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World Vets News
World Vets Provides Animal Relief in Nepal Following Devastating Earthquakes
Veterinarian and World Vets disaster responder, Dr. Ben Brown, examines a herd of goats in rural Nepal
Within 48 hours of the initial 7.8 magnitude earthquake, World Vets had its disaster response team on the ground in Kathmandu, Nepal. From the moment of their arrival, our veterinarians encountered many animals in a desperate situation. It quickly became  apparent that there was a huge demand for life-saving veterinary work and that they would be able to provide much needed relief.

Our veterinarians traveled extensively throughout the country, aiding the hardest hit, and hardest to reach, rural communities. They collaborated these efforts with several local and international animal welfare organizations, and government agencies, who all came together to help animals impacted by the disaster.

See animal rescue updates here

One of the most urgent animal needs related to livestock. More specifically helping many milk cows who had traumatic limb injuries and downer cow syndrome (see picture right). Our veterinarians had livestock expertise and thus were able treat many of these cows.

In the villages visited, livestock are not only providers of milk, but are considered family members who are loved. They are also part of household livelihood strategies and in turn many families are dependent on these working animals for their survival.
Being able to help their animals was a very rewarding experience as part of this disaster response effort.

When not out in the field, we also held a workshop to
teach specific treatment protocols needed to care for livestock. Participants of this workshop included Nepalese veterinary professionals as well as other local and international NGO's.     

Veterinarian and World Vets disaster responder, Dr. Springer Browne, provides hands on training to Nepalese veterinary professionals

 Our work in Nepal not only brought urgently needed care to injured and sick animals, but assistance to the families that depend on them. We would like to acknowledge and thank everyone who contributed to our response. If you would like to donate to our international disaster relief efforts, you can do so here.

See pictures from Nepal Disaster Response

Many thanks to Fondation Brigitte Bardot for their support of our disaster preparedness and relief efforts.

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A donation to World Vets keeps our veterinary and training programs running. It also makes a difference in the lives of all the animals impacted by our aid worldwide each year. With your support we can continue to help these animals in need. 

World Vets is a registered 501c3. All donations to World Vets are tax deductible.

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Membership not only provides support for our international veterinary aid projects, it also allows you to secure a position on one of our projects as a volunteer before it is advertised to the general public. Read more about membership.

Featured Volunteer Opportunities:

 Galati, Romania
September 19 - 26, 2015   

October 12 - 19, 2015  

Read more about volunteer opportunities here 
We're Accepting New Project Requests!

Each year World Vets sends out countless veterinary teams to provide free veterinary care for animals in need. These endeavors are made possible through partnerships, collaboration and most importantly, a shared dedication to improve the lives of animals.

We are looking to expand our reach and send teams to regions of the world where we currently do not work. As such, we are accepting new project requests, to be considered for 2016, until June 30th, 2015. 

We strive to work in partnership with foreign animal welfare groups, veterinary professionals, other nongovernmental organizations (NGO`s), as well as local and national governments and their respective agencies responsible for animal welfare, agriculture and public health. If you represent one (or more) of these categories, and would like to work with World Vets, see here for more information about requesting assistance.

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