Legal Issues Brief
Issue 20Like us on Facebook
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Dear Friend,  


Small business drives the engine of new job creation. Many of our law clients work at small businesses. Recently, Jeffrey G. Nutt and Sadeer Farjo had the opportunity to attend the Macomb Business Expo hosted by the Sterling Heights Regional Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Anchor Bay Chamber of Commerce.  


Macomb's Business Expo 
Macomb's Business Expo

Our law firm sponsored the video taping of a series of compelling interviews where we asked one simple question to the vendors and attendees..."What is the key to your business success?" During our interviews, what we found was keen attention to providing outstanding customer service. If you would like to see any of the 27 videos click here. 


Jeffrey G. Nutt, J.D. 


President, Jeffrey G. Nutt & Associates, PLLC  

Jeffrey G. Nutt & Associates offers Real Estate and Construction  Legal Services:

for-sale-home.jpg Scott Brinkmann, esq.
Did you know our team, under the leadership of Attorney D. Scott Brinkmann, Esq., is an authority in the following legal firm related matters?

Basic Zoning Laws

Local zoning ordinances and regulations are important considerations when choosing your business location. Zoning laws impact several critical business decisions such as purchasing property or making improvements to your existing property, so it is important to understand the laws before you commit to anything.

Property is zoned into commercial and residential uses, so a commercial building cannot be built in a residential neighborhood and vice-versa, unless there is a change in zoning ordinances. Other considerations also come into play such as how you intend to use your facility, the nature of any renovations, and so on.

Finding out How Property is Zoned

You can find out how property is zoned by contacting your local planning agency. One way to determine your local planning agency is to perform an internet search using the name of your community or city, your state, and the term "planning."

Before getting too involved in a zoning issue, or any real estate legal matter, consider hiring a local land use attorney to help you through the process and ensure you are compliant. For more, go to:

Our legal team is expert in Real Estate & Construction Law services such as:
  • Entity selection and formation
  • Property acquisitions, disposals and sales
  • Title defects and irregularities
  • Leases, licenses and temporary use agreements
  • Planning and zoning
  • Liquor licensing
  • Environmental regulation
  • Easements and boundary issues
  • Property tax issues
  • Draft, negotiate and review development, architectural and construction contracts
  • Subcontracts and trade contracts
  • Dispute and lien claim resolution
  • Collection and payment matters                                              
For more click here.

Contact Us


Email: [email protected]


T (248)761-7556 (voice)  

T (313)559-6833 (direct)


Free Introductory Consultation

           Call Jeff at (248)220-1501

    Jeffrey G. Nutt & Associates PLLC

For any legal questions, feel free to forward this offer to a friend.


In This Issue
Jeffrey Meets Harriet Fulbright

We provide legal assistance for Commercial
Real Estate concerns and more
: intersection-homes.jpg      


our Legal  

Hotline Team 





We also will provide a rapid response when you call us by phone about any legal matter.  

Call 248.220.1501   

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United University Online, sponsored in part by Jeffrey G. Nutt & Associates PLLC, has over 87 Online Leadership, Management and Business Courses available. The courses are designed by Harvard and MIT professors. more