Weekly Flight Plan: September 11, 2014


Welcome to the ANSER Flight Plan! Hard copies of this document are available in the main office. If you have ANSER related submissions for the Flight Plan, please email them to Angie Temple at atemple@ansercharterschool.org by Monday at 4:00 for inclusion in that week's Flight Plan.
In This Issue:
Harvest Festival
News to Share
Operation School Bell
Looking for a Car Pool

Dates To Remember:


Thursday, September 11: 6:30- 8:00 pm Elementary Back-to-School Night for parents

Monday, Sept. 15 - Friday, Sept 19: JH Ropes Course in McCall (see details below)

Wednesday, September 17: WSC Michelle's class

Thursday, September 18: 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.:  UC Fieldwork - Discovery Center of Idaho

Tuesday, September 23:  9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.:  UC Fieldwork - Giselle's UC at Foothills Learning Center 

Tuesday, September 23: Individual Picture Day

Wednesday, September 24: WSC Jennifer's class

Thursday, September 25: Early Release 1:30 PM

Thursday, Sept 25 - Friday, Sept. 26: Goal Setting Conferences 1st-8th grade.

Tuesday, September 30: 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.: UC Fieldwork - Dolly and   Jia's UC crews at Foothills Learning Center 

Wednesday, October 1: WSC Dolly's class

 Saturday, October 11: Harvest Festival @ school



Harvest Festival Saturday,October 11



Harvest Festival 2014 will be outside on the Anser campus


Saturday, October 11th, 3:30-6:30


Get your costumes ready and be prepared for fun!




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 News to Share:


Giselle Isbell and Kelly McLeod have been accepted to present at the National Expeditionary Learning Conference to be held in Boston during the month of December.  Sara Anderegg and Antoinette Sabarots will accompany them. 



Anser continues to be a part of Idaho Leads.  The focus this year is on deeper learning throughout a global network.  Idaho Leads is representing the US.  Over 100 countries and 1,000 schools are participating.  They are bringing in national speakers on student leadership (which our student representative will attend) as well as known school reform advocates for the adults.  Anser staff will sit on a panel and answer questions from other Idaho school leaders and teachers about how students and teachers at Anser demonstrate deeper learning.  Participants this year include Michelle Dunstan, Giselle Isbell, Kelly McLeod, Kari Kerfoot, Suzanne Gregg and 7th grade students Kaelyn Harms.



BSU Professor Michelle Carney is conducting research at Anser using a pre and post test to gather information on students' math thinking.  Michelle and her students interview students as they explain their thinking after a pre-test is completed.  Parents were contacted and permission was granted for those students participating in the study. Students involved are from Dolly Higgins 6th grade math class.



Giselle Isbell is an Idaho finalist (one of two) for the prestigious Presidential Math and Science award.  Nobody knows when the announcement will be made but we ask all of you to keep your fingers crossed.  If Giselle should win she would be recognized by President Obama in Washington, D.C. and receive a $10,000 cash award.  We all agree she deserves it!

As always, the staff looks forward to working with our community and students as we embark on another year!  Thank you for your continued support and all the work you do behind the scenes to make the work we do successful for our students.  Words cannot express the gratitude we feel in working with families who support and encourage our staff and teachers on a continued basis. 


Thank you!



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Operation School Bell: 


The Assistance League of Boise and Operation School Bell invite ANSER families in need to come and enjoy a day of shopping for new clothes, including winter jackets, in their facility located in the Philanthropic Center directly behind the Assistance League Thrift Shop at 5825 Glenwood.   Please let Antoinette Sabarots (asabarots@ansercharterschool.org) know if you are interested in this opportunity for your children by Friday, September 19th.



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Looking for a Car Pool? 




Attached is the list of families who are hoping to find a car pool. The list is sorted by zip code and includes the number of students in the family that will need a ride to or from Anser. This list can also be found on the password protected "Parent Resource" page of the Anser website.  Thank you to the many Anser families who carpool which helps reduce air pollution and traffic congestion around the school.


2014-2015 Carpool List



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Connect with Anser


Anser of Idaho, Inc.
202 E. 42nd Street
Garden City, Idaho 83714

Phone: 208-426-9840

Fax: 208-426-9863

Website: www.ansercharterschool.org

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