Grow Community Bainbridge  

Grow Community Has a   
New Website!  
Have you checked out Grow Community's new website? We've been hard at work behind the scenes getting our new site up and ready. Some highlights include a more in-depth look at the homes and their green features and floorplans, a new very informational blog and an interactive brochure.

Check out some of the highlights from our website:   



First Phase Pricing at Grow Community Now Available Online. 


We've received a lot of feedback from everyone interested in the project about the kind of community they want to live in, and we've begun to build on the ideas that came out of those talks. Three model homes are currently being built on the site and will be ready for touring starting in August. 



Are you interested in buying or renting a home at Grow Community? If you would like more details or would like to place a reservation on one of the homes, please contact: 


Joie Olson  |  Director of Sales & Leasing 

T: 206.452.6755

Email: [email protected] 


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The first of many solar panels were installed last Thursday on the model homes! These are the first of thousands of panels that will be installed on the homes, apartment buildings and the community building at Grow, helping us to create a zero-carbon community.
[Read On]


Grow Community is a new urban neighborhood on Bainbridge Island, just a 35-minute ferry ride from downtown Seattle. With beautifully designed solar-powered homes, shared community gardens and healthy transportation options, Grow allows all generations to enjoy a high-quality lifestyle without the high price.  

Welcome home



Check us out online:  

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[email protected] 

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