
Weekly Flight Plan January 29, 2015


Welcome to the ANSER Flight Plan! Hard copies of this document are available in the main office. If you have ANSER related submissions for the Flight Plan, please email them to Angie Temple at atemple@ansercharterschool.org by Monday at 4:00 for inclusion in that week's Flight Plan.
In This Issue:

Dates To Remember:


Friday, January 30: NO SCHOOL for Junior High - Student Led Conferences

Wednesday, February 4: Dani's Service Team WSC 

Friday, February 6: Coffee Talk in the gym after drop off

Thur. & Fri., February 12-13: NO SCHOOL- Staff Development 

Monday, February 16: NO SCHOOL- President's Day

Wednesday, February 18: Shannon's Class WSC

Friday, March 20: NO SCHOOL - Staff Development

          SPRING BREAK - March 23-27, 2015

*Friday, MAY 1: Anser Auction (date correction)

Friday, April 17: No School Staff Development


*Please note that the date for this years Anser Auction is May 1, 2015. This is a change to what went out in the Flight Plan last week. 



Anser JH students have been asked to co-present with our Hillside refugee buddies at the 2015 Idaho Conference on Refugees: Health & Healing. 


The conference will be held at Boise State University on February 9th-10th.  Organizers of this year's conference were looking for fresh ideas on ways to support the newest members of the Boise community.   This workshop will bring participants into our unique collaborative year- long project, and show how a little "outside of the box" thinking has created a win/win situation for everyone involved.  A panel of refugee students, Anser students and the educators involved will take participants through our vision of creating a published book of refugee poetry and an original play that will be performed at Boise Contemporary Theater.  Our goal is to create better understanding of each other and to invite our Boise community to do the same.   Anser is bringing a panel of five students who have taken a leadership position on this project thus far:  McCall Bruce Benion, Naomi Priddy,  Mira Torp, Chloe Hendrix, and Philip Giesler.                                                                   


Its Lottery Time!:

Anser is currently accepting applications for our February 19th lottery.  If you have friends, neighbors, team mates, co-workers etc. that you think would be interested to have their children attend Anser, please direct them to our website: www.ansercharterschool.org. You can also invite them to our Lottery Open House scheduled for Thursday February 5th at 6:00pm.  Full enrollment is the best predictor of Anser's success, so help us pass along the great news that now is the time to enter the lottery!  Are you on Facebook? One quick way you can help increase Anser's marketing reach is to "like" Anser Facebook posts, or even share them.  Personal referrals are the very best marketing tools, so help Anser out and "share" us with your friends! 

It's time to recommit:

 As required by Idaho Statute, all Anser families must complete the recommitment form by the deadline to re-enroll their students for the next academic year. Please use this link to complete your recommitment form no later than Monday February 6th, 2015. anserlottery.com/recommitment.  Please remember also that if you have siblings on the waiting list, or that will be entering kindergarten, you also need to complete an online lottery application for them.   



Winter Adventure - JH is headed to Bogus Basin for our annual day in the snow:


Drivers/chaperones are needed for our upcoming junior high winter adventure. Dates are February 10 for Shannon & Diane's crews and February 11 for Allyson and Kelly's crews.   Please join us and help make this fun trip happen.  We will need 10 - 12 drivers each day.  Students, teachers and chaperones will learn about snow science from Snow School instructors.   Chaperones are asked to stay and help students with gear and clothing and to help manage the groups.  Please bring a day pack, sack lunch and water bottle.  Dress for a winter day in the forest.    More information will be sent out to those who sign up.  Link to this "Sign up Genius" site to volunteer for a spot.







The C3 team would like to thank all the wonderful volunteers who helped make C3 a fantastic session for the kiddos! 


Tosha Bentz                                                                            

Alyssa Munch

Anna Buschbacher

Sara Harms

Paula Perry

Brian Coffey

Jasmine Berier

Deena and Kevin Layne

Amy Taylor

Nate at the Aquarium

Stacy Slattery

Shannon Campbell and Boyd Bouwes

Sheri Elis

Erika Affenita

Kelly Lee

Heidi Bauer

Susie Fisher

Laura Anderson

Erik Bird

Carson Ramos

Katie Blackwell

Keli Theobald

Nicole Pierce

Heather Ybarrondo

Amy Parrish

Cody Human

Jeni Page

Christine Bruce-Bennion

James Cryer

Tamara Donovan

Vicki Hartwell

Tamara and Steve Reames

Amy Snow

Katie Scanlan

Valencia Bilyeu

Anne-Marie Trebbi

Kris Martin

Heather Pirus

Gerogie Brown

Angie Marshall

Leigh Ruehman

Liz Hilton

Trish Woodruff

Micheal Shaw

Lisa Birt

Stephanie Kammeyer

Erika Affenita

Kary Reagan

Leslie Madsen-Brooks

Kori Sullivan

Jasun Temple

Amber Fawson

Sue Williamson

Barbara Cline

Katie Scanlan

Karyn Hatton

Elaine Wylie

Mary Sullivan

Penelope Gaffney

Sue Warnke

Julie Bu

Mike Lemieux

Helene Belanger 


Junior High

Frank Culbertson

Alison Shomaker

Katie Baker

Susan Rierson

Penelope Gaffney

Rachel Denhartog

Megan Roberts

Matt Barnett



Next Year Kindergarten Schedule:


Kindergarten and AAYC Teachers Sarah Wilcox-Brownstein and Sarah Gorringe made a proposal to the Anser Board, which was approved, to change the way Kindergarten and AAYC are scheduled and implemented next year.  We are happy to announce that next year both Sarahs will teach AM Kindergarten, and both Sarahs will teach in the afternoon in AAYC!  This will allow all Kindergarten students to attend Anser together in the morning like we have in the past, and it will also allow us to build upon the already impressive AAYC program that Anne Moore developed and that Sarah Gorringe has beautifully run this year. This change will also allow us to accept more students who don't attend Anser, but would like their children to benefit from the rich AAYC program.   We will be sending out more information about AAYC in the near future so be on the lookout!






Coffee Talk Dates:


It's a quick, fun way to connect with other Anser parents!  Join us in the gym from 7:45am-8:30am on the Fridays listed below for coffee and a treat.  Share a cup of coffee and some friendship before you head out to face your busy day. Community is powerful, so come create some with all of your new favorite people!


Coffee Talk Dates:


Friday February 6th

Friday March 6th

Friday April 3rd

Friday May 1st



Labels Earn ANSER Money:


Labels Earn ANSER Money


Bring all the holiday labels you've collected. Each time labels are submitted, Anser earns money for needed school supplies and equipment.



  • Box Tops for Education

  • Labels for Education

  • Kelloggs Family Rewards codes (inside the box)

  • Pop-top pull-tabs



  • Labels To the box inside the door of the front office, to your left.

  • Same area, the pull-tabs go into a container.


Celebrate helping Anser!


Jana and Kandyce


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February Lunch Menu: 



Here is the lunch menu for February.


Hard copies are also sent home with each student.  


February Lunch Menu 


Reminder: 1% milk and low-fat chocolate milk are available for a la carte purchase everyday for 50 cents, and on Thursdays students may purchase an extra slice of pizza for $1.50.   




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Spare the Air- Turn off your Engines:

Parents, a friendly reminder to PLEASE turn off your engines when dropping off and picking up your children. Whether you are parked or in the drop off/pick-up line, if you are going to be stopped for more than 10 seconds, TURN OFF YOUR ENGINE. Idling your vehicle for more than 10 seconds uses more fuel than restarting the engine- save money, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and improve the air quality around our school by turning your engine off. As we approach winter and the associated inversions, we hope you will support this anti-idling effort at Anser and commit to improving the air that our children breathe.



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Tobacco Free reminder:


Please remember all tobacco and nicotine products are prohibited on school grounds, during school and outside of school hours. This includes cigarettes, chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, and nicotine containing lozenges. 



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Want to add an e-mail to receive the Flight?
If you would like to add another member of your family to receive the Flight Plan please scroll down to the bottom and click on receive the weekly Flight Plan. You can add a new e-mail address by subscribing using the link at the bottom of this Flight Plan.

Connect with Anser


Anser of Idaho, Inc.
202 E. 42nd Street
Garden City, Idaho 83714

Phone: 208-426-9840

Fax: 208-426-9863

Website: www.ansercharterschool.org

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