Structured Settlement
Survey Results

With the structured settlements industry recently concluding its best first quarter since the Great Recession officially ended six years ago, 2015 is shaping up to be a banner year for successful utilization of this proven settlement option and claims resolution tool that helps so many.

Wonder what's driving this upward trend?

Probably no single answer; however, a few surveys provide insights into some possibilities while simultaneously highlighting the perceptions of those engaged in the litigation resolution process.

"There is no truth. There is only perception."

- Gustave Flaubert -       

Three distinct categories of stakeholders to the  structured settlement transaction - claimant, claims professional and plaintiff attorney - weigh in to share their versions of the truth about structured settlements in a few telling surveys linked here for your convenience:

The Claimant's Perception 

"Structured Settlements vs. Lump Sum Payments" - A report prepared by Prudential Global Strategic Research in conjunction with Prudential Structured Settlements seeks to compare and contrast claimants' views on these two settlement options.

(Full disclosure: I serve on Prudential's Structured Solutions Leadership Council which convenes regularly to discuss topics of mutual interest as a service to the industry)

Key Truth: Plaintiff attorneys were cited as those most influential in helping make the decision to structure (68%) or to take the lump sum (47%).

The Claims Professional's Perception

"Understanding Structured Settlements" - Authored by Kevin Silo and Taylor Smith for the May, 2015 issue of Claims Management, this article reveals the results of a survey conducted to gauge perceptions of front line claims professionals about structured settlements.

(Full disclosure: I am a Fellow of the Claims & Litigation Management Alliance and past president of the National Structured Settlements Trade Association (NSSTA), which commissioned this survey through CLM Advisors)

Key Truth: There is no down side to engaging a structured settlement consultant on a claim. Claims professionals felt doing so either made the claim more likely to settle (47%) or, at worst, had no effect on the settlement (52%). Nobody chose the "less likely to settle" option.

The Plaintiff Attorney's Perception

NSSTA conducted a survey of plaintiff attorneys to better understand how they feel about structured settlements and when they are most likely to recommend them. For your convenience, we've uploaded a copy of the survey to the Finn Financial Group YouTube Channel.

(Full disclosure: I never seriously considered attending law school once I learned calculators were not involved)

Key Truth: 82% of plaintiff attorneys believe a structured settlement consultant brings value to their clients through their knowledge and ability to explain the benefits and drawbacks of structured settlements.

BONUS TRUTH: 80% of attorneys who structured their attorney fees did so for retirement planning purposes.
In Summary

Individually and collectively, these three surveys lead to one irrefutable truth: ALL three major stakeholders to the litigation process - claimants, claims professionals and plaintiff attorneys - hold very positive views about the use of structured settlements.

We don't need a survey to tell us that's pretty good news!

We do, however, hope you enjoy looking at these surveys and will call us if you have any questions or wish to learn more on any topics discussed.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service and best wishes for continued success in your personal and professional lives.


Certified Structured Settlement Consultant

Retirement Income Certified Professional�



NOTE:  This newsletter is presented for educational purposes only and should not be construed as tax or legal advice.  All rights reserved.


Survey images courtesy of Stuart Miles at 


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