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We are excited to announce the launch of our brand new website.  We invite you to check it out at:  


Grow Website  

We Heard You.

Thank you to all those who came out to our Open House Tuesday night. We enjoyed sharing our designs with you and hearing your feedback in return.    


We are spending time with our site plan, making modifications based on the feedback we recieved.  We will address the spacing of the homes and pay attention to the hierarchy of private and public spaces in each microhood.  The comments we received on Tuesday evening will help us to make this a better community.   

Thank you.  

Community Rendering  open house

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the OceanImagine you live in a home that requires little energy, both from you, your planet, and your bank account. You sit on your rooftop deck and look down at the central green, where children are playing in the pea patches, someone is reading under a tree. Go outside. Feed your compost to the chickens. Take the path to a barn where you collect your mail-no junk--and chat with your neighbors. You are a five minute stroll/roll from town to pick up a few groceries, launch your kayak in Eagle Harbor, or ride the ferry to downtown Seattle. You can even take the car share and venture off island.


Your life is remarkably comfortable, low maintenance, high quality. Your load is lighter, even on the planet.

Imagine that!  


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