HELP WANTED (non-Guild):
Independent Production Co seeks Storyboard Artist


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The following job listing is from an employer that has not yet signed a contract with The Animation Guild.  The work described is not currently eligible for Guild benefit contributions.

The Animation Guild does not have a problem with its members remaining employed.  Our aim is to provide a seamless cloak of portable health and pension benefits for everyone in animation.  We encourage our members to take whatever work they can to stay employed and in the industry, and we fully understand that many of us work at non-signator studios from time to time. Unfortunately, not all studios are aware of the benefits of becoming part of our family.

The Guild is very limited in the degree to which we can help in the event of a employment dispute.  We can advise you as to your rights under State and Federal labor laws.

DO NOT HIT REPLY TO RESPOND TO THIS E-MAIL. Follow the instructions in the message below to respond and apply for this job. 

Pure imagination Studios, an independent production company that specializes in branded theme park rides, is seeking experienced Storyboard artists for 10 minute stereoscopic emersion film in the vein of the Simpson's roller coaster ride at Universal.  


This  film will feature well known humorous characters  so a good sense of comedy is a must.  


Drawing skills that feature expressions, dimensionality, and good use action are required.   


Please email a link to your online portfolio to 


[email protected]  


Attachments to emails will not be accepted.  We are looking to start work immediately and will last 2-3 weeks.