Local artist Jenn Weinshenker will be painting a work of art on location at the library this summer. See her at work in the second floor gallery on Tuesdays 2-4 p.m. and Fridays 4-6 p.m. in June and July.
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You Can Brew It! 


Learn the basics of brewing your own beer from an award-winning home brewer next Monday, June 16, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Topics will include the history of home brewing, the styles of beer that can be brewed at home, equipment needs, ingredients, the basic steps of the brewing process, and advice and tips. The program is free. Register here


The Sound


We will host The Sound, our second annual teen music festival, on Saturday, June 21, at 6:30 p.m. in our parking lot. Local teens will compete for the best solo/duo and best band awards and cash prizes. A panel of judges will award prizes for the top act in each category, and a fan favorite will be chosen by text-in vote. The Sound is sponsored by the Teen Advisory Board, The Gift of Carl Foundation, and the Friends of IPPL.


People Are Saying...

"Thank you for all the excellent, free programs. They are high quality, and I enjoy them very much." 


- Nancy Bishop, Darien 

Quick Links
Contact Us
401 Plainfield Road
Darien IL 60561-4207
T 630/887-8760
F 630/887-8801
TDD Dial 711
email ippl@ippl.info

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June 10, 2014
Drawing for Ravinia Tickets

We have received a limited number of FREE Ravinia lawn passes to give away to our patrons! Stop by the Ask Us Desk to view the list of eligible performances and to enter our drawing. Must be an IPPL cardholder to enter. Only one entry per cardholder. Entries must be submitted by the end of the day Wednesday, June 18. Winners will be drawn Thursday, June 19, and notified Friday, June 20. 

Memory Drive: A Story Collection Project

Memory Drive is an intergenerational program in which teens will interview adults to document stories from their school years. Using A/V equipment, teens will create and edit a multimedia clip for each interview, ultimately creating a digital story collection that will be shared on the library's website and social media pages. The program will run June 23 through Aug. 8, and participants and their families will be invited to a special screening of the interview clips in August. We are looking for adults who would like to be part of this project. Please email stacyp@ippl.info or call 630/887-8760 ext. 245. This project is cosponsored by the Rotary Club of Darien. 

Junction Programs


This year, we are going beyond books and reading and encouraging people to expand their horizons by attending programs. Join us at the Junction - IPPL Junction! - to learn something new, create from scratch, and share your knowledge with your neighbors. IPPL card-holders who participate in designated Junction programs will earn entries into monthly and grand prize drawings, donated by the Friends of IPPL. 


Upcoming June Junction Programs



"Behind the Headphones": A Dialogue with Audiobook Professionals


7 PM

You Can Brew It!


7 PM

Introduction to Word: Part 1 & 2


1 PM

Whole Foods Craft Beers Tasting


7 PM

Take a Ride on the RTA!


1 PM

The Beatles in the 70s: 1970-1980


7 PM

At the time this list is published, there are still openings in these programs. Each program is linked to its description and registration form.


What have you always wanted to learn? 

Post your answer to our Junction Wall along the stairway (or our Facebook page) throughout the month of June!  

Make Some Noise Summer Reading Challenge

We have created a unique summer reading challenge for kids and teens which runs through Aug. 2. Not only will participants earn rewards for reading books, but they will also be rewarded for making projects and attending special events and programs at the library! Participants can sign up in-person at the library or online. Click here for more information or to sign up.