June 19, 2014

100 percent and a gold star - Grow aces the solar test   


Already the largest solar neighborhood in Washington state, Grow Community hit another milestone this week.

With the completion of two more solar installations, every single-family home and duplex in Grow's first phase, the Village, is now powered by photovoltaics.


The last two home solar arrays are online and producing renewable energy, improving the neighborhood's already stellar self-sufficiency while promising generous utility savings and financial returns for the homeowners.


"It's a landmark moment for Grow Community and Washington solar," says Greg Lotakis, project manager. "With 100 percent participation, our residents are really showing the way forward for neighborhoods that want to choose solar for a sustainable energy future."


Grow's next two phases, the Grove and the Park, will also offer the solar option.  Stay tuned for more details.



Upcoming Event:  
Grow now the standard lifestyle of the future 


Grow Community as the new standard for future living? You bet.


Grow's award-winning, net-zero neighborhood will be showcased at Living Future 2015, the annual conference of the International Living Future Institute.


Jonathan Davis, architect for Grow's first phase, the Village, and project manager Greg Lotakis will be featured speakers at the conference, which runs April 1-3 at the Sheraton in Seattle.


Their presentation is titled "A Built Environment Sets the Stage for Creation of Community."


"Creating a (successful) community is not a certainty - the ultimate success of it depends on the people who choose to live there," conference organizers say. "How do you create this place where people WANT to live? Learn how the design of the net-zero energy Grow Community on Bainbridge Island creates the basis for a shared sense of purpose, brings residents together toward common lifestyle goals and creates a strong sense of place and connection within a neighborhood."


Living Future is a forum for leading minds in the green building movement seeking solutions to the most daunting global issues of our time. Out-of-the-ordinary learning and networking formats provide innovative design strategies, cutting-edge technical information and the inspiration needed to achieve significant progress toward a truly Living Future.


The Grow Community presentation runs 3:15-4:45 p.m. April 2.

Click here for more details 

March Construction Update:  
Garage is on good footing(s) 

Work on Grow Community's Phase 2 underground parking garage continues apace. Crews are now installing rebar and cables for the post tension slab for the Salal building, forming up walls and columns for the garage of the Elan townhomes, and crafting footings for the Juniper.  In utility news, a water line that will serve the new buildings is being routed up from the local main. It looks like foul weather is (mostly) behind us, so be sure to watch the dramatic progress each time you go past the work site.

Media Coverage: 
ULI finds Grow on its roadmap to healthy neighborhoods


The Urban Land Institute has drawn up its roadmap for healthy development, and Grow Community is a prominent waypoint.


Grow is cited twice in the "Building Healthy Places Toolkit: Strategies for Enhancing Health in the Built Environment," an expansive new report on sustainable planning and construction from the ULI. The report looks at developments and communities that have been successful in promoting physical activity, healthy food and clean drinking water, and general social well-being.


Grow's famous community gardens and "edible landscaping" are cited as a prime amenity in today's urban and suburban planning.


"Participation in community gardening activities can increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, and when community members come together around the growing of food, the interaction promotes social bonds and connections," the editors write. "Local produce helps reduce pollution associated with shipping food long distances."


The ULI notes that gardening has enjoyed a growing popularity across the country, a trend that is expected to continue: "Small farms can take the place of golf courses as community centerpieces, can cost less on an upfront and ongoing basis, and can provide community members with fresh, locally grown food."


Grow is also touted for earning certification under the One Planet Living program, whose ambitious 10-point goals promote reducing humans' impact on the earth. You can read all about Grow's impressive One Planet designation elsewhere on our website.


"Reading a report" might not sound like the most scintillating springtime activity, but the ULI's new "Building Healthy Places Toolkit" will surprise you - we promise. It's a very colorful read, and highlights the most forward-thinking work being done in planning and construction today.


View the report here  (page 48 online & 40 in print) and find out more about the sustainable vision that earned Grow Community recognition among the very best new neighborhoods anywhere.


We still have room for you

Great opportunities are still available in the Grove neighborhood with its mix of single-level homes, townhomes and single-family residences, all arranged around a quiet native woodland and orchard. With beautifully designed, ultra-efficient homes and even a solar option, the Grove sets a new standard for healthy, sustainable living.

Find out more about opportunities in the Grove neighborhood here 

Please contact our sales team or come by our sales office to set up a meeting to learn about the new homes available at the Grove.  [email protected]

Sales Office: 180 Olympic Dr SE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110  beside the ferry.

NEW WINTER HOURS: Monday - Friday 12-5pm & by appointment    

Joie Olsen
Director of Sales & Leasing
