Mark Borax Colorado Sessions 2015
                   Boulder 11/7 - 11/10   Denver 11/11 - 11/14
by Stephen Yates
Colorado Soul Level Astrology Sessions
mark borax  
Soul Level Astrologer and bestselling author of the monthly Cosmic Weather Report newsletter, Mark Borax is making a rare trip to Colorado scheduling in-person soul sessions in Boulder and Denver. He'll offer three public talks titled Anchoring a New World Culture in Boulder on Sunday 11/8 and Monday 11/9 and in Denver on Wednesday 11/11. If you've never gotten a session this is a great time to meet Mark. 
Mark uses the birth chart to identify your core nature and support your unique development during the different phases of your life. 
Read an in-depth article about Soul Level Astrology and Mark's approach to the birth chart.
Mark's full-length sessions are 80 minutes for $310.  However, he's offering in-person session  in Colorado for $250 if you book by  October 31 using the button to the right. Learn more about Mark's  sessions at or contact mborax at for more info.

Anchoring A New World Culture
Saturn in Sagittarius
11/8: 5 - 7 pm
Integral Center
11/9: 7 - 9 pm
Kelly's Blue Barn
11/11: 6 - 8 pm
Mercury Caf�

Saturn entering Sagittarius sounds the clarion call that we can be anything we have it in us to be. When we answer this call we begin ushering in a new world culture

$5 - $10 
 (limited seating for
Boulder talks)

"One comes away from Mark's profound reading with an exhilarating sense of purpose and destiny.  Things come together that before seemed random and senseless." 
~ Jean Houston