Clinician: Dr. William Payn
Date: June 7-June 9, 2013
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
Virtuoso is an opportunity for a small group of advanced ringers to participate in a professional performance experience, under the baton of Dr. William Payn.
Participants will be determined by application/audition. For an application, send an email to
Deadline to apply is
January 1, 2013
This event is sponsored by:
The Raleigh Ringers
8516 Sleepy Creek Drive
Raleigh, NC 27613 |
Area 12 Bell Loan Program
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or chimes to add a new dimension and interest to your music class? Area 12 encourages schools and other educational institutions (both public and private) to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs, Area 12 has 2 sets of 3 octaves of handbells and 3 sets of 3 octaves of handchimes for loan. Deadlines for applications is 5/31 for the Fall Semester and 10/30 for Spring Semester.To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program Click Here |
Area 12 Board
Elected Officers:
Chair.........................Laurie Sanders
Past Chair.......................Rima Greer Chair Elect...................Michele Sharik Treasurer......................Kathy Arnold Secretary..................Ruben Mendoza
Appointed Officers: Communications & Web.....P.L. Grove Events..........................Debbie Shaw
Education.....................Tess Houston Historian..........................Beth Mays Vendor Liaison.....................Mel Tully
Regional Coordinators: NorCal........................Nancy Schmitt Bay Area.......................Julie Vaquilar CenCal.............................Lori Smith LAMetro.......................Pearl Marshall SoCal...............................Lois Harry Nevada.......................Barbara Walsh Hawaii.........................Karen Carlisle
Liaisons: Las Vegas.......................Dixie Bailey |
Upcoming Concerts at a Glance :Please check the Calendar of Events below for full details.
Northern California
December 1, 2012
Noon to 4 p.m. Riverbells at the Lucas Winery 18196 North Davis Road
Lodi, California
3 p.m. Simpson University Christmas Concert
featuring Simpson Handbell Choir Simpson University
Heritage Life Center
2211 College View
Redding, California
7:30 p.m. Riverbells in concert
Faith United Methodist Church
Sacramento, California
12:30 p.m. Riverbells at the State Capitol
Capitol Rotunda
Corner of "L" and 10th Streets Sacramento, California
San Francisco Bay Area
December 1, 2012
1 p.m. SFSU performance San Mateo County History Museum
2200 Broadway
Redwood City, California
December 1, 2012
7 p.m. Tapestry in concert
(featuring Canto Bello) Trinity Lutheran Church
1225 Hopyard Road
Pleasanton, California
December 3, 2012
7 p.m. SFSU in concert SFSU Library
Room 121, Events Room
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, California
December 5, 2012
7:30 p.m. Sonos Japan Tour Preview Concert Grace Presbyterian Church
2100 Tice Valley Blvd.
Walnut Creek, California
December 7, 2012
7:30 p.m. Bay Bells in concert Grace Lutheran Church
3129 Waverley Strreet
Palo Alto, California
December 8, 2012
7:30 p.m. Asbury Ringers in concert
with the Pacific Masterworks Chorus Asbury U.M.C.
4743 East Avenue
Livermore, California
December 14, 2012
8 p.m. Bell Appeal presents Arrival Pacific School of Religion
Chapel of the Great Commission
1798 Scenic Avenue
Berkeley, California
December 16, 2012
2:30 p.m. Bell Appeal presents Arrival
Bethany U.M.C.
1270 Sanchez Street
San Francisco, California
L.A. Metro
December 7, 2012
7 p.m. St. Mark's Lutheran Ringers & Singers Annual Ring In Christmas Concert
Chula Vista Presbyterian Church 940 Hilltop Drive Chula Vista, California
December 15, 2012
4 p.m. and 7 p.m.
St. John's Christmas Concert
featuring Cathedral Bells St. John's Lutheran Church 154 South Shaffer Street
Orange, California
December 16, 2012
12 Noon to 3 p.m.
Cathedral Bells holiday music at the mall South Coast Plaza
first floor, in front of Macy's
3333 Bristol Street
Costa Mesa, California
To view all the events on the Area 12 calendar click hereOr go to the Areas portion of the web site (click on your state or area at top of home page) to see which concerts and events are happening near you. |
The storm that has hit up and down the West Coast is a good reminder of "life." We need rain in order to survive, but not like this! We're much more capable of dealing with bad weather when it's in small, consistent doses. It's that way, too, with life's storms. As we enter this holiday season, whatever storm you may be dealing with - family illness, loss of a loved one, or it may even be as simple as too many handbell concerts in too short of a time! - remember to take time and notice life's rainbows, too. This is the season of hope, love, peace, and joy. May you find hope in the eyes of excited children looking forward to Christmas. May you find love in your friends and family. May you find peace at the end of each storm. And may we all find joy in the gift of ringing during this holiday season.
A Message from the Chair
Tis the season for greetings, and I have a few....
First, I want to take a moment to welcome Lois Harry as our new Southern California Regional Coordinator. Lois is currently getting "schooled" in her new duties and plans to ease into the job of filling Michèle Sharik's fairly big shoes. And I want to welcome Barbara Meinke as she begins her new job later this month as our Communications Director. This is a monumental job, and I know we've picked the right person. Look for Barbara's first enews and introduction in the new year.
Although we're not saying goodbye to Michèle Sharik and P.L. Grove, I do want to acknowledge their many talents and time they have given in their former roles. Both will be continuing on the Board - Michele as the chair elect, and P.L. as the webmaster - but I'd like to use this time to point out that all of our Board members are volunteers. They freely give of their time and gifts to help Area 12 continue to host handbell events and come together around our wonderful instrument. So take a moment to thank all of the volunteers on our Board. Be gentle to those who are new as they learn the ropes, and be grateful to those who are moving on for their past years of volunteering. Everyone on this Board helps us to be able to collectively enjoy each other as handbell musicians in Area 12.
Besides greeting our new Board members, I wanted to give some seasons greetings as well. So, Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Happy Hannukah! Joyeux Noel! However you choose to greet the season, welcome to December, that hectic time of year where there are concerts aplenty, presents to wrap and lots and lots of baking. Here's hoping you all have a wonderful, error-free concert season. And may you find some time to relax and spend a few peaceful moments during all the rush.
Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
Laurie Sanders
Area 12 Chair |
Communiqué (From the Communications Director)
This will be my final enewsletter as your Communications Director, and I have mixed feelings. While I'm excited about some new ventures I have coming up, I will be sad to not be communicating with you in this way on an ongoing basis.
Still, I hope to continue to see many of you at Area 12 and National handbell events, and I hope you'll hear about things I'm doing from time to time. The one thing I was told early on as a handbell ringer that continues to be true is that the handbell community is a small one. Sooner or later we're bound to bump into someone who we once rang with, someone who used to play, or someone who just learned how to play handbells.
In the meantime, please send your enews information either to your regional coordinator, or to Barbara at
Forr now you can find me via email at
Happy Holidays all, and happy ringing!
P.L. Grove, signing off as
Communications Director
In memoriam, Troy G. Grove, 1919-2012 World War II Veteran, Purple Heart
Rest in peace, dad |
Area 12 Seeks Composition Contest Submissions
Once again Area 12 is hosting a composition contest, and this year we're even giving you a little extra time to get your composition in!
Every other year, Area 12 sponsors a contest to encourage composers to write new music for handbells and to create an exciting new piece for our next conference.
The Area 12 Board is hard at work planning for the next conference in San Luis Obispo, and they have chosen the theme of percussion for the event. Seasoned and budding composers - and especially Area 12 members - are encouraged to be creative and bring out the percussive nature of handbells in this year's contest.
All contest submissions must be received no later than February 28, 2013 and should be emailed to:
Rima Greer
Immediate Past Chair
For full details of the 2013 Area 12 composition contest, go to the Area 12 Web site. |
SoCal - Lois Harry, Regional Coordinator
Hello, Southern California!
I am your new Regional Coordinator, and I am looking forward to learning more about the area and what your needs and wants are related to handbells.
As a reminder, our Southern California Spring Ring will be held on April 19th and 20th, with the incredible Michael Glasgow as our clinician. So if you haven't done so already, mark your calendars and tell all of your ringing friends and acquaintances to save those dates!
I will be working with Michèle to learn more about my duties, but in the meantime I wish you all happy ringing and happy holidays. Oh, and if you want more information about me, you can view my introduction on the Southern California web page. And always feel free to contact me at
LA Metro - Pearl Marshall, Regional Coordinator

Holiday Greetings, Everyone!
I know we're all gearing up for a busy ringing season.
Please don't forget to inform me of your Christmas/holiday performances. This is the time of year when everyone wants to hear bells. Let's make sure our audience knows where to find us! I do field many "Where can I hear more bells?" questions. It would be wonderful to have a full Upcoming Concerts list we can make available to everyone interested in seeing and hearing handbell music this season.
On February 9th, we are offering "The Lighter Side of Ringing," a half-day workshop focusing on topics and skills most often used with our lighter instruments. Classes include Beginning Doubling, Beginning 4-in-Hand, Handchimes, Interlocked 4-in-Hand, Traveling 4-in-Hand, and Even More Belltrees! Beginning and intermediate ringers are welcome. We'd even love to see some bass/battery ringers who are just curious about the "lighter" end of the table. The information flyer and registration form can be downloaded from LA Metro section of the web site. Directors, please offer this opportunity to your ringers now, as the January 11 registration deadline is approaching quickly.
This year we are presenting a fresh approach to our annual SPRING RING (March 2, 2013). You can now find the informational flyer and registration form posted on our web page. The registration fee is higher than in years past, but the event value is higher as well. The "member" fee is still $30 cheaper than the massed ring experience at Disneyland last summer! There are many exciting facets of this event that should appeal to everyone:
- Inspiring Venue - the Beverly Garland Hotel in North Hollywood
- Catered Lunch - see menu on the registration form
- Focus on the Massed Ringing Experience
- Two universally appealing classes led by nationally known teachers, Kimberlee Strepka and Christine Anderson
- Ringing Only Option (ring all massed and division music, no classes)
- Classes Only Option (morning and afternoon)
- Bronze Division (which includes an opportunity to ring Dorian Dance with Michael Joy himself!)
- Activity for Youth (a Michael Joy processional that will open our final concert!)
Please note that the registration deadline is earlier than usual so we can clear deadlines imposed by the hotel. Late registrations will be more difficult to accommodate. More ringers equal more fun, so invite everyone you know!
Now that the Disneyland Candlelight Processional concert has expanded to 20 days, many more ringing groups are able to take part in this great opportunity. Congratulations to:
- Community United Methodist Church, Huntington Beach
- St. Peter's by the Sea Presbyterian Church, Palo Verdes
- Claremont United Church of Christ, Claremont
- Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, Costa Mesa
- Bethany Lutheran Church, Long Beach
- Concordia University, Irvine
As always, please don't hesitate to let me know if I can assist you in any way.
Happy Holiday Ringing!
Pearl Marshall Check out our LA Metro Facebook page!

CenCal - Lori Smith, Regional Coordinator

Hello CenCal Ringers,
Back on November 4th, there was a nice fundraising concert for the Modesto chapter of The Salvation Army. Seven local bell choirs came together for the second annual Bells of Blessing. It was a kick-off event for the red kettles and ringers of the traditional bell we see each year outside storefronts raising funds to help those in need. Many, many thanks to the following bell choirs for sharing their talents and time:
- Centenary United Methodist Church, Centenary Handbell Ensemble
- First United Methodist Church, Chancel Bells
- Modesto Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Advent Herald Handbells
- Modesto Christian Reformed Church Handbell Ensemble
- Modesto Church of the Brethren, Silver Bells Handbell Ensemble
- Opus Handbell Ensemble
- Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Echoes of Joy
It was at that event that I finally heard the origin of the red kettle and bell. Back in 1891, Salvation Army Captain Joseph McFee was trying to come up with a way to provide a free Christmas dinner for the many poverty-stricken people in San Francisco. He recalled his earlier days as a sailor in Liverpool, England. There was a large, iron kettle known as "Simpson's Pot" at the place where the boats came in at Stage Landing. Folks who passed by would toss in a coin to help the poor. In similar fashion, Captain McFee set up a pot at the Oakland Ferry Landing on Market Street, with a sign that read, "Keep the Pot Boiling." To make sure folks saw the kettle, Captain McFee rang a bell to capture their attention.
Thanks to all the groups who helped keep the tradition going by ringing at the Bells of Blessing fundraiser. And thanks, and blessings, to all of you who will ring bells this holiday season at your own events.
Happy ringing,
Lori Smith, CenCal Regional Coordinator
SF Bay Area - Julie Vaquilar, Regional Coordinator
Hello, Bay Area Ringers!
I hope all is going well as you prepare for the holidays. Please check out the holiday calendar for handbell events around the Bay Area.
Thanks to Dave Ruder for letting us know about the inclusion of handbells at the "Sparkling Alzheimer's Concert" held on November 9. The concert was to raise money and awareness for Alzheimer's disease, and it included performances by Valerie Sterk, Larry and Carla Sue, Norma Rose and Sue Hansen, and Paul Kvamme. The online review in the December 2012 newsletter of the San Jose Chapter of the American Guild of Organists can be found here:
Happy holidays, happy ringing, and happy new year!
Julie Vaquilar
Friend us on Facebook!
NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Dear Handbell Musicians,
The Christmas season is a wonderful time to involve children, visiting grandchildren, and non-ringers in your Christmas Eve service. Preschool children can ring colored children's bells as they process to the front of the church. Youth in second grade through eighth grade who normally do not play a musical instrument or read music can ring Christmas carols using adult handbells and reading the letters off a chart. To make things special, the youth can wear tye-dyed gloves and tie colorful ribbons on the bell handles. They, too, can do a processional of random ringing to the front of the church and then play a couple of songs from the chart. Since young people are extremely busy any time of the year, but especially during December, you can introduce them to making music with handbells with only two rehearsals.
Don't forget to register for the Redding Bronze advanced ring on January 25-26, 2013, with Larry Sue as our conductor. Information and registration forms can be found on the Northern California section of the Area 12 web site. And don't forget to send me your workshop, festival, or concert information so we can post it in the e-news and on the web site. I wish you all a Merry Christmas.
Nancy Schmitt |
Nevada - Barbara Walsh, Regional Coordinator
We will probably all barely have time to get all the wrapping, mailing, cleaning, cooking, and ringing done this holiday season.
But I will take a moment to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!
Barbara Walsh |
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle Regional Coordinator
Aloha from the Hawaiian Isles!
May you and yours have a wonderful holiday season, and may you keep the bells ringing wherever you are!
Karen Carlisle
NATIONAL NEWS: Don't Forget National Opportunities
Here's a reminder that there are some exciting National opportunities coming up in the beginning of 2013.
Last chance to get in on National's Master Series this February with courses in conducting, composition, ringing techniques, theory, and basic training for directors. The event will be held in Tucson, Arizona and includes noted instructors Michael Glasgow, Bill and Carolyn Mathis, William Payn, Arnold Sherman and Area 12's own Michele Sharik.
Participate in the Handbell Musicians of America virtual handbell ensemble by submitting your video upload by March 1, 2013. The piece, Misterium, composed by Area 12's own James Meredith, consists of 135 musical segments to be recorded separately by individuals and small groups of players from around the world. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to be a part of this special event premiering next July.
To learn more about these exciting National ringing and educational opportunities, go to the National web site. |
Calendar of Events December-January
Saturday, December 1, 2012, Noon to 4 pm Riverbells performs at the Lucas Winery, 18196 north Davis Road, Lodi, California. For information, call the winery at 209.368.2006 or phone Susan Coddington-Allen at 916.397.8727.
Saturday, December 1, 2012, 1 pm San Francisco State University Handbell Choir performs at the San Mateo County History Museum, 2200 Broadway, Redwood City, California - with guest artists Linda Watkins on flute and Bruce Helman on percussion. For information, contact Caroline Harnly at
Saturday, December 1, 2012, 7 pm Tapestry in concert (featuring Canto Bello Handbell Ensemble), Trinity Lutheran Church, 1225 Hopyard Road, Pleasanton, California. Freewill offering. For information, contact Carol Smith at
Sunday, December 2, 2012, 3 pm Simpson University Music Department Christmas Concert (featuring the Simpson University Handbell Choir), Simpson University, Heritage Life Center, 2211 College View, Redding, California. Admission $10; students $8. For information, contact Lois Nichols at
Monday, December 3, 2012, 7 pm San Francisco State University Handbell Choir in concert, San Francisco State University, Library/Room 121, Events Room, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, California - with guest artists Linda Watkins on flute and Bruce Helman on percussion. For information, contact Caroline Harnly at
Wednesday, December 5, 2012, 7:30 pm Sonos Japan tour preview concert, Grace Presbyterian Church, 2100 Tice Valley Boulevard, Walnut Creek, California - with guest cellist Emil Miland. For information, go to
Friday, December 7, 2012, 7 pm St. Mark's Lutheran Church Ringers and Singers perform in the annual Ring In Christmas concert at Chula Vista Presbyterian Church, 940 Hilltop Drive, Chula Vista, California. A goodwill offering will be taken to benefit the Interfaith Homeless Shelter. For information, contact Elizabeth Laboda at 619.420.1898.
Friday, December 7, 2012, 7:30 pm Bay Bells in concert, Grace Lutheran Church, 3129 Waverley Street, Palo Alto, California. For information, go to
Saturday, December 8, 2012, 7 pm Chancel Choir and Shepherd's Bells perform Cantata, Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, 1615 Morse Avenue, Sacramento, California. For information, contact Tammy Sigl at
Saturday, December 8, 2012, 7:30 pm Asbury Ringers in concert with the Pacific Masterworks Chorus, Asbury United Methodist Church, 4743 East Avenue, Livermore, California. Tickets $20 at the door. For information, contact Beckie Wiley at
Friday, December 14, 2012, 7:30 pm Riverbells in concert, Faith United Methodist Church, 3600 "J" Street, Sacramento, California. Donations requested. For information, call the church at 916.452.7637 or phone Susan Coddington-Allen at 916.397.8727.
Friday, December 14, 2012, 8 pm Bell Appeal presents Arrival, Pacific School of Religion, Chapel of the Great Commission, 1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley, California. Donations are encouraged. Light refreshments will be served. For information, go to
Saturday, December 15, 2012, 12:30 pm Riverbells performs at the State Capitol Building, Capitol Rotunda, corner of "L" and 10th Streets, Sacramento, California. For information, contact Susan Coddington-Allen at 916.397.8727.
Saturday, December 15, 2012, 4 pm and 7 pm St. John's Christmas Concert (featuring a full orchestra, the choir and Cathedral Bells), St. John's Lutheran Church, 154 South Shaffer Street, Orange, California. For information, contact Ramona Miller at
Sunday, December 16, 2012, 12 noon to 3 pm Cathedral Bells performs holiday music at the mall, South Coast Plaza, first floor in front of Macy's, 3333 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa, California. For information, contact Ramona Miller at
Sunday, December 16, 2012, 2:30 pm Bell Appeal presents Arrival, Bethany United Methodist Church, 1270 Sanchez Street, San Francisco, California. Donations ae encouraged. Light refreshments will be served. For information, go to
Sunday, January 6, 2013, 6-8:30 pm Tapestry (featuring Canto Bello Handbell Ensemble) in conjunction with Cornerstone Players presents 12th Night by Candlelight, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1601 Mary Drive, Pleasant Hill, California. Sherry and raffle begins at 6 pm, concert and yuletide supper begins at 7 pm. Advance ticket sales only; general admission, $5.00. For tickets and information, contact Carol Smith at
Friday-Saturday, January 25-26, 2013 Redding Bronze Advanced Ring, First Presbyterian Church, 2315 Placer Street, Redding, California. Final concert begins on Saturday at 4 pm. For information contact Nancy Schmitt at
To view all the events on the Area 12 calendar Click Here. |
Advertising Rates for the 2012 Publishing Year
The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter is published the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America, also know as the Guild. The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.
Advertising Rates: 2012 Publishing Year
Two different types of ads are offered:1.(a) An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.Cost: $10 an issue 6 issues for $54 11 issues for $941. (b) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. Cost: $18 an issue 6 issues for $97 11 issues for $168 2.(a) A 1.5in. X 4in ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. Cost: $15 an issue 6 issues for $81 11 issues for $1402.(b) A 1.5in. X 8 in. ad which contains a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. Cost: $27 an issue 6 issues for $146 11 issues for $252 Payment is due before publication.DEADLINE is the 24th of the month
Please submit your ads to P.L. Grove, Communications Director via e-mail at
Make checks payable to AGEHR Area 12 and send to:
Kathy Arnold, Treasurer
1228 Isabelle Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040