Looking for proof that structured settlements change lives?
Then please take a few minutes to watch this short video of Robin, a woman whose touching first person account of her journey following the untimely death of her husband underscores why so many people - claims associates, attorneys, mediators, judges, Members of Congress, disability advocacy groups, etc. - passionately endorse the use of structured settlements as a means of resolving personal injury claims:
Two years ago, Prudential Structured Settlements reached out to select industry leaders from across the country to form the Structured Solutions Leadership Council in an effort to help them, as a provider of structured settlement annuities, better understand the challenges our industry faced.
I am honored to have been invited to serve as one of the charter members of the Council and am extremely proud to have played a small role in helping this video move from concept to reality.
While a wealth of exceptional written material about structured settlements exists, there was consensus among the Leadership Council that the industry could benefit from actual "day in the life" video testimonials from structured settlement recipients themselves who could explain how they personally benefited from choosing a structured settlement in ways pamphlets and magazine articles never could.
It had been more than a decade since I received a very heartfelt letter from a young widow, whose structured settlement I helped implement, thanking me for my "sensitivity to (her) broken heart" and for orchestrating something that would "provide financially for (her) family in the years to come" even though structured settlements "seemed too good to be true."
So when considering potential candidates for this initiative, Robin was the first person who came to mind because I knew her story was so compelling.
Nothing can prepare a person for the unexpected death of a family member or the aftermath of any ensuing claim following such a shocking loss. Such turmoil can embitter even the strongest among us.
But those facing similar grief now have a kindred spirit in Robin and her story can serve as a beacon of hope amid their own sea of wariness, fear and uncertainty. We applaud her bravery for being willing to share such a personal experience.
Thanks also to Prudential Structured Settlements for its vision and support of the structured settlements, claims and legal communities. Along with the many other excellent life markets we are proud to represent, Prudential's exceptional leadership on this particular initiative deserves special accolades.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service and best wishes for continued success.
Enjoy the video!
Dan Finn, CPCU, CSSC
Certified Structured Settlement Consultant
NOTE: This newsletter is presented for educational purposes only and should not be construed as tax or legal advice. All rights reserved.