Ann Maine
County Board District 21

March 2, 2013  

Update on Maum Meditation Center Request
Dear Elm Road Neighbors,

As you know, your neighbor requested zoning for a Maum Meditation Center on Elm Road.  The zoning procedure associated with this request was explained at a community meeting in January.   At that time the Lake County Planning and Building Department Staff outlined their process and explained that they were reviewing the request of Mr. Sung to consider it a "Religious Institution".  Since that time the Planning and Building staff has thoroughly investigated the Maum Meditation technique, interviewed Maum Meditation Center managers in many communities, conducted on-line research on Maum Meditation Center operations and considered how regulatory agencies in other jurisdictions classify Maum centers.  They also evaluated the newly adopted "Maum Meditation House of Truth" articles of incorporation and by-laws.  After this extensive research and in conjunction with discussions with the Lake County State's Attorney's Office,  the department  stands by their original classification of the Maum Meditation Center as "Community Service, not otherwise classified."

This classification is allowed in the Estate Zoning only by Conditional Use.  Mr. Sung may apply for a Conditional Use, which requires a public hearing in front of the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Alternatively, he may file an appeal no later than March 29, 2013; the appeal would also need to be a public hearing in front of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

The timing, number of site visits and vehicle trips to and activity associated with the residence in question, as well as advertising is prohibited prior to an issuance of a Change of Use Permit.

If no request for a CUP or no appeal is filed by March 29, 2013, the Maum Center sign on the property must be removed.

I will keep you informed about any changes or appeals associated with this request.

I have tried to include as many neighbors who were on your emails on this mailing list. Please feel free to share this.

 If this was the first time you got an email newsletter, your address will only be used for information related to this issue.  If you wish to receive emails and monthly updates on other issues, just let me know.



Ann B. Maine
Lake County Board, District 21
847-374-9787--home office
847-857-1732--business cell


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