Dear Friend, 

The snare was set and two innocent young girls were within minutes of getting into a car with a man who promised their mother they would have a "good job" that will pay off the mother's debt to the loan shark. This tribal woman had lost her husband and was doing the best she could to raise her two daughters alone. With no education or experience, she fell into a trap of borrowing money at 75% annual interest. This day they came to collect and her daughters was all she had. She could barely understand the Thai language of these strangers from the big city. One thing came through loud and clear though, the body language of the loan shark and broker told her she was being forced to comply.


A Miracle Happened That Day...  Ban Den Children Instead of getting into the car with the broker who intended to deliver these young virgin girls to the brothel, they were brought to Ban Den Children's Home where our associate promised the mother they would be safe and well cared for. This is not a Hollywood Drama, but rather a true life story of two of the girls at our Ban Den Facility. Forty seven children call this Home! A place of love, laughter and hope; Ban Den Children's Home is where children find a safe environment to grow, excel and get a Christian education.


The Move Is On... We began this home seven years ago in a borrowed facility that we thought we would only use for three years before we could build our own facility. Time slipped away and the owner was gracious, but it is time to move. We have been given a deadline to be off the properties by the end of this year. So, the children are moving and we want to make the transition as smooth as possible.


We Need Your Help... Over $50,000.00 has already been used to purchase land, bring in electric, drill a well and begin the first building. To occupy the land properly, we need at least one of the dormitories, toilet and shower facilities and the kitchen - dining area to be constructed as quickly as possible.


Double Your Money... This week one of our partners committed to a $10,000.00 matching gift to kick start this project. Could you prayerfully consider a special gift this month to help us get this project rolling? You gift will immediately double and help us to move these precious children into their new home.


Thank you for prayerfully considering a special gift to help us this month! 


God Bless You Richly,


Charlie and Cathy

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