing out, insert fingers part-way into loop.
Left hand grasps handle with fingers and thumb from the inside of the loop.
Right hand on collar of bell becomes fulcrum.
Using your your right hand to balance at the collar, invert bell away from you, so the clapper faces down toward the tabletop. This mimics the bell being swung towards the floor on the "down" arrow.
Flip back up ("up" arrow).

What are the benefits?
* Ergonomically healthy, keeping the bell closer to your body, protecting shoulder and arm from undue stress.
* The audience can see the whole technique, rather than the bells dissappearing behind the table.
* Tables, walls, furniture, and people are protected from being hit by the bell. (The bell is protected from these things too!)

Events coming up soon:

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bakersfield, California


Central California Spring Ring with P.L. Grove

Saturday, April 6, 2013
San Luis Obispo, California


Lori Smith

CenCal Regional Coordinator  

Bay Area - Julie Vaquilar, Regional Coordinator
Julie and Martalina

Hello, Bay Area Ringers!
Spring Ring in Cupertino is 
Saturday, April 13!
Cindy Krausgrill will be leading a preview of the Bay Area Spring Ring mass repertoire on Saturday March 16, 2013, from 2- 4p.m. at St. John's Episcopal Church, 5555 Clayton Rd, Clayton, CA. Please RSVP to Carol Smith, carolsmith2@comcast.net, if you are interested in attending.
Also check out the handbell events calendar and make plans to attend a concert. Support your local handbell choirs!
Happy Ringing!

Julie Vaquilar

Bay Area Regional Coordinator



Find us on Facebook  

SoCal - Lois Harry, Regional Coordinator
Lois Harry  

Click for more details!


Bronze Vision with Michael Glasgow

Friday, April 19-20

Temecula, CA

Spring Ring with Michael Glasgow

Saturday, April 20

 Temecula, CA 

Join us for a day of learning and sharing great music! For those not playing in Bronze Vision, we will have Friday evening and Saturday morning classes in ringing technique, including "Dream Weaving and Four-in-Hand: Use It or Lose It," "The Bass Bell Experience," "With Mallets Aforethought," and "Basics Revisited: An Ergonomic Approach to Ringing" (satisfies the requirement for Handbell Techniques Level 1 Certification Course B-1). Saturday afternoon we will make great music and have a lot of laughs with the inimitable Michael Glasgow and then perform a concert for the community. It's not too late to join us! Just click on the blue links above for all the details.


Save the date!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

for a special event in conjunction with LA Metro Region

featuring Kimberlee Strepka and

Laban Movement Theory for Handbell Musicians!


Lois Harry

SoCal Regional Coordinator



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Nevada - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator

Barb Walsh Headshot  


11th Annual Sierra Spring Ring 

with Tess Houston 

Saturday, April 20

Reno, Nevada 


This workshop and concert is a great way to get your feet wet in the world of Spring Rings! With accessible music and a format that incorporates mini techniques lessons right into the rehearsal, you are sure to come away feeling successful! The event starts at 9:30 a.m. and culminates in a concert at 2:00 p.m., giving you time to get there and back in one day! For details, click the title link above!


Handbell Concert

 Sunday April 28th at 2 pm

featuring local community choirs, Harmony and Summerlin Ringers

both under the direction of Janet Ty

First Presbyterian Church

1515 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89102

A free-will donation will be accepted.
For more info, contact Dixie Bailey at dixie@fpcvegas.org 


Barbara Walsh

Nevada Regional Coordinator



NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Nancy Schmitt 

Dear Handbell Musicians,


Sometimes simple is better than grandiose. During the Lenten season you can do some simple things  to make the service very meaningful. Each Sunday during Lent the Trinity chimes may be rung to begin the service. On Good Friday, if your church observes that day with the Stations of the Cross, a simple bell toll can be rung before each of the 14 stations. Maybe your church has a Service of Darkness in the evening. A simple bell toll can be rung as each candle is extinguished.


On Easter Sunday, try change ringing outdoors prior to the church service. People love hearing the sound of bells as they get out of their cars. An Easter processional may be in order or a few ringers combining with the choir on an Easter introit is a great way to celebrate Easter. A trumpet and bells is always a nice addition to the opening and closing hymns played by the organist. It might be nice to sponsor a children's Easter flower cross. Just cover the cross with mesh wire and let the children place fresh cut flowers on the cross.  Sometimes it's just the simple things that count the most.

Happy Easter!




Nancy Schmitt

NorCal Regional Coordinator

Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator
Karen Carlisle




Wow how this year is moving along! I love getting phone calls from very talented clinicians wanting to come to Hawaii and share their talents with us here!

I am very excited as one called me a few weeks ago. I am happy and enthusiastic to welcome him to our islands. We are looking at a perspective workshop this summer on July 20th. Whoo hoo!! I am hoping at this point it works out. Please please please! This is all the information I can share at this point.
February was filled with excitement for me and 14 others at the Master Series Workshop in Tuscon Arizona. A room full of such talented directors and ringers. The 13  directors came together with one of the best teachers in conducting, each having prepared their own piece to direct.  We had directors from all over the US, Hawaii and Alaska. We had two sisters from Canada and a young woman from Hong Kong! Dr. William Payn is the best. He is so supportive and has lots of knowledge and patience. The event housed such a supportive environment. It was four days packed with ringing and conducting. We had homework on our own directing every night, specific things to alter or change in our directing. We were video recorded so we could watch ourselves and could listen to Dr. Payn's feedback on what would help us become better directors. It was one of the best workshops I have been to. I do have to admit, after ringing all day long from 9 to 7, my arms were a little sore from lifting the lower 5th octave, but I lOVED every minute of it! Master Series, featuring in depth study in conducting, ringing techniques, and handbell director training, happens every February and I would definitely recommend it to any director or ringer. I  already feel the need to go back again next year!




Karen Carlisle

Hawaii Regional Coordinator

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LA Metro - Pearl Marshall, Regional Coordinator
Pearl Marshall Photo

Greetings LAMetro Ringers and Directors!


First, I'd like to report on the wonderful "Lighter Side of Ringing" Workshop last February 9.  An inspired group of ringers gathered to learn and expand on their multiple bell ringing and handchime techniques.  We concluded the day ringing with and for each other in a celebration of our new skills.  Many thanks to all the teachers, volunteers, and participants who helped create that meaningful experience.  This workshop was designed in response to ringer/director feedback.  If you have an idea for next February, please don't hesitate to share it with me!


Save the Date! We are offering a very special event in conjunction with our SoCal region on August 10. Kimberee Strepka from Massachusetts is bringing her workshop on Laban Movement Theory for Handbell Musicians to us! More to come!


Reminder:  SPRING RING - March 2 - Cancelled

Please consider attending one of the Spring Rings offered in Temecula, Bakersfield, or San Louis Obispo, depending on your schedule, location and how far you're willing to drive.  These are all quality opportunities that are sure to enrich your handbell ringing experience.


We are already working on the LA Spring Ring for 2014.  Please contact me if you have an interest in hosting this celebration of handbell ringing in the LA Region. My email address is below!


Ringers Wanted:  Northridge UMC is looking for a few ringers to fill their ranks.  Please see the "Ringers Wanted" posts on our webpage for more details.


Concert Info:  Once again, spring is here.  Please send me your Spring Concert info so I can help you spread the word. 


Ring on!


Pearl Marshall

LA Metro Regional Coordinator



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Area 12 Bell Loan Program
cartoon bells  
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or handchimes to add interest and a new dimension to your music class?  Area 12 encourages schools and other educational institutions (both public and private) to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs, Area 12 has two sets of 3 octaves of handbells and three sets of 3 octaves of handchimes for loan. Deadlines for applications are 5/31 for the Fall Semester and 10/30 for the Spring Semester. To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program click here.