Weekly Flight Plan: October 10, 2013   


Welcome to the ANSER Flight Plan! Hard copies of this document are available in the main office. If you have ANSER related submissions for the Flight Plan, please email them to Angie Temple at atemple@ansercharterschool.org by Monday at 4:00 for inclusion in that week's Flight Plan.
In This Issue:
Fall Fund Drive
Anser JH Students Receive Special Opportunity
Lock Down Drill Scheduled for Friday October 11th
Jr High needs drivers
Harvest Ball 2013
Save the Date
School Pool Parking Space
Do you work at Micron or Hp
Anser Girls' Junior High Basketball 2013
Bring in...Box Tops and Labels
PE in October
Lunch Menu for next week
Band at Anser
DatesToRememberDates To Remember:


Friday, October, 11th: Lockdown Drill Scheduled
Wednesday, October 16th:WSC Anne's Class
Saturday, October 19th: Harvest Ball
Wednesday, October 23rd: WSC Alyssa Red Ribbon Week
Wednesday, October 30th: WSC - Dianne's Class
Friday, November 1st: No School -Staff Development
November 25-29 No school Thanksgiving Break

Fall Fund Drive: Treasure what you Treasure:

Did your child go Geo-Caching with MC? Maybe they went to Bogus Basin with UC, or to the  Idaho Bird Observatory with Kindergarten. Do you have a Junior High student who came home from the Ropes Course trip with new friends and a new confidence that they can handle any challenge? These are some of the amazing opportunities Anser students have because Anser parents support the Fall Fund Drive. If you value your child's opportunities to grow and reflect after their learning opportunities in the outside world we hope you will add your support to the Fall Fund Drive. Our goal this year is $45,000 and we are close to half way there! And that means it is almost time to do another drawing! Get your donation in by October 15th and we will double your raffle entries and your name will stay entered for the next three drawings!  Thank you to the following people for their support of all Anser students through the Fall Fund Drive: Staci and Michael Shaw, Reed and Connie Stanger, Julie and Bladimir Bu, Paul Ostler, Kim and Frank Stutzman and Marc and Barbara Cline.



Anser JH Students Receive Special Opportunity:


Anser has been invited to send a 5 student team to participate in the Human Rights Institute for High School Leaders, a human rights education leadership training program facilitated by the Idaho Human Rights Education Center. As the only junior high team in the state invited to participate Anser students will be joining high school teams from around the state in the program. The Human Rights Institute for High School Leaders is designed to guide 30 school teams of five students each through a year-long journey of human rights. Exploring the knowledge, practicing the skills, and fostering the dispositions that build community. It starts with one student coming together with four others in his/her school, communicating with 29 other school teams throughout the state, and ends with a statewide network devoted to helping schools protect and promote the dignity of all students. Congratulations Anser Junior High students, we know you will represent Anser well.


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Lock Down Drill Scheduled for Friday October 11th:

Each year Anser performs drills for fire, earthquake and lockdown. Due to the vast amount of media related to school lockdowns in the past few months, our staff decided that we would inform our students in advance of the lock down drill. This will allow us to prepare students for what actions should be taken in the event of a lock down and what they can expect to hear over the PA system, and assess if there appear to be students for whom this raises a high level of apprehension. This is the same approach we take for implementing our Earthquake drill, which is scheduled for Thursday October 17th as part of the Great Idaho Shakeout. We are letting you know in the event that your child comes home to tell you there was a lockdown, you will know that it was just a drill. Please feel free to be in touch if you ever have any questions about such procedures at Anser. 


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Jr High needs drivers:

 Shannon is organizing a morning field work trip that includes all of the ANSER Jr. High.  We need chaperones to drive small groups of kids to various sites around Boise and stay with them while they collect their information. If your available to drive please sign up using this link   





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Harvest Ball 2013:
Peaceful Belly is again providing pumpkins for purchase this October. They will be for sale at the Harvest Ball. Also, look for ticket order form for the option of pre-ordering dance tickets.

No one will be turned away for lack of funds
Save the Date:


This year's Anser Spring Auction and Dinner is scheduled for Friday March 14th. This is a month earlier than in past years, so our amazing auction chairs Emily Barnett and Amy Taylor have already begun their work to make the event a success!  Be on the lookout for information about how you can help make this fantastic event a success!


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 School Pool Parking Space: WINNERS

The winner of the School Pool Parking space for the month of October is The Hogan and Woodruff families. Stay tuned for next months drawing and get your names in for November.



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Do you work at Micron or Hp?


If you do, there are great opportunities to increast the imapct of your donations to Anser!

 If you work for HP, please be in touch with Georgina Brown as she has graciously agreed to coordinate group donations torward HP technology donations.

Her email address is: georgina.brown@hp.com .


If you work at Micron you can request matching contributions for your donations. You can reach the Micron Technolgy Foundation at 208-363-3675 for information. Complete the form linked below, turn it into Anser with your donation and we will send it in to Micron for you.


Anser Girls' Junior High Basketball 2013                 

Practices begin Tuesday, October 8th 

Practices are 3:30-5:00, Monday-Thursday at Anser Gym

Games begin October 24th, and are after school at other Treasure Valley schools, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Our last game is on December 3rd.  We have six games presently scheduled with the possibility of three more.

Cost is $25

All ability levels are welcome, no prior experience required

Coaches will be Kari Kerfoot and Jim Pape

Questions?  Contact Jim Pape at thepapes@jnpape.com or 343-2259


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Bring in Box Tops and Labels:Thanks for the labels! Keep them Coming in!




    Here's what we are collecting:


  • Labels for Education - rectangles that include bar-codes
  • Box Tops - "Box Top" boxes in a variety of locations on packaging
  • EcoBonus - save the printed codes, usually several inches of printing long on the outside of packaging
  • Kellogg Family Rewards - codes printed INSIDE packaging, usually several inches long
  • And anything else that looks like Anser can earn money or items. We'll sort it out!


Thanks again everyone!

Jana and Kandyce




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PE in October:


MC, UC and Jr High will be running the mile the week of October 14th. Please make sure kids are dressed appropriately. We will need parent volunteers to help, if available please e-mail Alyssa Munch at munch@ansercharterschool.org  


Boise Meth Project will be at Anser all day during PE on October 21st to ring in Red Ribbon Week parents are welcome to attend. 


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Anser Lunch Program off to a great start!





We are so thrilled with the success of Anser's new lunch program. Our orders are well exceeding our expectations and we are getting great feedback from students to use as we tweak our menus. And have you asked your children about the Healthy Choice Bar? Anser students are great at eating their veggies! We will be making small changes and additions to the lunch program as we learn what  students like and what works best. We love your feedback and hope that you have found this transition to a new program to more convenient and affordable. Remember, every time your student eats lunch at Anser, you are helping us sustain our very important Free and Reduced Lunch program, so often missing at charters. We thank you for your support of the lunch program and for raising such great kids!



Monday- Mini Pancakes, Yogurt or Turkey Sausage, Healthy Choice Bar


Tuesday- Soft taco bar, chicken, cheese and beans with lettuce and tomato, Healthy Choice Bar


Wednesday - Dominos Pizza, Healthy Choice Bar


Thursday- Grilled cheese pocket sandwich, tomato soup, Healthy Choice Bar   


Friday- Chicken Nuggets, potato wedges,  Healthy Choice Bar


Note: Healthy Choice bar is a salad bar stocked with a variety of vegetables and a serving of fruit from which students can choose each day.


Peanut Butter and Jelly is the alternate menu choice every day.


Reminder: No need to order ahead, just fund your family lunch account. If you need assistance with this, please contact Abby McLean at amclen@ansercharterschool.org 

 Anser Band Instruction:


Retired band instructor Larry Reeder is offering band lessons for 5th-8th graders in the Anser gym each Monday and Wednesday after school from 3:20pm-4:05pm. Each lesson is $15. If you are interested in having your student participate, please contact Mr. Reeder by the end of September  at clarinetel@cableone.net  Students must be picked up promptly at 4:05 at the front doors. Anser is making space available for the lessons, but Mr. Reeder is not an employee of Anser, so please direct any questions you have about the classes to him directly.

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If you would like to add another member of your family to receive the Flight Plan please scroll down to the bottom and click on receive the weekly Flight Plan. You can add a new e-mail address by subscribing using the link at the bottom of this Flight Plan.

Connect with Anser


Anser of Idaho, Inc.
202 E. 42nd Street
Garden City, Idaho 83714

Phone: 208-426-9840

Fax: 208-426-9863

Website: www.ansercharterschool.org

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