October 2014 e-bulletin
In This E-Bulletin
Election Briefings
Annual Lecture and AGM
Party Conferences
The Information Age
Guest Blogs

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17/10/14 CaSE met with Cancer Research UK

17/10/14 Naomi Weir took part in a SCORE seminar

16/10/14 Naomi Weir attended a meeting of the Parliamentary Affairs Committee

15/10/14 Dr Sarah Main took part in a policy advisory discussion organised by the Association of Medical Research Charities

14/10/14 Jenni Lacey attended the Society of Biology Annual Award Ceremony

14/10/14 Naomi Weir met with Queen's University Belfast

13/10/14 CaSE met with the London School of Pharmacy

13/10/14 Naomi Weir met with Ulster University

13/10/14 Naomi Weir attended the RSC Science and Stormont event in Belfast

09/10/14 CaSE held a meeting of its Board of Directors

08/10/14 CaSE held a seminar with CfSS 'Putting the Social Into Science'

07/10/14 Naomi Weir attended the Institute of Mathematics' 50th Anniversary event

06/10/14 Dr Sarah Main took part in a CaSE/Prospect event at Liberal Democrat Party Conference

03/10/14 CaSE met with BCS, the Chartered Institute of IT

02/10/14 CaSE met with BIS

01/10/14 Dr Sarah Main met with the University of Leicester

01/10/14 Dr Sarah Main met with the University of Loughborough

01/10/14 Dr Sarah Main met with the UK Deans of Science


30/09/14 Dr Sarah Main attended a National Academies event on science and innovation

29/09/14 CaSE met with the CBI


29/09/14 Dr Sarah Main met with the University of Cambridge 

29/09/14 Dr Sarah Main attended a Royal Society event on education

29/09/14 Dr Sarah Main took part in a CaSE/Prospect event at Conservative Party Conference


26/09/14 Dr Sarah Main met with the Royal Society of Edinburgh

26/09/14 CaSE met with BIS


23/09/14 CaSE attended an event at the Chinese Embassy 

23/09/14 Naomi Weir met with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

23/09/14 Naomi Weir attended a National Academies event on science and innovation

22/09/14 Naomi Weir attended a Royal Society event on education

19/09/14 CaSE co-organised a funding seminar at the Treasury

19/09/14 CaSE met with the University of Hertfordshire

18/09/14 CaSE met with Brunel University

17/09/14 CaSE met with the Russell Group

16/09/14 CaSE met with Royal Holloway

15/09/14 CaSE attended a United States Embassy reception

15/09/14 CaSE met with the Government Office for Science

15/09/14 CaSE met with the Association for Science Education

11/09/14 Jenni Lacey attended the Society for General Microbiology President's Dinner

11/09/14 CaSE met with Crocotta

11/09/14 Naomi Weir attended a meeting of the STEM Disability Committee   

Please forward this on to any colleagues or friends you think would be interested in supporting science and engineering.

How to make the UK the 'best place to do science'
Ahead of the 2015 Election, CaSE has published three briefings which set out feasible and practical actions that could be taken by the political parties in the next term of Parliament to make the UK a leading scientific nation.

The briefings are on:

Their publication last week received coverage on BBC News online, The Guardian, Research Fortnight and the TES.

CaSE will write to the leader of every political party with at least one MP, sending them these briefings and asking them to set out their manifesto commitments on science and engineering. We will analyse and publish the responses.
CaSE 2014 Annual Lecture and AGM
NASA Chief Scientist, Dr Ellen Stofan 
You are invited to attend the 2014 CaSE Annual Lecture, given by the NASA Chief Scientist Dr Ellen Stofan, on the evening of 14th November, 7pm.

In her lecture, entitled 'NASA's Journey to Mars', Dr Stofan will provide an overview of the agency's plans to develop a human exploration pathway to Mars, and highlights of other NASA science programs.
After the lecture, there will be a drinks reception.

The lecture is free and you can register for tickets here. Please note, if the Annual Lecture sells out, priority will be given to CaSE members. You can join CaSE for as little as �2.50 per month here.

The event is kindly hosted by the Science Museum and sponsored by the Science & Technology Facilities Council, The Royal Astronomical Society, and University College London.

CaSE Annual General Meeting
The CaSE AGM will be held immediately before the lecture and will discuss CaSE's activities and finances, and appoint new board members.

The AGM is open to all individual and organisational members. If you are unable to attend the AGM but wish to send a proxy please send us their contact details.
CaSE at Party Conferences
CaSE attended the party conferences of three main political parties, in Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow.

CaSE held an event with Prospect on diversity in the science workforce in which Director, Dr Sarah Main, spoke on a panel with former Science Minister David Willetts at Conservative conference and with science spokesperson Julian Huppert at Liberal Democrat conference.

Northern Ireland
CaSE attended the Science and Stormont event in Belfast earlier this month, organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry. CaSE also met with Northern Irish organisational members.
Science Museum Event - The Information Age, 28th Oct
To mark the opening of their new Information Age gallery, the Science Museum are bringing together some of the world's leading thinkers for a panel discussion event on technology, this Friday 28th October. CaSE members can receive the discounted price of �4 to attend this event.
Guest articles on the CaSE blog
CaSE publishes a number of guest articles on a wide range of science policy issues. Recent posts have included:
Open Consultations 

Science and Innovation Strategy 2014

Dept. for Business, Innovation and Skills


The Legacy Report Parliament 2010-15

House of Commons Science and Technology Committee


Review of the shortage occupation lists for the UK and Scotland 

Migration Advisory Committee
Deadline: 5th December 2014

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To contact us please telephone 0207 679 4994 or email nickh@sciencecampaign.org.uk