. . . for Reading Our Award Winning Blog!

Overall Blog Content, Social Media Category for:

Personal Injury Settlement Planning

June 28, 2016
- It's not easy to stand out in an ever-expanding Internet with all its social media platforms vying for the same diminishing attention spans.

So word that our submission to an international competition which drew over 1,600 entrants was singled out as one of only seven deemed worthy of an Award of Excellence for overall blog content, we were naturally thrilled and honored that our work was so recognized.

APEX 2016 -- the 28th Annual Awards for Publication Excellence -- is an international competition that recognizes outstanding publications from newsletters and magazines to annual reports, brochures and websites.

According to the APEX 2016 judges, "The awards were based on excellence in graphic design, quality of editorial content and the success of the entry in conveying the message and achieving overall communications effectiveness."

The Finn Blog

Ever since we first opened our doors for business in the midst of the Great Recession back in 2009, we've never wavered from our pledge to provide clients with the most timely and accurate information necessary to help them make more informed choices about their future:

"We serve as a dependable educational resource about
structured settlements."

In addition to our newsletter, published articles, YouTube videos and MCLE training seminars, The Finn Blog serves as a repository of helpful facts, figures and fun all designed to engage the reader with "news you can use."

To our loyal readers, THANK YOU for continuing to inspire us to do our best. We never lose sight of the fact that we're here to serve YOU and will continue to serve as your reliable source for structured settlement and personal injury settlement planning knowledge and advice.

We are honored to accept this award and look forward advancing our commitment to you in the years to come.  
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service and best wishes for continued success in your personal and professional lives.

The Best,

Master Structured Settlement Consultant™
Retirement Income Certified Professional�  

NOTE:  This newsletter is presented for educational purposes only using material freely available in the public domain and should not be construed as tax or legal advice. All rights reserved.

Our Services
The Finn Financial Group provides customized, guaranteed future income options and ancillary services to a variety of clients throughout the United States. We pride ourselves on our commitment to the overall financial well-being of the individual. For a greater understanding of the services we provide, click on your area of interest.
Click the image to the right to watch a short intro video about The Finn Financial Group or visit us at:



About Finn Financial Group 

The Finn Financial Group is a full-service, specialty planning firm with a commitment to ensuring the long-term financial stability of its clients. We believe this can best be achieved through a stream of guaranteed, tax-advantaged payments carefully tailored to each individual's specific needs. Our diligent work has resulted in a long list of satisfied clients across all lines of advocacy and a high degree of trust. 


Impacted by a Hip Recall?  


If you have been impacted by the recent DePuy ASR Hip Recall, Finn Financial Group is here to help. 


Find out more and watch an informative video now at

Dan Finn, CPCU, MSSC™, RICP� | Finn Financial Group, LLC | 949.999.3322 | CA Insurance License: 0A96173

Thank you for reading our newsletter!