Legal Issues Brief
Issue 16Like us on Facebook
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Dear Friend,  


In this issue we address the law affecting two distinct but interconnected places you and most of our readers have likely visited in the past 24 hours. One is a digital place, the other a physical location. You guessed it...the internet and a retail store.    

Enjoy the fascinating and somewhat shocking legal stories below -  the first, an internet sensation and the second, reported previously by Forbes magazine and an Institute of Continuing Legal Education speaker on Michigan's Mackinac Island.

Jeffrey G. Nutt, J.D. 


President, Jeffrey G. Nutt & Associates, PLLC  

Star Wars Kid YouTube Video
- Receives Record 900 Million Views.... and a Law Suit
Star Wars Kid
Star Wars Kid

Star Wars Kid is a viral video made In 2002 by a chubby 15 year old Canadian teen who filmed himself acting out a fight scene from Star Wars, using a golf ball retriever as a makeshift light saber. By 2006, a year after YouTube went public, the Viral Factory reported that the video--viewed more than 900 million times--was the most-watched clip in the history of the Internet. Whether or not Raza wanted to be famous (he didn't), the "Star Wars Kid" became the model for a new era, where YouTube rules. Enter the world of the Internet culture: where, for better or for worse, our art lives on, through millions of clicks.  Click here to read the rest of the blog article. 
Target Knows When Your Daughter is Pregnant  

It's amazing but true that some national long-standing retail businesses are accessing or selling so much of their customer's personal information that:



1)      A national  grocery chain now makes more money on the sale of customers' personal information than on online merchandise sold,and a

2)      Budget big box retailer re-sells purchase pattern information from customers that, with an algorithm may give an inquiring parent clues as to whether or not a minor child online purchaser may be pregnant. Target, for example, has figured out how to data-mine its way into your womb, to figure out whether you have a baby on the way long before you need to start buying diapers.Read more on our blog.  


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In This Issue
Star Wars Kid Case
Grocer Sells Info
Our Services
U2 Online Lobo pb

United University Online, sponsored in part by Jeffrey G. Nutt & Associates PLLC, has 87 Online Leadership, Management and Business Courses available. The courses are designed by Harvard and MIT professors. more

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           Call Jeff at (248)220-1501

    Jeffrey G. Nutt & Associates PLLC

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