The summer is here and things are heating up at Aubin!  We will not send an update in August, so this July newsletter is packed with exciting announcements, a new section (see: "Aubin's Lost & Found"), and more! Please read below for the official announcement of one of our latest projects, Amor Puro y Duro (Love Hard & Pure).



Enjoy this song as you read - "Macorina" by Chavela Vargas, the subject of Amor...

Aubin Pictures announces
Amor Puro y Duro!

AMOR PURO Y DURO-Public Trailer

Click on the left to watch the trailer!

Aubin Pictures is thrilled to announce Amor Puro y Duro (Love Hard & Pure), directed by Catherine Gund and produced by Daresha Kyi. Amor Puro y Duro is a documentary about Chavela Vargas, an inimitable powerhouse who recorded 80 albums, sang at Elizabeth Taylor's wedding to Mike Todd, won a lifetime Latin Grammy, and was awarded Spain's highest honor (The Grand Cross of Isabela, the Catholic). In her lifetime, Chavela stole the hearts of Frida Kahlo, Pedro Almod�var, and many more - but she is virtually unknown in the United States. Chavela stripped down Mexican rancheras to the essentials - guitar and voice - and sang them with so much passion she brought audiences to tears. She also caused all kinds of scandal for refusing to change the pronouns of the songs. Dressed in huaraches, pants, and ponchos, she smoked cigars, swigged tequila, and sang about loving women in Mexico City during the 1950's. In short, Chavela was a real bad ass.

Our film explores Chavela's life and legacy through 
exclusive interviews we shot in the early 1990's, archival footage, stills, animation, and through the eyes of one of her musical heirs, gender-bending Mexican-American singer Nacha Mendez. Nacha is a modern day Chavela, full of passion and heartbreak, and through her journey we come to a gorgeous understanding of Chavela. Amor Puro y Duro delves deeply into matters of identity, home, and the transformative power of art.

To donate and learn more about our project, please visit our newly launched website!

Do you love Chavela? 

Pedro Almod�var used to kiss the ground before she performed. Frida Kahlo called her a "gift from heaven." Do you have a similar desire for our favorite ranchera songstress?  If so, we'd love you to share how her music makes you feel. When was the first time you heard her? Does Chavela inspire you?  Or remind you of yourself or someone you know? We want to hear all about your reflections, memories, and stories on our Chavela Vargas blog. Send your draft to info[at] for the chance to have your piece featured on our blog!

Join hundreds of Black freedom fighters from around the country, convening to shape the present and chart the future.

The Movement for Black Lives Convening was conceived as a safe space for Black people to heal, learn, and build authentic relationships with one another. All Black people are needed and welcome. Women and men; trans and queer; youth and elder. If you are disabled, if you are formerly incarcerated, if you are undocumented, this space is yours. We must join together to build a future where all Black lives matter. Register here today!

Allies, please support the convening by funding and encouraging Black activists, organizers, and leaders from around the country to attend. You can make a donation here. 


Get your very own copy of BORN TO FLY on DVD!


Still haven't seen the film? You can now sit back and enjoy your very own DVD of BORN TO FLY! Buy your copy of all the high flying daredevilry of Elizabeth Streb and her motley crew of action heroes today.

BONUS: The DVD contains exclusive footage including deleted scenes, archival performances, and STREB's London performance of "Speed Angels," shot primarily by the legendary

Order nowAnd remember, you can 
download the film via iTunes or get the DVD on AmazonBORN TO FLY is also available to watch on Netflix!

Don't miss the film the Washington Post 
proclaims "is [a world] of unimaginable freedom, where people can fly, ripple like rubber, and avoid a crash with split-second timing and impeccable control. They can dive off bridges and live to celebrate it. You dive along with them in Gund's film, and in the end you may find that not only are you a Streb fan, but that your way of looking at art, the world and yourself may be changed."


Also click to the left to check out Catherine 

Gund's interview on Arise and Shine with Rain Pryor!

A Few Things We Love...


MAJOR! Trailer
MAJOR! Trailer


Major! is a documentary in-progress film about the life of a formerly incarcerated Black transgender elder and activist named Miss Major Griffin-Gracy who has been fighting for

the rights of trans people of color for over 40 years! Watch the trailer to the left.
and become part of a community that's lifting up our elders and continuing the fight.
El Farol

Nacha Mendez, featured in Amor, performs every week at the oldest cantina and restaurant in Santa Fe, New Mexico!

Check out this fascinating historical account 
of El Farol, written by Maria Johnson.

"For more than a hundred and fifty years, this unique locale has been a warm and welcoming light on Canyon Road; a place where locals and travelers gather to celebrate life, and enjoy connecting amid the authentic flavors, sounds and sights of a rich and colorful heritage."
-Maria Johnson, owner of the Santa Fe Selection. 



Sadly, only 14% of teenage girls want to become scientists. 

But Verizon and Makers are trying to change that fact with their new ad. Watch the video to the left and see how subtle cues point girls away from science and math. 

Also, check out the interactive website with testimonials from experienced women working in STEM fields. GET INSPIRED!


Danza de los Voladores

Our friend Kirk recently called our attention to this ancient Mesoamerican ritual where dancers fling their bodies off a 30 foot pole and descend to the ground with their feet tied to a rope. Sound familiar? 

Click on the video to the right and compare it with "Speed Angels" from the BORN TO FLY DVD. It's remarkable how artistic practices transcend time and space, resonating with generations of practitioners and viewers.

John Kasten 

One of the powerful and gorgeous STREB dancers, John Kasten, has a new video of his most unbelievable stunts. Watch him dive, spin, flip, and stick the landing. 

See if you can spot his footage from BORN TO FLY!

Send us images, links, and videos of dances and actions that move you, that you find extreme, thrilling, powerful, inspiring. We'd love to share them.

Aubin Pictures Lost & Found!

Where's my...?

Can't remember where you left your boots right after you bought them? Did you lose the birthday present your sister got for you? Misplaced that pair of earrings you've had since you were a teenager? Just wondering where your stuff went?  We can help you out! You forgot it here at Aubin! It's a good sign, cuz it means you want to come back. So please do, and pick up your stuff.

If the below items belong to you or anyone you know, please let us know....


You can support Aubin Pictures while you shop!
Aubin Pictures is now registered with Amazon Smile - it's just like Amazon only .5% of each purchase go towards a 501(c)3 of your choice! Click here to get started: