Dear Nonprofit Supporter,
Welcome to Cedar Valley Connections, a newsletter to connect the leaders of the nonprofit sector.
Strategic Planning Listening Session...
What: UNI's Strategic Planning Listening Session
When: Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Where: Community Foundation of Northeaast Iowa
3117 Greenhill Circle, Cedar Falls
Cost: Free for CVNA Members; $25 for non-members
The University of Northern Iowa is in the process of creating a plan that will chart our course into the future. In May, faculty, staff and students began the strategic planning process for 2017-2022. This is an exciting endeavor that calls for reflection and allows for creating a path for our shared aspirations for the future of the University of Northern Iowa. To ensure a thorough planning process, participation and involvement throughout the process from varied constituencies is important.
Accordingly, the input and expertise of CVNA members is greatly needed! UNI wants to hear your ideas, thoughts and get your feedback as they continue to shape UNI's strategic direction.
Please click here to register for another great CVNA presentation.
Level Up You Grant Proposal Writing..
What: Level Up Your Grant Proposal Writing
When: Thursday, August 4, 2016
Where: Philanthropy Center
425 Cedar Street, Waterkoo
Cost: Free for CVNA Members; $25 for non-members
Please join Angela Widner (award-winning Nonprofit Alliance program at UNI), share her expertise with you.
Have you wondered why some of your best ideas don't get support from funders? Are you in recycle-mode with your grant proposals, taking pieces and parts, making a few edits, and resubmitting nearly the same content over and over again? Do you struggle with finding a system for grants organization and administration that is effective and enables you to demonstrate accountability to your funders?
This session will focus on a series of questions designed to help you evaluate your current grant proposal writing and grants administration systems. You will be challenged to identify areas where you need to throw out old notions of grant writing and identify opportunities for taking your grant seeking and proposal writing to the next level.
Please bring a copy of one of your recent grant proposals (funded or not) to use during this hands-on workshop.
This session will include a 60 minute presentation and a 30 minute meet and greet with local funders.
Please click here to register for another great CVNA presentation.
Dept. of Labor's New Overtime Rules...
What: What Nonprofits Need to Know About the Department of Labor's New Overtime Rules
When: Thursday, August 4, 2016
Where: Philanthropy Center
425 Cedar Street, Waterkoo
Cost: Free for CVNA Members; $25 for non-members
Do you need guidance about how the Department of Labor's recent changes to the overtime rules and the exemptions for salaried workers apply to your nonprofit organization and its budget? Join us for this training as Michael Staebell explains the impact of the recent rulings on the nonprofit sector, effective December 1, 2016, the applicability of these rules to your nonprofit organization and how you can begin to plan now for the potential impacts on your nonprofit's finances and staff. Come prepared for a question and answer segment at the end of the presentation.
Michael J. Staebell, Compliance Specialist (from Des Moines), will be here to discuss these new rules - you won't want to miss it. Please click here to register for another great CVNA presentation.
Using Data To Tell Your Story...
Using Data To Tell Your Story
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
8:30-11:30 a.m. At CFNEIA's Community Room (3117 Greenhill Circle, Cedar Falls)
Cost: $15 for Members; $40 non-members In this half-day workshop, Leah Goldstein Moses of The Improve Group (St. Paul, MN) will guide you on how you can use data to tell your story and engage your stakeholders. Through evaluation, we can learn, identify opportunities to improve, and share data with others. Evaluation also has untapped potential to help you engage people in supporting your mission - by incorporating their perspectives in your programs and giving them great stories to relate to.
Designed for all nonprofit professionals, including those working in development, grant writing, program management, and marketing, as well as for board members, this hands-on workshop will engage you from beginning to end. Participants can expect lots of examples and a comprehensive list of ways to collect data, plus time for networking, inactive activities, and take away items.
Leah Goldstein Moses is the Founder and CEO of The Improve Group, an international firm focused on evaluation, research and strategic planning. Over the last two decades, she has helped local, community-based organizations, statewide agencies, and multi-national nonprofits uncover information and improve their programs. She teaches and speaks on evaluation for audiences across the country.
Please click here to register for another great CVNA presentation.
State Representatives News Updates...
Please click here for the most updated information from Bob Kressig
Please click here for the most updated information from Sandy Salmon
Please click here for the most updated information from Walt Rogers
Please click here for most updated information from Jeff Danielson
Please click here for the most updated information from William Dotzler
Please click here for the most updated information from Bill Dix
Please click here for the most updated information on Timi Brown Powers
Have you renewed and joined yet? Don't miss out on our upcoming programs and networking opportunities!
In our first two years we have: (continually being updated)
- 74 member organizations
- 5 investors
- 1,208 program registrations
- 75.5 hours of programming
- 136 e-newsletters
- Grant Gurus workshops
- 130 jobs advertised
- 20+ organizations connected with 50 UNI students
- added additional educational training workshops to our members
- won the "Gift of the Heart Innovation" award in 2013
- Partners with NLA
- Partners with Idealware
Check out the other benefits of membership HERE. If you are interested in joining CVNA, you can access our application form online HERE
If you have any questions, please email CVNA Coordinator at
Share your good news with the CVNA and be featured in future e-newsletters. Have you implemented an innovative idea? Are you hiring? Have you created or updated your website? Are you hosting an event? Let the CVNA spread the word.
To submit an item for the next newsletter, click on the submit news page. Please note that only member organizations who have submitted membership applications may post items. The newsletter is published every two weeks.