
Getting There


This is a picture of my Mom & Dad at their 50th wedding anniversary in 2002.  I am so grateful for my upbringing.  My parents are/were amazing individuals.  Unfortunately, we lost my Dad in 2009.  My Dad was the
Mom & Dad 50thrisk taker.  My Mom is the cautious one.  When I was offered the retirement package from P&G in 2002 and was on the fence about taking it, my Dad said "take the money and run" whereas my Mom said, "how can you leave such a secure job with all the great benefits?"  Wow - they were both right!  I ended up taking it and we moved to TN.  It was tough leaving that security, but now I am on a different path - I took the risk.  Has it been easy? - NO  Do I know I am doing the right thing? YES  So during this Thanksgiving season I am thankful for the two different visionaries in my life.  Thanks Mom & Dad - Love You!

Let me help you with your financial vision! 
Deb Schmitz

"The Money Mechanic"

Makeover Moments 

Impulse Buying - 'Tis the Season!

I saw an ad in the paper on Sunday titled "Nostalgic Electrics"  A hot dog toaster, brownie maker and cupcake maker to name a few.  Yikes!  Can you say impulse?  Yet alone useless in my opinion.  Why would I buy a brownie maker for $19 when I can make brownies in a baking dish I most likely have?  I think this is why the song "Santa Claus is coming to Town" was written.  Although in the song Santa was "making a list and checking it twice", I think it is wise for us to do the same.  Here are some tips to help you fend off the impulse buying.
nostalgic electrics
  1. Make a list for your Holiday shopping.  Everything from groceries to gifts.  We all get a little bit of the "awww - wouldn't that be cute/good/etc.....?", but if you give in -  how long will that impulse feeling last?  
  2. There are many deals out there - check before you buy.  The internet is definitely our friend this time of year.    
  3.  If you didn't start a Christmas fund for this year, start one now for next year.  By setting aside just $20/month, you will have $240 set aside for next year.  
  4. Don't buy a gift just to buy a gift.  If it isn't useful or meaningful, you are just wasting money.  Home baked goods can be gifts with meaning.
  5. By purchasing gift cards through churches or other organizations, it provides a win-win.   
If you really care about someone, including yourself, I am offering gift certificates for the holidays.  10% off any service.  Most are custom made for the financial topic  you want guidance with.  How can I help YOU feel safe, secure and smart about your money?  Give me a call!      865.690.4646   
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Thanks to all who came to the Money Showers last month!  So many of you came away with ah-ha's and some oh-no's.  But as I promise, you always leave knowing something about YOUR money you didn't know walking in the door!  Keep an eye out for more to come. to register. 

Special from now until end of year 2 for $35!!!

Great gift idea - one for you and one for someone you care for (male or female)


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My Own Money Mechanic, Shifting Gears for a Money Makeover You Can Live With
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